Best 47 quotes in «bear quotes» category

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    Mother was like this sometimes. Conversations became riddles with traps in them, and your answers had consequences.

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    My favorite animal in the park is the grizzly, icnonic, graceful, and with eyes that seem to know, and what they know is sad.

    • bear quotes
  • By Anonym love, you are about the only person who never knew you two were leaving together. Boy, you two are on fire...

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    Sometimes God’s way of answering prayer is not by removing the pressure, but by increasing your strength to bear it.

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    Run, Torak! The

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    So, I’m a bear,” she explains, eyeing us all. “Wait? Is Issie something?” “Nope,” Issie pouts. “All human. All the time.” “The coolest human ever,” Devyn says, reaching down and ruffling her hair.

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    One sin leads to another Brother kills brother When time: all spare The burden of war Who wants to bear Cowards what we are!

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    Our hearts bear a similarity with storerooms. We hold in them our trampled convictions, our fears, suppressed acts of valor, disappointments, enmity, anguish, secrets, things we wish we should have done, things we wish we shouldn’t have, regret. And continue piling them up with emotions, memories, conversations which did happen and conversations which didn’t, soured relationships and bitter people all of which we should have discarded, we keep it within until there is no space left, until the room is full, occupied after which we go on to lock it. Once in a while we happen to open the room and sight the dust accumulated all over, we relive each moment, each memory and each emotion again and soon fall upon the realization as to how deeply the room is in need of cleaning and so we clean it. We clean it so that we can fill it once more, hold it, bear it, relish it, heal from it and then finally let it go.

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    Perhaps the only reason why you worry in life, tarry your goals and bury your joy is that you are still bearing the untold story of you untouched, which seems to bang on the doors of your heart every time! Go and open the way, and fulfill your destiny!

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    Reginald, the dog-bear," I repeated. "Or bear-dog," she reminded me. "That's terrible," I said in mock solemnity. "He's already not sure what he is- a dog, a bear... a bog..." She giggled. "And then you tag him with the name Reginald?" I shook my head.

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    So the gods must mean something else,” said Jix. “God, not gods!” insisted Johnnie. Nick threw up his hands. “God, gods, or whatever,” said Nick. “Right now, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Jesus, or Kukulcan, or a dancing bear at the end of the tunnel. What matters is that we have a clue, and we have to figure it out.” “Why?” Johnnie asked again. “Why does God – excuse me, I mean ‘the Light of Universal Whatever’- why does it just give us a freakin’ impossible clue? Why can’t it just tell us what we’re supposed to do?” “Because,” said Mikey. “the Dancing Bear wants us to suffer.

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    Still, I must admit, that I suspect these coincidences, these bending branches of charity are more complicated and somehow related to this place, Denali. I didn't just pursue her. She called to me, and I answered the call, as natural and with such strong urgency as the migrating birds that flock here, seeking summer resting grounds and absolution.

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    This place, the land is more ancient and pure; it's like a concentrated tonic for the soul. If you take too much it can infect you, and if you don't take enough you have missed it completely and your efforts were in vein.

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    Taking a couple short backup swigs, Flint’s crippling headache started to release its grip, sort of the way he imagined an octopus would release an inedible bowling ball.

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    There are no monsters in the world, and no saints. Only infinite shades woven into the same tapestry, light and dark. One man’s monster is another man’s beloved. The wise know that.

    • bear quotes
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    The time for princes and tsars and grand duchesses and especially holy madmen was gone. In its place came a world of war and revolution, of tanks and telephones, of murder and assassination. The bear had already become what it had been waiting to be, and the men who set it on its journey changed too. Lev became Trotsky, Vladimir took the name Lenin, and they stepped into a bright and furious modern world; blood red, and snow white.

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    you have to bear either the humiliation of being in need or the hardships of doing it all alone by yourself.

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    When sadness knows the reason of tears, heart prepares to carry the ache for years

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    When you become a raindrop in your mind Thunder is the closest friend you may find Wind lashed trees, dark clouds, lightning or the dust Everything you will bear once you adjust

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    Why do you care what happens to her? I thought we humans were vapors to you, here today and gone tomorrow.” “Caspida is . . . different. She reminds me of someone, someone I’d give my life for if I could.” “The queen?” he asks. “The one who died?” “Roshana. My dear Ro.” My voice is soft as a ripple on the water. “She once ruled the Amulens, and Caspida is her descendant. She has Roshana’s strength of spirit, and I cannot look at her without thinking of my old friend. If she were to come to harm on my account . . . I could not bear that through the centuries.” I already carry a mountain of shame, a constant reminder of that day on Mount Tissia. Aladdin lifts a hand and brushes the hair back from my face. “You truly are remarkable, Zahra of the Lamp.

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    To be a bear and love a she-bear, that would not be such a bad life, and would, at least, be a far better one than to keep his reason and his thoughts, with all the rest that made him human, and yet live on alone, unloved, in sadness.

