Best 926 quotes in «musical quotes» category

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    Sandy: "Are you making fun of me, Riz? " Rizzo: "Some people are so touchy.

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    That's cool baby, you know how it is, rockin' and rollin' and what not." -Danny

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    The lyrics will soothe the soul, The heart will pound with each love song. Soon in him, I will find a friend! His charm will prolong. A new phase, Happiness shall finally last, One day, the rays of the sun; I say, Will erase the shadows of the past.

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    There is a curious paradox that no one can explain. Who understands the secret of the reaping of the grain? Who understands why Spring is born out of Winter’s laboring pain, or why we must all die a bit before we grow again? I do not know the answer; I merely know it’s true. I hurt them for that reason, and myself a little bit too.

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    The inexpressible depth of music, so easy to understand and yet so inexplicable, is due to the fact that it reproduces all the emotions of our innermost being, but entirely without reality and remote from its pain...Music expresses only the quintessence of life and of its events, never these themselves.

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    The first few weeks of school were always surreal, like you landed on an alien planet with strange teachers and unfamiliar classrooms, even though the lockers and cafeteria seemed familiar.

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    The scene is very Sopranos meets Rent.

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    We are all beautiful instruments of God. He created many notes in music so that we would not be stuck playing the same song. Be music always. Keep changing the keys, tones, pitch, and volume of each of the songs you create along your journey and play on. Nobody will ever reach ultimate perfection in this lifetime, but trying to achieve it is a full-time job. Start now and don't stop. Make your book of life a musical. Never abandon obligations, but have fun leaving behind a colorful legacy. Never allow anybody to be the composer of your own destiny. Take control of your life, and never allow limitations implanted by society, tell you how your music is supposed to sound — or how your book is supposed to be written.

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    Too many years fighting back tears. Why can't the past just die? Wishing you were somehow here again, knowing we must say goodbye. Try to forgive, teach me to live, give me the strength to try! No more memories, no more silent tears, no more gazing across the wasted years. Help me say goodbye.

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    When a show ends, for a few days, my body sizzles with leftover energy, like a tree in the wake of a lightning strike.

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    When you're in a show, all through rehearsals Tech Week hovers out there like a magical holy grail. In reality, Tech Week is always a train wreck of missed cues, forgotten lines, malfunctioning set pieces and short tempers.

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    '9 to 5 the Musical' is perfect for anyone that's ever wanted to string up their boss, which is almost all of us.

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    Actually John, Paul Rutherford, and Trevor Watts, and several other rather well known English jazz musicians had got their training by joining the Air Force, which was a pretty standard way for people to get some kind of musical education in those days.

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    Adam Berenson knows how to compose, organize an ensemble, do musical research, play solo and trio piano, write for musical journals, and enlist others to his cause. A very fine musician.

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    A flop is often the result of the fact that each of the talents involved, while working on the same project, may in effect have been working on a different show from all the others. If all contributors do not share the same vision of the evening, the end product will not evince the harmony of diverse elements-the seeming inevitability of book, score, and staging-of a good musical.

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    This was awkward to infinity. Alex living here would change my entire routine. I was sharing a bathroom with my boyfriend. How scary was that? I had tampons and pads and everything in there. He was going to be naked in the shower on the other side of my bedroom wall. And I was going to be naked in the shower with him in my house.

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    We might be hollow, but we're brave

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    When I wake up in the afternoon Which it pleases me to do Don't nobody bring me no bad news 'Cause I wake up already negative And I've wired up my fuse So don't nobody bring me no bad news If we're going to be buddies Better bone up on the rules 'Cause don't nobody bring me no bad news You can be my best of friends As opposed to payin' dues But don't nobody bring me no bad news No bad news No bad news Don't you ever bring me no bad news 'Cause I'll make you an offer, child That you cannot refuse So don't nobody bring me no bad news When you're talking to me Don't be cryin' the blues 'Cause don't nobody bring me no bad news You can verbalize and vocalize But just bring me the clues But don't nobody bring me no bad news Bring some message in your head Or in something you can't lose But don't you ever bring me no bad news If you're gonna bring me something Bring me, something I can use But don't you bring me no bad news (Evillene, The Wiz)

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    You are a valuable instrument in the orchestration of your own world, and the overall harmony of the universe.

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    About 10 percent of the hearing impaired get musical hallucinations, and about 10 percent of the visually impaired get visual hallucinations.

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    Accordion, n. An instrument in harmony with the sentiments of an assassin.

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    A genuinely free and educated man should be able to tune himself, as one tunes a musical instrument, absolutely arbitrarily, at his convenience at any time and to any degree, philosophically or philologically, critically or poetically, historically or rhetorically, in ancient or modern form.

