Best 5 quotes of Ralph Waite on MyQuotes

Ralph Waite

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    Ralph Waite

    Just as theater has to be where people live, actors have to go out in the marketplace - not be cut off by a lens. Either an artist grows or he stagnates.

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    Ralph Waite

    The beauty of life is in people who feel some obligation to enhance life. Without that, we're only half alive.

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    Ralph Waite

    The Waltons was profoundly important after years of wandering around. I was 44 and cut off from family and friends. It nurtured me back to a sense of family and who I am. It was a transforming experience.

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    Ralph Waite

    You only mature when you face problems you can't deal with.

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    Ralph Waite

    I can’t live life just going on my own counsel, my own wisdom, my own strength and my own desires. It has to be something more than just a self-serving life for me. I was self-serving for many years when I was young and it almost destroyed me. I was so preoccupied with my own desires and needs. So, it’s essential to be of service to some higher cause. The best part of acting for me is to be of service of some kind, to my community, and to my nation. That gives me the kind of strength to go on, and enjoy life.