Best 1336 quotes in «worship quotes» category

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    All music is worship. It just depends on what you’re worshipping.

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    All this beauty exists so you and I can see His glory, His artwork. It's like an invitation to worship Him, to know Him.

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    Americans worship technology. It's an inherent trait in the national zeitgeist.

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    An authentic life is the most personal form of worship. Everyday life has become my prayer.

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    Any time you attempt to make a God beyond Christ, you murder the whole thing. God alone can worship God.

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    All writers of the Chaldaean period associate monotheism in the closest way with unity of worship.

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    A self-made man? Yes, and one who worships his creator.

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    All places are places of worship to a Christian.

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    Are you apathetic toward the saccharine goodness evangelized by sentimental, superstitious fanatics, but equally bored by the intellectuals who worship at the empty-headed shrine of scientific materialism?

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    As we see the beauty of God and feel His weightiness in our hearts, our hearts begin to desire Him more than we desire sin. Before the Bible says,"Stop sinning", it says,"Behold your God".

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    As someone who worships music, I believe it can never be ugly!

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    Because you do not believe?" "Oh, no," said Attolia bitterly. "Because I believe and do not choose to worship.

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    But some one will say that this supreme Being, who made all things, and those also who conferred on men particular benefits, are entitled to their respective worship.

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    But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

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    As created beings, angels are not to be worshipped, glorified, or adored in and of themselves. The angels were created to worship, glorify, adore, and obey God.

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    Be creative. Don`t be worried about what you are doing - one has to do many things - but do everything creatively, with devotion. Then your work becomes worship. Then whatsoever you do is a prayer. And whatsoever you do is an offering at the altar.

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    Before there can be fullness there must be emptiness. Before God can fill us with Himself we must first be emptied of ourselves.

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    Being a monarchist, and fawning over those 'above' you, you must naturally despise those 'below' or on the same socioeconomic level as yourself, because that is how hierarchy worship works.

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    Charity does not like arithmetic; selfishness worships it.

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    Be not so bigoted to any custom as to worship it at the expense of truth.

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    Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals.

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    . . .by lifting our hands we symbolically receive everything God is doing in our lives.

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    Daily toil, however humble it may be, is our daily duty, and by doing it well, we make it a part of our daily worship.

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    Christian worship is the most momentous, most urgent, most glorious action that can take place in human life.

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    Conservatism is the worship of dead revolutions.

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    Devotion to duty is the highest form of worship of God.

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    Do not forget that even as "to work is to worship" so to be cheery is to worship also, and to be happy is the first step to being pious.

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    Do not flatter yourselves: if you go to places of worship merely to look about you or to hear music, you are not worshipping God.

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    Do not worship me, I am not God. I'm only a man. I worship Jesus Christ.

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    Escape from the power of the hunting pack, and to know that wisdom is best and beauty sheer holiness.

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    Dominique as Gail looks at her "... there is a stage of worship which makes the worshiper himself an object of reverence.

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    Do I worship God or what other people think of me?

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    Every cell in us worships God.

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    Even if one is familiar with the precise meaning of everything one recites, the act of worship can hardly have any significance at all unless it registers the overall message each part of our prayers is meant to convey.

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    Even touching Erdogan is a form of worship.

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    False religions like Islam who teach that you must worship this way, are completely opposite with what our First Amendment stands for.

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    Fast, worship, and seek Him.

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    Everyone worships something. The only choice you get is what to worship.

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    Everyone ought to worship God according to his own inclinations, and not to be constrained by force.

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    Forced worship stinks in God's nostrils

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    From the building of the temple of Solomon, which is also treated as a leading epoch in chronology, a new period in the history of worship is accordingly dated, - and to a certain extent with justice.

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    Genius worship is the inevitable sign of an uncreative age.

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    For what is idolatry if not this: to worship the gifts in place of the Giver himself?

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    God doesn't want to give Israel a king, because God knows, being the rather observant deity God is, that the Israelites will become like all other nations: they will worship their king and not God.

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    For the Christian, worship is co-extensive with life. Life is already an expression of worship.

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    God first seeks devotion to Him in the hidden place–worship when no one else is watching.

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    Gods and politics are the tools with which the godless and unprincipled manipulate the gullible.

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    GOD will not permit that a soul which desires to be devoted entirely to Him should take other pleasures than with Him: that is more than reasonable.

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    God is not regulated to 30 minutes of accessible group singing.

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    Hero-worship exists, has existed, and will forever exist, universally, among mankind.