Best 657 quotes in «life and death quotes» category

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    I have always felt insignificant while thinking in-terms of Deep time, I have always dreaded the fact that however much we struggle, the monuments we build to keep us alive even after we are gone will be erased just in a snap of fingure or a blink of an eye and we will be no more.

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    I have spent much of my life around death. I have sat with people as they died. I have listened to others relate near-death experiences. I have studied theology and am aware of what scriptures and religions say about life and death. And I have come to the conclusion that death is not to be feared. Moreover, when it is time for me to move out of this tenement in which I am housed, I intend to look forward to it joyfully.

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    I hope to die with dignity and not be on my death bed pondering the afterlife wearing a diaper named Depends.

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    I died to the inorganic state and became endowed with growth, and then I died to vegetable growth and attained to the animal. I died from the animality and became Adam; why, then, should I fear? When have I become less by dying? At the next remove, I shall die to man, that I may soar and lift my head amongst the angels. And I must escape even from the state of the angel; everything is perishing except His Face.

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    I imagine we're safe, happy, and truly in love. And I imagine that I can tell her without shame and stigma attached to my words. I imagine it because I don't know if I'll survive long enough to be able to live it.

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    I just want to be enough for you, but I never can be. This can never be enough for you. But this is all you get. You get me, and your family, and this world. This is your life. I'm sorry if it sucks. But you're not going to be the first man on Mars and you're not going to be an NBA star, and you're not going to hunt Nazis.

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    I know, for example, that Mr. Petersen did not experience the flow of time in the same way that I did during those last sixteen months. He told me often, particularly towards the end, that for him time had become a slow, peaceful drift. If I had to guess why this was the case, I'd say that maybe it was because this was time he never expected to have. Or maybe it was more than he was now letting time drift. There was a certain type of contentment in his outlook, which never strayed too far into the future. His life had become simple and uncluttered, and when you're living like that, I think time can seem to stretch out for ever. Matters only change when you start fretting about all the things you need to get done. The more stuff you try to force into it, the less accommodating time becomes.

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    I know life well enough to know you can't count on things staying around or standing still, no matter how much you want them to. You can't stop people from dying. You can't stop people from going away. You can't stop yourself from going away either.

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    I know you are afraid; you are afraid to get hurt again. But I also know that you are not meant to grieve forever.

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    I'll be around my whole life. That's a long time to me.

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    I'll never leave this Earth without a fight or at least pretend to for all of those in sight.

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    I’m looking for the exit.” “The Last Exit to Brooklyn, will it be?” “Er, no! Just the way out.” From "One man in his time

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    I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not living." -Jared Alexander

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    I’m sorry, but your friend is gone. Now, you need to get your shit together or we all gonna be gone, too.

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    I'm sucking on a cancer stick trying to think of something inspiring to say to help someone have a better life. That's "Irony".

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    I needed to tell him, silently, that things might change, grow, or fail, but that life did go on. That we were all part of some great cycle, some pattern that it was only God's purpose to understand.

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    I never realized how much I loved life until I knew it was being taken away.

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    In order to tame death, they refuse to completely enjoy life. In rejecting complete enjoyment, they are half-dead in advance - and that with no guarantee that their sacrifice will actually benefit them when all is done.

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    In our lives we know joy, anger, sorrow, and a hundred other emotions, but these emotions altogether occupy a bare one per cent of our time. The remaining ninety-nine per cent is just living in waiting.

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    İnsanın oturup, soyut ve teorik planda kendi ölümünü mutlaka bir yokoluş olarak düşünmesi zor olmayabilir; ama aynı şeyi gözünde canlandırması bütünüyle imkansızdır: çünkü bunu yapmak kendi yok oluşunu tasarlamak -bir başka deyişle yokluğunu tasarlamak, yokluğu gözde canlandırmak demektir ki insan zihni bunu yapabilecek güçte değildir. Bize ölümden sonraki hayata inanmayı öğretenler felsefeciler ve peygamberler değildir; onların bütün yaptığı, insanlık kadar eski fıtri bir kavrayışa biçim ve manevi içerik kazandırmaktır.

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    In the end, age in numbers is no more than an empty bag. The only way to truly tell a person's years is by examing the contents they have filled it with.

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    In the grueling light that passed for day...

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    In The Land of Poetry and Fighting, Efficiency rules the throne. I try to live here, so I shave my head because hair is dead and dead is inefficient.

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    I pushed my over-taxed muscles even harder. I could already hear the sound of the heavy wheels that moved the doors into place. And I knew I was not going to make it . . .

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    I recall no arrangement, Mau, no bargain, covenant, agreement or promise. There is what happens, and what does not happen. There is no 'should

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    I sat in that room and realized that you can cut off a finger, cut off a hand, even cut off a leg, but if you take a woman's breast, you are cutting more than just a body part.

