Best 3577 quotes in «film quotes» category

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    I can't think of any one film that improved on a good novel, but I can think of many good films that came from very bad novels.

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    I categorically resist this idea that films are supposed to be autobiographical and the only stories you tell are about your own life.

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    I can write songs, I've had songs in movies, but I can't compose film scores, you know?

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    Iceland is fascinating; really an amazing place to visit, and great for a film to go there.

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    I can wait for film projects without having to do things to live.

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    I care about cinema even though I haven't made many films.

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    I come from a background of independent films.

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    I collect fantasy swords, replicas from films, and have them displayed on the wall as you go up the stairs.

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    I come from a culture where you don't divide it up to what you can do on TV and what you can do on film.

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    I come from a family where my father is a filmmaker and professor of film.

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    I chose films made by people I wanted to work with, about subject matter I thought was intriguing.

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    I consider all my films experiments.

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    I could be equally happy on a film set or in the middle of a field.

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    I consider myself a novice film actor.

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    I couldn't imagine a better place [Australia] for making a film on the end of the world.

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    I could not do the film Spinal Tap because I was already at MTV and it was occupying all my time.

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    I couldn't see my father's films because they were restricted and we didn't have videos or DVDs back then.

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    I could have made a small film and kept all the money from 'Life is Beautiful'. Instead, I spent more money than I had on 'Pinocchio', a very risky film.

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    I'd always loved the theater, and I began by writing plays. I work in the theater a lot in the UK, and I've worked in the theater out here quite a bit. Everything else - the films - followed as a consequence of that.

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    I could never have conceived that I would ever get to work in a Truffaut film. It was astonishing to me, and still is. I felt like an old pro, but it was still so unexpected.

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    I'd be lying if I said I had confidence in every choice I've made, that I have faith in every film I do on every shot.

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    I'd be really interested in making a dramatic, low-key 3D film.

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    I danced in a Lifetime film. We shot in Canada and I got to work with a lot of the dancers who do So You Think You Can Dance, Canada.

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    I cry at films and TV and even adverts.

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    I'd be fine if there weren't film festivals, and you just made your films and didn't have to do anything from that point on. That would be really great, wouldn't it? I don't know. I'm in kind of an aloof time, where I'm not taking anything too seriously.

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    I'd be happy doing anything on a film set.

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    I'd done "Gosford Park," a film that Julian Fellowes had written that Robert Altman directed.

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    I'd already started directing short films when we were doing 'Lord of the Rings,' then videogame projects.

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    I'd been basically anchored in New York for three years, but I fled to L.A. after the funeral and decided that I had to start a movie immediately. It was the only way to avoid becoming overwhelmed by depression. And that meant financing the film myself because there is no such thing as "immediately" in movies that one writes.

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    I dare make those comparisons, but we often said 'the making of' would be as interesting if not more interesting than the film.

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    I decided to an actress because of the film 'La Dolce Vita.

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    I'd been a fanatic of movies since I was a wee lad, so I got into the films before I got into the comics.

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    I'd been working so hard making the film that I hadn't even emotionally processed the fact that I was a director.

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    I decided that one day I had to make a film where the viewer couldn't possibly guess the end.

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    I'd harbored hopes that the intelligence that once inhabited novels or films would ingest rock. I was, perhaps, wrong.

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    I did a film a long time ago with a shaved head and I had the ugliest looking head in the world.

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    I definitely want to record an album, direct a film and start my own religion.

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    I'd grown up loving English films, I was a huge Monty Python fanatic as a kid.

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    I definitely want to study film. I'd like to have my own studio one day and just make a lot of movies.

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    I develop my own film. And I work in spurts. I pile it up.

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    I developed a group of friends around me that were all as crazy as I was about wanting to make films.

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    I did 125 films, and over 100 television shows, and you've never seen the same character twice.

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    I did a film about the Zodiac Killer. It turned out well

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    I did a movie with Woody Allen [“Hollywood Ending” in 2002]. I only had a few days with Treat on that film. I immediately liked Treat. Treat and I had a sense of humor about the whole thing.

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    I did important films when I was very young.

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    I did a small, small thing in Quiz Show, where I was really just a glorified extra. But, you know, New York actor, few days on a film set: Great! I was probably making subway fare on the play that I was doing at the time. I always think of The Underneath as the first film that I ever did.

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    I did do some things different [in John Wick 2], but it's different on basically the same things. Because I have the background from the first film, it was really the first time I was doing judo and jiu-jitsu.

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    I did loads of student films and fringe theatre. I worked for free a lot.

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    I did enjoy theater. I actually do prefer making films and television, but it was a learning experience for me, because I got into television at 5 and film at 11, and theater was something I completely bypassed.

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    I did 'Nobody Walks' right after 'Dredd.' Well, actually, I got off the plane from Capetown where we shot 'Dredd' and tested for 'Being Flynn' that same day. Then I came out to L.A. to make this film right after that so it was all very back to back.

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