Best 1065 quotes in «hot quotes» category

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    In the Ngong Forest I have also seen, on a narrow path through thick growth, in the middle of a very hot day, the Giant Forest Hog, a rare person to meet.

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    I played Big Mama in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof when I was 20 years old at the University of Michigan.

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    I played lacrosse for a hot second, but I was mainly a swimmer - captain of my swim team.

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    I read books that say if you want to keep sex hot you tell a person what you want. How do you tell 'em you want somebody else?

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    I really want to work with Tom Hardy. Christian Bale and Russell Crowe are also on my list. Those are my top three actors. As far as actresses go, Kate Beckinsale, because she's so smokin' hot.

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    I recently saw Brooke Hogan's new music video, and I've got to say she looked hot.

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    I remember a day and time when the streets indicated what was hot online, and now I think it's starting to reverse a little bit.

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    I say 20 words in English. I say money, money, money, and I say hot dog! I say yes, no and I say money, money, money and I say turkey sandwich and I say grape juice.

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    I rented Ghostbusters, my all-time favorite inspirational movie. I picked up some microwave, popcorn, a KitKat, a bag of bite-sized Reese's peanut butter cups, and a box of instant hot chocolate with marshmallows. Do I know how to have a good time, or what?

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    I saw that Donald Trump is selling his penthouse suite at the Trump Park Avenue building here in New York City for $21 million. When asked why he's selling it now, Trump said 'Hey, Americans seem to be buying everything else I'm selling, so why not strike while the iron's hot.'

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    I really love getting hot stone massages. They really help me relax and it's so soothing for your muscles.

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    Is global warming new? I don't know. When I was young I remember the sun being hot.

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    It doesn't matter where Messi plays, if it's cold or hot, he always proves that he's the best.

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    I swear to God, I don't remember anything Gwyneth Paltrow was in. Some people get hot by association. I heard more about her and Brad Pitt and I ever heard about her work.

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    I tell young girls all the time: "Go for the guys who are more serious, distinguished". The hot-model types, they're too pretty, and too wet behind the ears. Besides, do you want a guy who takes longer to get ready than you?

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    I think no matter what the occasion may be, you can never go wrong by showing up at the dinner table with a hot plate of fried chicken.

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    I think a lot of contemplation happens in bathtubs. It does for me. Nothing like a hot bath to ease the tension and think about what's going to happen next.

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    It is a fine thing to see people in hot earnest about anything.

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    I think the best way to keep a relationship hot is to simply try to make time for each other. That's it.

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    It is commonly observed, that when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather; they are in haste to tell each other, what each must already know, that it is hot or cold, bright or cloudy, windy or calm.

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    It gets to the point where you're hot, you're hot, and when you're not, you're not. It's so true. I have to slow down soon.

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    It is a grave error to assume that ice cream consumption requires hot weather.

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    It is one thing to touch a flame and know it is hot, but quite another to jump into that flame and be consumed by it.

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    It is illegal to yell “fire” in a crowded theater. If there is a fire, please yell something else instead, like “Flames!” or “Smoke maker!” or “Bad hot!

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    I trained more than anybody ever in a golf film ever made - my swing is pretty hot.

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    It`s always hot when I perform because the crowds are so big!

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    It's amazing the relationships you forge in a kitchen. When you cooperate in an environment that's hot. Where there's a lot of knives. You're trusting your well-being with someone you've never before met or known.

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    I try not to eat too much fast food but still go for hot wings occasionally. As I get older, I have to pay more attention to my diet. My favorite food is jerk pork.

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    It's another sin. Worse than all the other ones, which are immediate, violent and hot...It's the eighth deadly sin. The one God left out, Hope.

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    It is very, very hard to do that ballroom dancing and I am going to be nowhere near it. Now if you have a hot dog eating contest, call me.

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    It's funny, but I never knew I was hot or could be beautiful until I saw 'Basic Instinct,' and I was so shocked when I saw how pretty they made me.

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    It’s got to be some kind of cult. Anyone offers you Kool-Aid or a hot shower, say no.

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    It's hot as hell as can be.

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    It's how you look at beauty. Is it only an outward appearance with hair and makeup and a hot body, or is it something deeper than that?

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    It's like an athlete. He has a string of hot years, and then he fades into nothingness. The actor doesn't necessarily fade into nothingness. After his hot years, he fades into a different category.

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    It's funny - more people talk about my 'babe-dom' now than they did before I had a child. Whatever. I guess I'm a role model in hot pants now. That's cool!

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    Its not always you get to hit the iron when it is hot. I believe in hitting it so hard, that it gets hot.

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    It's not that I don't see myself as hot and sexy. Don't get me wrong. No, it's not that.

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    It's the most pleasurable experience in the world! When you're on a great team and you get hot, your teammates milk you dry - they wear you out and there's nothing like being on a great team.

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    It takes a man to make a devil; and the fittest man for such a purpose is a snarling, waspish, red-hot, fiery creditor.

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    I turned down 'Some Like It Hot.' See how smart I am? I felt I couldn't bring anything funny to it. The outfit was funny. I don't need to compete with the wardrobe.

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    It was as hysterical as a woman having a hot flash.

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    It's cool to play a vampire and be a part of this new, hot genre.

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    It's lovely to get one successful show - the chances of finding a second one are not so hot.

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    It was mix tapes, that's my story, I did a lot of mix tapes, that's what I started doing when I was 17. I got with a hot DJ out here and you know Texas, the rap scene is different, everyone out here is on the Screw music.

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    It was so hot today that Burger King was singing, "if you want it your way, cook it yourself".

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    It's like holding a hot coal in your hand, it just burns you, it doesn't do me any good.

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    It was the defining event and remains a thousand degrees hot.

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    It was so soon after I'd had my son and I really wasn't planning on going back to work for a while. I will walk over hot coals to work with Bill Condon on anything, the experience that you have with him is just too good... I've certainly never worked with him before so the trio of Bill [Codon], Ian [McKellen], and Sherlock Holmes, and England: it was too much to say "no" to.

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    It was given out that the animals there practised cannibalism, tortured one another with red-hot horseshoes, and had their females in common. This was what came of rebelling against the laws of Nature, Frederick and Pilkington said.