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    A lot of my musical education was done simply by listening. If you really want to excel on your instrument, it's almost impossible to not develop and analyze what you see and hear and to incorporate all of it into your own playing.

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    All musical talent is absent in me, to the point of being unable to play board games that require you to hum a tune while others guess what it is, since all my humming sounds the same. Musical instruments have always seemed like alien artifacts to me, even as I really admire anyone who can play one.

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    A good analogy [Charlie Hebdo] in lots of ways is "South Park" - the hugely popular American cartoon show - and the things that the "South Park" creators have created, like "The Book Of Mormon," the Broadway musical. If I were a devout Mormon, I would be offended by a lot of things that go on in "The Book Of Mormon," right? It mocks mercilessly the pretensions to truth of Mormonism and the pretensions to virtue of Mormon missionaries.

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    All of the musical projects that I am involved with are near and dear to my heart and allow me in a small way to make a contribution to the world of music.

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    Always drawn to the theatric, Bowie also performed in stage productions of "The Elephant Man" and just recently collaborated on "Lazarus," an off-Broadway musical that's a sequel to his 1976 role in the film "The Man Who Fell To Earth.

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    A lot of people ask me why I don't expand and explore other musical areas, but I like the plain three- and four-chord rock-and-roll that I call the the semi-blues.

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    A musical takes two to five years. You have to love it to put in the years.

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    America does not need gorgeous halls and concert rooms for its musical development, but music schools with competent teachers, and many, very many, free scholarships for talented young disciples who are unable to pay the expense of study.

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    Although music appeals simply to the emotions, and represents no definite images in itself, we are justified in using any language which may serve to convey to others our musical expressions. Words will often pave the way for the more subtle operations of music, and unlock the treasures which sound alone can rifle, and hence the eternal popularity of song.

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    A musical film is my idea of heaven. You can pre-record, you don't have to sing live. Singing live was the bit I hated the most. I never felt like a confident singer.

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    A musical audience is at best uninspiring, at worst definitely drab. ... Respectability hangs like a pall over the orchestra and the boxes; a sort of sterile sobriety ill-fitted to the passionate geometry of music.

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    A musical is only as good as its director. The same can also be said for the CIA.

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    A musical is the same as a burlap sack, I would not want to be in either

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    An artist makes something to be physically experienced by another person. It's a raw, freely chosen, interpersonal relationship between the maker and the viewer, so it's close to what a musical composer does, or a poet or a dancer. It is coming out of one's inner being.

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    A musician cannot move others unless he, too, is moved.

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    And I love Jane Austen's use of language too--the way she takes her time to develop a phrase and gives it room to grow, so that these clever, complex statements form slowly and then bloom in my mind. Beethoven does the same thing with his cadence and phrasing and structure. It's a fact: Jane Austen is musical. And so's Yeats. And Wordsworth. All the great writers are musical.

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    And if Henry Higgins is not the most reprehensible character ever written for the stage, that's only because somewhere, somehow, someone is composing a musical biography of Ronald Reagan

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    A musical blast! Fun for the whole nuclear family!

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    And what, then, is belief? It is the demi-cadence which closes a musical phrase in the symphony of our intellectual life.

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    Anton Bruckner wrote the same symphony nine times, trying to get it just right. He failed.

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    And then there stole into my fancy, like a rich musical note, the thought of what sweet rest there must be in the grave.

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    Any good music must be an innovation.

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    Any film that you make, it's a very high end game of musical chairs ... but that's just the nature of filmmaking. You do the dance with a certain actor.

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    Anything we were studying in school, like math, or understanding somebody's behavior outside of school, kind of worked its way into something I could understand by way of a musical experience I'd had or something I'd heard.

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    Anything you are shows up in your music - jazz is whatever you are, playing yourself, being yourself, letting your thoughts come through.

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    And my singing, I don't think I could sing Wagner or opera, but I could probably carry a tune. I was in a musical once, but it was never performed.

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    As a composer seeking to remain anonymous I am shy of confessing my musical activity. This is intelligible enough. For others it is their chief business, the occupation and aim of life. For me it is a relaxation, a pastime which distracts me from my principal business, my professorship. I love my profession and my science. I love the Academy and my pupils, male and female, because to direct the work of young people, one must be close to them.

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    ...As every one of us knows, there are some festivals and games in which everything goes right, and every element lifts up, animates, and exalts every other, just as there are theatrical and musical performances which without any clearly discernible cause seem to ascend miraculously to glorious climaxes and intensely felt experiences, whereas others, just as well prepared, remain no more than decent tries.