Best 3043 quotes in «said quotes» category

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    I don't know why but they you said it I started believing it.

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    Come on... come on... I am waiting for answer... ... Silence doesn't make it... better ... YOU SAID THAT WE ARE FRIENDS... AND i WAIT HOURS FOR REPLY!?

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    However much things have been said in the past, there will be always something new to be said in the future!

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    Everything you have said will not matter anymore one day, only those things that you never said will always haunt you and strangle you every time you see your world in someone else's hand.

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    Science is interesting... Albert Eistein has said that he believe in religion, and he has said "Science without a religion is nothing and the reverse...", but now some people say that he has said and that he doesn't believe in religion and in god!? (That's call reverse...)

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    Ignorance could be said is written in bold letters all over the institution that is supposed to be a shining light to the world

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    I want to start everything in New, what's the bad point?? I don't want to have problems with people which we can be friends or nothing, but not argue as before. What's the purpose what did you gain??? Points?? Money?? PS3??? Xbox??? Nothing just useless and making troubles with people, if we must discuss something let's to be about the fucking Bulgarian Schools, talk about them, I hate them as much as you hate them, I hate the Bulgarian as much as you hate them, I hate the fucking teachers in the fucking schools with which just have fucking problems. How can somebody joke with your spelling or with your mistakes for months???? ... What more to tell you??? That I'm sorry that I'm a Bulgarian guy, because I'm sorry, I can't live with this fucking people, what do they created??? Nothing just staying home and jerkoff non-stop, very creative! And guest what happened??? Here come the "?" people which are terrorists in france and have killed a lot of people and here will be planed the same....,what more only the thought that somebody has graduated from the best school existed in Bulgaria and to have fails with the writing like making so easy mistakes that nobody will make ever, to make mess on the sheets and many other things and this on very important day. A day in which you choose the president or the pre-minister or some kind like this, which is important. I'm very sorry that I'm Bulgarian guy, I don't want to be the cases are this, I want to be an American or a guy from Great Britain, but whatever to be, but to know this language. All people use it, and we are the only people which or some others as one User said that France and Germany are also with the worst English in case that Germany words are like English, but little fucked like spelled and written different like Sänger - singer songster schreiben WOw, this is really fucked just look how arae spelled how are written little like joking with English, aren't they??? If they aren't okay, that's your opinion _ I don't have something against it! If there was chance to be other race no matter what American guy or whatever ot to change my country ot my native language I will do it. If there is chance to and learn English, I go and learnt it without giving and shit about the fucking Bulgarian, I won't call my parents, friends and everything, just everything will be mainly for learning English the best way as possible. I fill fucked there are people which can't read, english, to don't talk about bulgarian, all day I'm seeing how mass media brain washes. I don't see how can be improved Bulgaria it's a fail I know why Adolf Hitler wanted to destroyed it and why Churchill Wanted also, I'm not sure about Churchill, but for HItler I'm sure that he wanted to kill us because of that, whatever you understand me what level we are as nation. I hate the fucking Bulgarian people what to learn from them to joke with people badly??? Very Creative??? To jerkoff all time and to don't give a damn shit about the things around the world?? Or to be with friends which can't think or people which are so much stupid that I'm sorry about them... Whatever, read it if you want if you don't want don't read it, but first check it before you block me. Thank you I appreciate your reading!

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    I will finish what I have begun. I have said it. This is my khanate.

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    People are so stupid, that they repeat your words and said in other words and what?? (I'm stupid, so stupid that I want to repeat), I just heard that probably I have missunderstand something... (NOte- It's joke a Get it?)

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    Secrets,” Kohler finally said, “are a luxury we can no longer afford.

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    If you let your man-made actions to be more frequent than your man-said words you will travail with praise in man-win visions. Do more, say less, win big.

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    I just met Stephen King in my dreams... I just said what I have watched and read from his books... Mainly I received a hug from him, it was like we are friends from long time.

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    I said "No"… Which means "No"… so it follows and as it follows "No"….

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    I was mistaken when I said you live in my heart. How absurd I was when you live in my fingertips so that everything I touch is you. How foolish I was when you live in my toes so that everywhere I go there's you. How senseless of me to say you live in my heart when you breathe in my lungs, walk on my mind, and drink in my mouth. I came to pen another poem for you, but even every unwritten poem is you.

