Best 1389 quotes in «competition quotes» category

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    My best year of track competition was the first year I ate a vegan diet.

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    My dad's so likeable, you wouldn't feel in competition with him. If any boyfriends have ever felt that, they're long gone.

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    My dream remains to inform and entertain through fiction in the form of novels and movies that compete in the marketplace of ideas.

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    My driver Kellie Frost and I would race these fellows home and they were always faster on the highway. We did the same with Daniel and his driver, and thus began a long series of jokes and competitions to alleviate the impossible hours and tensions this film provoked.

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    My Emmy competition is awfully good. My stomach is already in knots. The problem is that I don't drink, so I can't calm myself that way. I wish I could be better at pretending I don't care.

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    My dreams are who I'm racin wit but you can see I'm pacin it so that I'm always chasin it.

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    My hat's in the ring. The fight is on and I'm stripped to the buff.

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    My instinct is to assume that we consumers are an inconsistent bunch. We like competition if it delivers low prices, but grumble if it delivers the bad news that prices need to go up.

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    My motivation for 20 years, for 10 years with WikiLeaks, has been to publish true information that is otherwise unsayable. So we're not in competition, if you like.

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    My operating assumption is we will always have very tough competition. And even with some European banks struggling right now, some of them can reemerge - and maybe even stronger.

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    My position is such that there is no necessity for me to enter into competition with struggling humanity. As to expensive and ruinous pleasures, I am a sceptic who knows how much they are worth, or rather, knows that they are not worth anything.

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    Nature is based on harmony. So it says if we want to survive and become more like nature, then we actually have to understand that it's cooperation versus competition.

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    Nature has a drive for wholeness and has created us only in relationship like one giant superorganism. It's a fact there is a connection between atoms and all of us in relationship with each other and with our environment. In all of our societal relationships there is a bond so profound and intricate that it's impossible to say where one thing stops and another thing begins. So you see this mirrored in every aspect, from the subatomic world to the world that we're more familiar with. So competition ends up being a false creation in our society.

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    No competition, no progress.

    • competition quotes
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    No matter what you are, you're a mess." That's what the world tells us. "Every other woman is your competition. You feel bad about yourself and every other woman think she's perfect.

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    No matter what the competition is, I try to find a goal that day and better that goal.

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    My sister Liza and I have never felt that we were in competition.

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    Nearly every study shows that competition from cheap foreign labor undercuts the wages of American workers and legal immigrants.

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    No amount of artificial protection can permanently maintain an obsolete product, an inferior process or a moribund organization against competitors which are based on scientifically improved products or methods.

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    Ninety percent of my game is mental. It's my concentration that has gotten me this far. I won't even call a friend on the day of a match. I'm scared of disrupting my concentration. I don't allow any competition with tennis.

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    No one can see ahead three years, let alone five or ten. Competition, new inventions - all kinds of things - can change the situation in twelve months.

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    No one intimidates me because I'm not trying to do what you do, because I can't do what you do. I can only do what Mary J. Blige can do, so that relaxes me right there, and it gets me out of the competition and that whole thing.

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    No more pronouncements on lousy verse. No more hidden competition. No more struggling not to be a square.

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    Not too worried about fighting for titles, but just fighting the best competition at the Welterweight division. I'll be happy with that.

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    No, there's not much competition between puppeteers in general because everybody's working their own style.

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    North and West have always vied for power and territory, but their recent competition as to which one is more insidious of the twohas been more peaceful.

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    Nowadays young people have great choice of occupations, hobbies, etc, so chess is experiencing difficulties because of the high competition. Now it's hard to make living in chess, so our profession does attract young people.

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    Now I'm 'Blake Lewis' to the world, but I will always still be Bshorty from Bothell... I've never looked at it like a competition so I think I've won regardless. I won when I got to the top ten; I've already reached my goal.

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    No wise combatant underestimates their antagonist.

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    Now the struggle for life is so sharp, competition is so severe, that few men can succeed who carry a useless burden. The businessmen of our country are compelled to lead temperate lives, otherwise their credit is gone.

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    Olympics is global competition in which eighty, ninety, hundred, hundred and ten countries participate.

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    Oh that was your girl? I thought I recognized her.

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    One good act of vengeance deserves another.

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    One of the dogs in the competition, a Portuguese Water Dog, is related to President Obama's dog, Bo. But they only see each other at funerals and weddings.

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    One of the reasons that I'm a lurker on Twitter is that every time I tweet an idea, I feel like I'm delivering something to the competition that I ought to be giving to a reporter here.

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    One of the reasons why they are optimistic is that there is more competition. Red Bull has become more competitive, the races have become more attractive - and that is what fans want!

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    No violence, No competition, No Groups, No Chiefs.

    • competition quotes
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    Once I started playing the piano, after my first small competition, I realized that the piano was the right instrument for me.

    • competition quotes
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    One of the biggest lies in capitalism is that companies like competition. They don't. Nobody likes competition.

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    One thing I learned in '97, when I thought the right time to found a company was during a swing-up, is that it's much better to start during an economic downturn. Partnerships are easier; hiring is easier; and the competition starts later.

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    One thing is sure: if you want running fast in competition, you must run fast in training. The problem is WHEN and HOW, not IF.

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    Only in situations where competition is illegal will competition not act naturally to bring the best product at the lowest price to the consumer.

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    Only dead mathematics can be taught where the attitude of competition prevails: living mathematics must always be a communal possession.

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    On the Internet, there are an unlimited number of competitors. Anybody with a Flip camera is your competition. What makes it even worse is that YouTube is willing to subsidize the cost of your bandwidth. So anybody can create and distribute for free basically, but the real cost is marketing. And that's always the big cost - how do you stand out and what's the cost of standing out? And there's no limit to that cost.

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    On healthcare we are the prisoner of our past. The way we got to develop any kind of medical insurance program was during World War II when companies facing shortages of workers began to offer healthcare benefits as an inducement for employment. So from the early 1940s healthcare was seen as a privilege connected to employment. And after the war when soldiers came back and went back into the market there was a lot of competition, because the economy was so heated up.

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    Our All is at Stake, and the little Conveniencys and Comforts of Life, when set in Competition with our Liberty, ought to be rejected not with Reluctance but with Pleasure.

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    On the square...I'm not riffin' like Andy Griffith, Just fed up, goin' head up, with competition.

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    Our most consequential human problems will be resolved, not through competition, but collaboration... what we need in education is a learning climate in which students work together. In such an atmosphere, truth emerges as authentic insights are conscientiously exchanged.

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    Our philosophy has been to be fiscally conservative, so we can be operationally aggressive. We're not using borrowed money to grow. So we'll put up a store just to get there before the competition. If it doesn't work, we'll close it and lose a little equity. It won't kill us.

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    Optimization is generally detrimental to future success, but it is the only way to accomplish present success in competition with others who are equally interested in short-term results.