Best 7 quotes of Witney Carson on MyQuotes

Witney Carson

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    Witney Carson

    I eat healthy most of the time. Whole foods are the best for you when you are super active, so I get plenty of fruits and veggies to keep me energized.

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    Witney Carson

    If I hear an amazing piece of music, I can't help but think of ideas, choreography, and everything that comes along with it.

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    Witney Carson

    I love being outdoors, water sports, hiking - really, anything that keeps me moving!

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    Witney Carson

    I'm lucky to have so many supportive, inspirational people in my life.

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    Witney Carson

    In 2012, I was diagnosed with melanoma - skin cancer - and had to get surgery on my left foot. I was out for four weeks - no dancing, no walking, nothing! It was horrible, but it taught me patience and to never take for granted the simple things we have.

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    Witney Carson

    My family especially has always taught me to be myself and not let other people's opinions change me. To always believe my instincts and follow my heart.

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    Witney Carson

    No matter size, weight, or age woman should never forget their divine worth. We are powerful, beautiful beings and should be treated as such.