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    Smartass Disciple: What were said for things before the time exist? Master of Stupidity: No words to be said by no man at no time at all.

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    Twelve dead?” I said. “Jesus.

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    Somebody hearing me saying the film is stupid?? Talking about "The Hospital 2"?... THey just said it, in the film! (In other words in the film there was scene saying "STUPIDDDDDDDDD

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    There are things that once done can’t be undone, things that once said can’t be unsaid.

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    To be able to listen -- really, wholly passively, self-effacingly listen -- without presupposing, classifying, improving, controverting, evaluating, approving or disapproving, without dueling with what is being said, without rehearsing the rebuttal in advance, without free-associating to portions of what is being said so that succeeding portions are not heard at all -- such listening is rare.

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    Well done, is well said.

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    Wrong? So you are saying, I'm wrong okay then... It's not possible every time to be right, one moment you should be wrong in luck happens this and everywhere... But why?? Where?? And Prove! Under why - why do you think, I'm wrong? - Where? Is it in one of my books which I have written, is it by books which I have read?? - reviewed, rated, is it by the stuff I have said and made... Please tell the topic! - Prove, everything to go well as far as possible you should give a prove something which confirms your answer!

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    You should kill yourself, GreenHollyWood said "You fucking scumbag.

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    3. It is said that the I-activity is the root of all activities. From where the I-thought emerges, that in short is the heart.

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    Abraham Lincoln, who said, A house divided... is a condominium. Never got a dinner!

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    Abe glanced at Rose. "You see that?" he said. "Now that's devotion." She rolled her eyes at him.

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    Above everything else I've done, I've always said I've had more guts than I've got talent.

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    80% of the women who were asked if they fake orgasms said yes. Actually, they said Yes! Oh God, Yes!

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    Abraham," he said. "I'm pleased to see you alive, old friend." "And I to see you dead.

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    A celebrity is well known for being well known. I'm relatively well known - but for what I've written and said, or so I fondly imagine.

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    Actually," Alan said, earnest and clear-eyed, "this is my first time playing poker.

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    Ach, people are always telling us not to do things" said Rob Anybody, "that's how we ken the most interesting things to do.

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    Actually, he said Mr. Shawn 'cause he knows better.

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    Actually we did not have the feelings we said we had until we spoke them--at least I didn't; to phrase them was to invent them and own them.

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    Adam, who said to Eve, What do you mean you have nothing to wear? Never got a dinner!

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    Admire? No, I have never said that. I still appreciate Angela Merkel as a very professional and open person.

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    Actually Gabriel’s an archangel,” I corrected. “But otherwise, yes.” “Well, that explains why he’s so hard to impress,” said Xavier flippantly

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    A friend of mine asked me a question at the end of 2015. We were going over my finances and setting things up for the future when she said, "What do you want to do when you retire?" I said, "I always wanted to do a food show.

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    A federal appellate circuit looked at what [Barak] Obama was doing and said he can't do it. Immigration law is settled.

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    After all, Fnick is Superman," said Iggy. "Shut up, Jeff," I said, but I was smiling. I lifted Iggy's fingers to my face so that he knew.

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    After a long, labored sigh, I said, “She was really happy when I got there. I’m pretty sure she was suicidal when I left.” “You do have that effect on people.

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    After creation God said, 'It is finished'-and he rested. After redemption Jesus said, 'It is finished'-and we can rest.

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    After I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I said yes to food, with great enthusiasm. . . . I vowed to taste everything I could eat, rather than focusing on what I could not.

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    After searching for a space, I parked behind the tattoo parlor in front of a sign that said NO PARKING. Since it didn't specify to whom it was referring, I figured it couldn't possibly be talking to me.

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    After ten years in therapy, my psychologist told me something very touching, he said, “no hablo ingles.”

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    A friend said to me I'm like a walking New Yorker article. It's true! That's how I write. That's how I think.

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    A friend of mine once said he like his women like his parmesan: strong smelling and shaved. I don't agree with that, but I don't like hairy women.

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    [After a poor prognosis for recovery from her doctor following her 1990 bus accident] I said if it is up to me, I'm going to be OK.

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    After I got out of the studio system, I was completely [broke] for the 30th time; they said I’d never work again. So I’m going to go and produce those movies that they wouldn’t let me do.

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    Ages of faith and of unbelief are always said to mark the course of history.

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    A good man is hard to find," she said wistfully. "Not everyone is as lucky as you are.