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    I take great comfort in believing that life doesn't end, it just changes. Our bodies are pure energy. Energy doesn't die, it transforms. I believe that when we die, we simply change from our human form to our spiritual form and we continue to love, guide and protect the ones we love on earth, as much as our energy will allow. It is the only logical explanation that makes perfect sense. - Tanya Masse aka Comic Strip Mama

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    It doesn’t matter how long you live on planet earth, if by the time your whole life has evaporated, you have not solved the problems you were created to solve, then you wasted your life.

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    I think if what you'd do for your last day on Earth doesn't look like a pretty normal day for you, you probably need to reexamine your life.

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    I thought at first that she was just dead. Just darkness...I thought about the slow process of becoming bone and then fossil and then coal that will, in millions of years, be mined by humans of the future, and how they would heat their homes with her and then she would be smoke billowing out of a smokestack, coating the atmosphere. I still that think that, sometimes, maybe "the afterlife" is just something we made up to ease the pain of loss, to make our time in the labyrinth bearable. But ultimately I do not believe that she was only matter...I believe now that we are greater than the sum of our parts. If you take her genetic code and you add her life experiences and the relationships she had with people, and then you take the size and shape of her body, you do not get her. There is something else there entirely. There is a part of her greater than the sum of her knowable parts. And that part has to go somewhere, because it cannot be is never created and never destroyed. We cannot be born and cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations... Thomas Edison's last words were: It's very beautiful over there." I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful.

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    It is a great wonder How Almighty God in his magnificence Favors our race with rank and scope And the gift of wisdom; His sway is wide. Sometimes He allows the mind of a man Of distinguished birth to follow its bent, Grants him fulfillment and felicity on earth And forts to command in his own country. He permits him to lord it in many lands Until the man in his unthinkingness Forgets that it will ever end for him. He indulges his desires; illness and old age Mean nothing to him; his mind is untroubled By envy or malice or thought of enemies With their hate-honed swords. The whole world Conforms to his will, he is kept from the worst Until an element of overweening Enters him and takes hold While the soul’s guard, its sentry, drowses, Grown too distracted. A killer stalks him, An archer who draws a deadly bow. And then the man is hit in the heart, The arrow flies beneath his defenses, The devious promptings of the demon start. His old possessions seem paltry to him now. He covets and resents; dishonors custom And bestows no gold; and because of good things That the Heavenly powers gave him in the past He ignores the shape of things to come. Then finally the end arrives When the body he was lent collapses and falls Prey to its death; ancestral possessions And the goods he hoarded and inherited by another Who lets them go with a liberal hand. “O flower of warriors, beware of that trap. Choose, dear Beowulf, the better part, Eternal rewards. Do not give way to pride. For a brief while your strength is in bloom But it fades quickly; and soon there will follow Illness or the sword to lay you low, Or a sudden fire or surge of water Or jabbing blade or javelin from the air Or repellent age. Your piercing eye Will dim and darken; and death will arrive, Dear warrior, to sweep you away.

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    It is never easy to endure pain nor uncomfortable situation. It is seems easy to quit to avoid the pain.If you quit you will suffer later. It is far better to endure the pain now and enjoy later. Life is all about endurance.

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    It isn't discomfort, or dis-ease as he put it. It's this aching, throbbing, god-awful incurable pain - and it's known as life. When will the doctors learn: It isn't death that's the disease.

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    It is painful for the plant which is myself to live in the atmosphere and light of this world. Somewhere an element is lacking which would permit me to continue.

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    It’s a funny thing, one day you’re living and the next day you’re not sometimes, whether you have plans or not. Wishes and wants get trumped by the reaper every time. I don’t even know if I would want a warning if it was my time. I think I’d rather be surprised.

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    It's already figured out.

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    It's a messy business--being alive. But I'd rather have this short time with those I love than have an easy time. We forget about the things we saw that morning,and we choose to build a bigger sandcastle.

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    It's like that, I guess, when the past come to collect what you owe.

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    It's not that people don't know when they'll die. It's that they don't seem to know they'll die.

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    It's only amatter of time, and God's timming never second best

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    It was all written. When life is going to be breathed into you, and when it's going to be taken away. Each person's mission on earth is pre-planned.

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    It was best not to spend too much time in the Corridors. Nightmares lurked there, forces and energies that the living and the dead could not quite explain.

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    It was then that I realized I wasn't afraid to lose my life; I was afraid to lose the life I could've lived.

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    I've been to weddings and I've been to wakes in either setting Love takes no breaks.

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    I've diagnosed myself and discovered I have a limited 'life span' you can do this to. Then live life to its fullest in everything you do!

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    I’ve never known anyone who was saved who did not first save herself.

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    I want to commit suicide but am afraid someone will think I am crazy.

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    I want to wake dead people to live alive". Seriously, I can make you living.

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    I was a puzzle. An enigma. I was nothing. And then I was again.

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    I was created to be destroyed.

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