Best 3 quotes of Rowan Pelling on MyQuotes

Rowan Pelling

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    Rowan Pelling

    If my university years taught me anything, it was that the smarter a woman's background, the more primitive her bedchamber

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    Rowan Pelling

    In practice, you realise that most attempts to feed your baby in a public space will be met with subtle but palpable resistance. Older chaps roll their eyes, slick young businesswomen purse their mouths, teenagers look disgusted, waitresses anxious. But it strikes me as ironic that many members of the public fret about British Muslims donning the hijab, yet happily condone the veiling of nursing mothers.

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    Rowan Pelling

    When I was editor of the Erotic Review I fielded endless phone calls from elderly readers who thought I might like to pop round in my spare time and thrash them