Best 1688 quotes in «battle quotes» category

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    Have you heard that it was good to gain the day? I also say it is good to fall, battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won.

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    Having some retail experience is key. It really is where the battle is won or lost.

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    Hedda Hopper was a better direct opponent to [Dalton] Trumbo. We wanted to use Trumbo's battles to represent the larger battles, so the audience could understand the personal sacrifice he went through and the personal damage to his family. The choices were about who were the best representations of his antagonists, which is why we chose as we did.

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    He has fought many battles with us" (Jace) By which you mean one battle" muttered Simon. "Two if you count the one I was a rat

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    He [Hern] calls his center the Boulder Abortion Clinic and he said specifically that he didn't want to hide that word. I'm deeply opposed to the politicization of language and try to avoid it when I possibly can - I don't like being manipulated by terms like pro-life or pro-choice. To me, abortionist should be as neutral as podiatrist. But again, maybe it was one battle too many, because it certainly distracted his attention from what I thought was a really sympathetic piece.

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    He lives not long who battles with the immortals, nor do his children prattle about his knees when he has come back from battle and the dread fray.

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    He looked at her. 'In order to finish, I'll have to have defeated six Infected, Dusk, and Vengeous himself.' Yeah. So?' The Infected I can manage.' She frowned. 'And Vengeous? I mean, you can beat him, right?' Well,' he said, "I can certainly try. And trying is half the battle.' What's the other half?' He shrugged. 'Hitting him more times than he hits me.

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    He [President Franklin D. Roosevelt] died in harness, and we may well say in battle harness, like his soldiers, sailors and airmen who died side by side with ours and carrying out their tasks to the end all over the world. What an enviable death was his.

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    Here and now...breathe and battle and in life

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    Her father lov'd me; oft invited me; Still question'd me the story of my life, From year to year, the battles, sieges, fortunes, That I have pass'd.

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    History, contrary to popular theories, is kings and dates and battles.

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    How one stands up to any sort of allegation in the heat of political battle reveals the strength and nature of your character. It's one of the reasons we have campaigns.

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    Henry figured that the reason the Cheyenne had always ridden Appaloosas into battle was because by the time the men got there, they were so angry with the horses they were ready to kill everything.

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    Heroism is not fighting some big battle. It is not standing up to some fearsome foe ... Heroism is every day getting up with a mission to show this world that you are going to light it up with your spirit, to make the best out of yourself.

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    He was the ultimate experiment in Nature Versus Nurture, and she imagined he must be engaged in a constant battle between what he was and what he wanted to be.

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    He who stands like a pilar dies in battle. He who bends like a reed is triumphant!

    • battle quotes
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    He will always know as we know now that in the heat of battle he did not fail when mateship and duty called.

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    Hey Pudge," the Colonel said. "What do you think of a truce?" "It reminds me of when the Germans demanded that the U.S. surrender at the Battle of the Bulge," I said. "I guess I'd say to this truce offer what General McAuliffe said to that one: Nuts.

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    Hip-hop used to be about battles, beatboxing and breakdancing. All they get exposed to now is the negative stuff.

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    History is reticent about women who were common soldiers, who bore arms, belonged to regiments, and took part in battles on the same terms as men, though hardly a war has been waged without women soldiers in the ranks.

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    Honorable battle sustains a Sacred Band.

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    How about a new game show called 'Battle Begala?' Contestants would pick any obscure bad thing that happened anywhere in the world, and Paul would have 10 seconds to explain why it is President Bush's fault.

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    Human character is never found "to enter into its glory," except through the ordeal of affliction. Its force cannot come forth without the offer of resistance, nor can the grandeur of its free will declare itself, except in the battle of fierce temptation.

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    Humankind has understood history as a series of battles because, to this day, it regards conflict as the central facet of life.

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    I am afeard there are few die well that die in battle, for how can they charitably dispose of anything when blood is their argument?

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    Humility has such power. Apologies can disarm arguments. Contrition can defuse rage. Olive branches do more good than battle axes ever will.

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    I am an ally of the United States. We believe the same things, we believe passionately in the same battle of ideas, we will defend them to the hilt. Never try to separate me from them.

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    I am a spy in the house of me. I report back from the front lines of the battle that is me. I am somewhat nonplused by the event that is my life.

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    I am, I think the only surviving member of the original Battle Creek church. The church was disbanded, with the exception of thirteen members, in 1870.

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    I am like a snake who has already bitten. I retreat from a direct battle while knowing the slow effect of the poison.

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    I am leaving the office but am not leaving the battle for peace.

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    I am on an emotional roller coaster ride to survive and to conquer obesity, not only for myself but also for everyone that battles some kind of addiction.

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    I am told that the Saudis have organized 34 countries who want to join in the battle against terrorism.

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    I bear the wounds of all the battles I avoided.

    • battle quotes
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    I became a lightning rod for some partisan battles. I could not be prouder of the track record we've put together. By almost every measure, the country is significantly better off than when I came in.

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    I believe God will fight my battles for me.

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    I believe in the capacity of India to offer nonviolent battle to the English rulers.

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    I believe in the battle-whether it's the battle of a campaign or the battle of this office, which is a continuing battle.

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    I believe that soldiers will bear me out in saying that both come in time of battle. I take it that the moral courage comes in going into the battle, and the physical courage in staying in.

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    I believe unless we have ambition to accomplish things and to do things that we amount to but very little in the battle of life.

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    I call myself a Peaceful Warrior... because the battles we fight are on the inside.

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    I cannot afford to believe that freedom from intolerance is the right of only one particular group. And I cannot afford to choose between the fronts upon which I must battle these forces of discrimination, wherever they appear to destroy me. And when they appear to destroy me, it will not be long before they appear to destroy you.

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    I can't take on all the worries of the world, you know. I can only talk about being gay and being an actor. I'll have to leave those other battles to somebody else.

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    I care not whether the soldiers are of Milesian, Teutonic, African or Angelo-Saxon descent. I despise the principle that make a difference between them in the hour of battle and of death.

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    "Ice" came in when my friends would say "cold as ice" -- if you could rap and battle people you'd say "Dude, that was ice cold." It had nothing to do with jewelry. Back then, it was like "Your cold, dawg." "Vanilla Ice -- that's cold.

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    I choose my battles, Dresden. Not you." She looked up at me calmly. "Let me put this in terms that will get through your skull: My friend is going to save a child from monsters. I'm going with him. That's what friends do, Harry.

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    I cut my teeth as the black raccoon-- For implements of battle.

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    I'd always written rhymes but I was scared to share them. They stayed on paper or in my head, until I started going to watch battles and eventually thought to myself, "I'm definitely as good as some of these guys, and maybe even better than them".

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    Ideas cannot be fought except by means of better ideas. The battle consists, not of opposing, but of exposing; not of denouncing, but of disproving; not of evading, but of boldly proclaiming a full, consistent, and radical alternative.

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    I did not glow with the thrill of battle. Cringe, yes. Glow, no.