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    We are old; you cannot understand that, that you will or can ever reach a time when you can bear so much and no more; that nothing else is worth the bearing; that you not only cannot, you will not; that nothing is worth anything but peace, peace, peace, even with bereavement and grief—nothing!

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    A fox with sharp teeth is more dangerous than a bear with blunt paws.

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    YOUR GREATER ANIMAL They say that if you are Ever confronted by A lion or bear, To never act scared. Instead act like You are the greater animal And that they're The hare That you are about To tear. This has been Proven And compared. This is how presidents Are loved And feared. Each one of us has an animal Within us That is armed with Mental, Physical or Spiritual gifts That could shoot spears Through the air. So next time You are confronted in A fight that seems unfair, Just remember the lion and the bear. MAGNIFY Your greater animal And all that feel your magnificence Will quickly step away And disappear.

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    A bear does not change its nature because it shed its fur.

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    A Bear is always stronger than a bull

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    A gift can never be cheap or insignificant because of the heart and love it carries.

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    And now, for something completely the same: Wasted time and wasted breath, 's what I'll make, until my death. Helping people 'd be as good, but I wouldn't, if I could. For the few that help deserve, have no need, or not the nerve, help from strangers to accept, plus from mine a few have wept. Wept from joy, or from despair, or just from my vengeful stare. Ways I have, to look at stupid, make them see I am not Cupid. Make them see they are in error, for of truth I am a bearer. Most decide I'm just a bear, mauling at them, - like I care.

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    A tree that does not blossom, will bear no fruit

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    And there was nothing quite like the surprise attack of a snarling black bear, even one missing all forty-two teeth, to urge someone back to work. Waking up with several hundred mud-encrusted, reeking pounds on top of you — your neck suffering a hickey of epic proportions — just pushed the limits on what was tolerable.

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    As she stares into the cool prisms of blues and whites, and the clear parts which fracture the light, she notices something deeper. It is a light from within the ice. It's beautiful; so she stays.

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    Bear, I need your eyes. I need your nose. I need your night-wits and forest-wisdom.

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    Bear proves that true love doesn’t have to be complicated—or even reciprocated.

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    Bear the ills of life without being bitter.

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    Good morning, sunshine,” he said, his smile quickly disappearing in the face of her murderous glance when she raised her face to look at him. “Shut up and die, morning person. Coffee,” she mumbled. Right. Note to self. Mate was not a morning person. He poured a cup of coffee and placed it on the table near her hand along with the sweetener and cream. He watched as she poured three packets of Equal into the coffee with her forehead still on the table. He looked on in amazement as she felt around and unscrewed the cap to the cream before dousing the dark liquid. She stirred for a second before dragging the cup to her lips. After a few sips she was able to lift her head. By the time she had finished half a cup she was sitting upright. When she finished the cup, her eyes were open and she was looking around. “You need to be a coffee commercial,” Connor said, staring at his mate.

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    ...Brae, this is the season on Mercinia which makes adult Ursus shifters turn to cubs. The only difference is mistakes of children can be forgotten, but mistakes of adults can lead to war...

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    Enroll your body, soul and spirit and engage your time to do what you know best. Dedicate yourself to the work at hand and you will be rewarded by the fruits you will bear!

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    Belief is the strongest power you can bring to bear in order to realise your dreams.

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    Gracie leaned out the back, craning her neck as far as she could around the side, trying to catch the wind in her nose and flapping lips. She loved driving, and this car was much faster than the truck which hauled her cage. It was very green here, and the sun flashed and flickered behind the tall trees. There were a million smells along this road, both old and just born. She closed her eyes and huffed, pretending she was flying.

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    It was a weakness, but he could not bear to disappoint women, even if it was ultimately for their own good.

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    He wasn't like the other bears. While everyone else was hibernating, he would be out putting on his sneakers.

    • bear quotes
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    I bet you could catch bullets,” she said, and threw the stick away. “How do you do that?” “By not being human,” he said. “That’s why you could never trick a bear. We see tricks and deceit as plain as arms and legs. We can see in a way humans have forgotten. But you know about this; you can understand the symbol reader.

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    I'm not a criminal,” said Paddington, hotly. “I'm a bear!

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    In calm cold midwinter, there was a starving hunter, who lost his way in forest, and had no food no shelter, One day he woke of hunger, and started walking faster, he walked for miles and miles, but nothing saw his eyes, He trembled of an anger, his hope forever died, like thirsty bowing flower, the poor hunter cried, He started walking further, then saw a wounded deer, who lied near the river, with so much pain to bear. The deer was also hunted, by hunter like this man, her eyes were getting colder, and filled with so much fear, The hunter felt so pity, of what he saw over there, his sufferings were same as, of which were of the deer, And then they died together, as reached the starving

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    I have a definite psychosis in being with people. I cannot bear it very long.

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    It was a year ago today your daughter went missing.’ Bagg had closed his eyes, feeling the death going on inside.

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    Looking at the rich and powerful was dangerous, like peering into the sun.