Best 1204 quotes in «dance quotes» category

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    In Dance and Music, Silence swims to reach our soul.

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    In dance you use every party of your body except your voice. I wanted to start acting because I wanted to use my voice.

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    I never liked dance photography; it's very flat, and dance photography in the studio looks very contrived.

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    ... in general, the Anglo-Irish do not make good dancers; they are too spritely and conscious; they are incapable of one kind of trance or of being seemingly impersonal. And, for the formal, pure dance they lack the formality: about their stylishness (for they have stylishness) there is something impromptu, slightly disorderly.

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    I never taught people where to step on '2', because when I learned how to dance there was no '2'. We just danced to the music.

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    In eroticism as dance: one of the partners is always charged with leading the other.

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    In Hinduism, Shiva the Cosmic Dancer, is perhaps the most perfect personification of the dynamic universe. Through his dance, Shiva sustains the manifold phenomena in the world, unifying all things by immersing them in his rhythm and making them participate in the dance - a magnificent image of the dynamic unity of the Universe.

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    In my ballets, woman is first. Men are consorts. God made men to sing the praises of women. They are not equal to men: They are better.

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    Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we can learn to dance on the shifting carpet.

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    In order to be a good soldier it is necessary to know how to dance.

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    In the dance, one finds the cinema, the comic strips, the Olympic hundred meters and swimming, and what's more, poetry, love and tenderness.

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    In the dance the boundaries between body and soul are effaced. The body moves itself spiritually, the spirit bodily.

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    In many shamanic societies, people who complain of being disheartened... or depressed would be asked,... When did you stop dancing? ... This is because dancing is a universal healing salve.

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    I often say that in making dances I can make a world where I think things are done morally, done democratically, done honestly.

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    In the New Hebrides, any dancer making a mistake was assaulted, wounded, and possibly killed by bowmen posted to keep careful watch for inaccuracies in rituals.

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    I repeat the wake-up, the workout, the quick shower, the breakfast of three hard-boiled egg whites and a cup of coffee, the hour to make my morning calls and deal with correspondence, the two hours of stretching and working out ideas by myself in the studio ... That's my day, every day. A dancer's life is all about repetition.

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    I saw the dance as a vision of ineffable power. A man could, with dignity and a towering majesty, dance. Not mince, cavort, do "fancy dancing" or "showoff" steps. No: Dance as Michelangelo's visions dance and as the music of Bach dances.

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    I started Ballet at a very young age and I was captivated immediately. It became my voice, means to overcome those final barriers to expressing myself. Letting myself fly free. The more experience I have, the more I get to know myself.

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    I prance around and dance by myself to hip-hop songs in the mirror.

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    I run on the road long before I dance under the lights.

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    I see the dance being used as a means of express what is too deep, too fine for words.

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    "Is it how she moves, or how she looks?" I say it's loneliness suspended to our own like grappling hooks, And as long as she's got noise, she's fine. But I could teach her how I learned to dance when the music's ended.

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    I think Balanchine and Robbins talk to God and when I call, he's out to lunch.

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    I think differently, I think it's about reaching everybody on every different plane and every different level, and if I could remix the song and do a dance remix, that's great. If I could do a classical version, that'll be great too. It's all just about expression.

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    I swear to God, if you saw me when I am by myself in the woods, I'm a lunatic. I sing, I dance.

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    It doesn't matter how high you lift your leg. The technique is about transparency, simplicity, making an earnest attempt.

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    I think if you are going to be a singer, you should sing. If you are going to be a dancer, you should dance. If you are going to do a combination of the two, you should make it very clear when you are singing and very clear when you are dancing.

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    I think I can beat Usher on the dance floor.

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    I think it was important that I learned to love to dance eventually for its own sake, as opposed to wanting to be a ballerina.

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    I think it's useful to experience other types of dance and other cultures, and the life of a classical dancer these days is certainly not all tutus! So experience of other dance forms is a good idea.

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    I think hip hop is a dance music that's rebellious by nature.

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    I think those who say that you can't tango if you are not Argentine are mistaken. Tango was an immigrant music... so it does not have a nationality. It's only passport is feeling.

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    I think of dance as a constant transformation of life itself.

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    It is a fact that all the ballet's fundamental dance steps are derived from the folk dances of Western Europe.

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    It is difficult to see the great dance effects as they happen, to see them accurately, catch them fast in memory. It is even more difficult to verbalize them for critical discussion. The particular essence of a performance, its human sweep of articulate rhythm in space and in time has no specific terminology to describe it by.

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    It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.

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    I think that probably the moments of discovery do come from a place that is not totally organized. Order is something that we already know about. Discoveries are in a place we don't already know about.

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    It is interesting that Hindus, when they speak of the creation of the universe do not call it the work of God, they call it the play of God, the Vishnu lila, lila meaning play. And they look upon the whole manifestation of all the universes as a play, as a sport, as a kind of dance — lila perhaps being somewhat related to our word lilt

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    It is the silence between sounds that create Rhythm.

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    It is not so much upon the number of exercises, as the care with which they are done, that progreses and skill depend.

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    It is extremely arrogant and very foolish to think that you can ever outwit your audience.

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    It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

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    It is through strength of technique that the body stays in possession of music.

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    It requires less character to discover the faults of others, than to tolerate them.

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    It may be possible to do without dancing entirely. Instances have been known of young people passing many, many months successively without being at any ball of any description, and no material injury accrue either to body or mind.

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    It seems to be hard wired into our pleasure centres to move to music.

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    It's always been my dream to do a dance scene with Anthony Hopkins.

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    It's hard to dance if you just lost your wallet. Whoa Where's my wallet But, hey this song is funky.

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    It's like the time capsule with everything in it. Or like the seed that when you plant it, becomes the enormous tree with leaves and fruit. Everybody was in that little seed, and so everything can open. The tree of dance is like that. It just takes a long, long time to blossom.

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    It's the one who won't be taken that cannot seem to give, and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live.