Best 1612 quotes in «life lesson quotes» category

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    I think there are huge lessons there, for young people who are getting started in life, as well as other people. And that is, to take responsibility for your own life. Only you are responsible for the course you take from there.

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    It's always better to be real.

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    I think you accidentally learn things in high school that turn out to be life lessons when you are able to step back a bit and study them in more depth.

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    I try not to look at my schedule for the week because I'll get so overwhelmed. Every day, there are multiple things to be done and 10 things I don't end up accomplishing.

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    It took a long time, but I have learned that you just can't take anything you want out of life without putting something back in exchange.

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    It's not attractive when girls get super skinny. Guys don't like it. Gils don't like you as much. You lose some happiness when that's all you think about.

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    I've always wanted to get my share but, due to my tendency to overcompensate (work harder, push for the win more), I've ended up with more than my fair share. These are some of the life lessons I've drawn from watching my mother and grandfather struggle in the world compared to my own struggles.

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    I've learned some of the greatest life lessons from growing up in the skate and punk rock communities.

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    I've always had a talent for recognizing when I am in a moment worth being nostalgic for.

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    I've always had the perspective that roles come into my life when I need them most and sort of teach me lessons. The same can be true of films, films are released into society to aid in a lesson, inspire people, comfort people.

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    I've always been confident with who I was, but my twenties were hard. I had to learn a lot of life lessons and I think my thirties will be a little easier because of all the wrong turns I took.

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    I've never heard anyone say the really deep lessons of life have come in times of ease and comfort. But, I have heard many saints say every significant advance I've ever made in grasping in the depth of God's love and growing deep with Him, have come through suffering.

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    I would consider it the greatest experience of my life, it's the experience that made me a man, that taught me so many life lessons that you get from sport, ones that I've been able to pass down. (It was) invaluable, beyond words, got me through school, high school, and college, it was the greatest gift I gave myself.

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    I've sung my whole life. I've taken lots of voice lessons and I love to sing. But I've never really sung professionally at all.

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    Lessons of Life: When you stop yearning, When you stop aspiring. You stop living.

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    Just a reminder, what other people think of you is none of your business.

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    Life deals you a lot lessons, some people learn from it, some people don't.

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    Lou Holtz is a brilliant strategist, a first-class motivator, and an inspiring role model. Winning Every Day coaches you through the hard-won lessons of life that Coach Holtz has gleaned from a lifetime of learning. Using personal behind-the-scenes experiences he shows you how to break through obstacles, capitalize on fleeting opportunities, and achieve success. There is no better mentor than Lou Holtz.

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    Lots of the time, we just think of the Bible as history or life lessons or poetry or - unfortunately - a collection of 'thou shall' and 'thou shalt nots!' All those elements are part of Scripture.

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    My biggest life lesson is that the past is the past. I do my best not to bring history into my present. It ain't ever easy, but it usually creates more opportunity for joyful experiences.

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    My best life lessons and education didn't come from a classroom - they've come from the wild. How you act in the big moments, the ones that challenge you, scare you, tempt you, and force you to make the right decisions, is what defines you.

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    Maybe some people just aren't meant to be in our lives forever. Maybe some people are just passing through. It's like some people just come through our lives to bring us something: a gift, a blessing, a lesson we need to learn. And that's why they're here. You'll have that gift forever.

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    My main life lesson from investing: self-interest is the most powerful force on earth, and can get people to embrace and defend almost anything.

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    Restaurant Man is kind of the story, an unabridged story of what happened in my life, the good bad and ugly. Some people might glean some life lessons. It is honest, not written as a press release.

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    My greatest life lesson has been to not wait for the opportunities to come to me. I realize how important it is to be proactive and to create the opportunities myself.

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    Singleness of purpose is essential for success in life.

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    Seeing people laugh definitely inspires me, and so does seeing people get life lessons about living better.

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    Once I became a photographer, it stopped me being scared or intimidated by gangs of young men of whatever stripe. Initially, I could hide behind my camera but eventually I came to realize that if I was polite and friendly to them, then they probably would be to me too - a good life lesson.

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    So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things.

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    The chief lesson I have learned in a long life is that the only way you can make a man trustworthy is to trust him; and the surest way to make him untrustworthy is to distrust him.

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    Tennis taught me so many lessons in life. One of the things it taught me is that every ball that comes to me, I have to make a decision. I have to accept responsibility for the consequences every time I hit a ball.

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    The breakup of my first marriage was my first failure; I had to learn to accept that and support the people involved. The court case brought against me by three of the band was awful, but learning how to let it go, move on, and come back together as friends and creative partners was a life lesson above any other.

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    The greatest failure is not to try. Had I listened to all the people during the course of my life who said, "You can't. You'll fail. It won't work. You don't have...," I wouldn't be here today.

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    The hardest lesson of my life has come to me late. It is that a nation can win freedom without its people becoming free.

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    Take a rest and the world catches up with you. Lesson in life--keep moving.

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    The first lesson of life is to burn our own smoke; that is, not to inflict on outsiders our personal sorrows and petty morbidness, not to keep thinking of ourselves as exceptional cases.

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    The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.

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    The low points are there for a good reason. I think they can teach you a life lesson.

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    The man who is intoxicated with life does not pass judgment, does not seek to come to a conclusion, does not impose his message on the world.

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    The home is the first and most effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can compensate for failure in the home.

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    There are life lessons that can be derived from reality television.

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    The main thing is that I've been studying composition for the last four years. I'd say it's the life experience combined with the lessons that enabled me to go much further.

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    The teachers that we actually learn more from are the ones that taught us life lessons more than trigonometry. And they have such a huge responsibility and they're under-appreciated and underpaid. So that's my opinion of teachers.

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    The most important outcome of education is to help students become independent of formal education.

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    Things always work out if you don't send that e-mail. That's another great life lesson: I've sent enough e-mails of just "f - k you, f - k you, f - k you" and hit send. I've learned a lot from never being able to take back that I sent that e-mail.

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    They say that even the brightest star won't shine forever. But in fact, the brightest star would live the shortest amount of time. Feel free to extract whatever life lesson you want from that.

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    This gets back to the fundamental lesson of political survival that Bill Clinton taught me, which is if you make it about the American people's lives instead of your life, you're going to be okay.

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    Three life lessons: 1.No one will see you. 2.No one will say anything. 3.No one will save you.

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    Thus did my siblings and I learn one of the hard lessons of life: the best way to strip the allure and dreaminess from a lifelong dream is, very often, simply to have it come true.

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    To be a runner is to learn continual life lessons. To be a coach is not just to teach these lessons but also to feel them in the core of your marrow. The very act of surpassing personal limits in training and racing will bend the mind and body toward a higher purpose for the rest of my runners' lives. Settling for mediocrity-settling instead of pushing-those who learn to be the best version of themselves know the secret to a full life.