Best 371 quotes of William Faulkner on MyQuotes

William Faulkner

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    William Faulkner

    A dream is not a very safe thing to be near... I know; I had one once. It's like a loaded pistol with a hair trigger: if it stays alive long enough, somebody is going to be hurt. But if it's a good dream, it's worth it.

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    William Faulkner

    A fellow gets to thinking. About all the sorrow and afflictions in this world; how it's liable to strike anywhere, like lightning.

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    William Faulkner

    a fellow is more afraid of the trouble he might have than he ever is of the trouble he's already got. He'll cling to trouble he's used to before he'll risk a change. Yes. A man will talk about how he'd like to escape from living folks. But it's the dead folks that do him the damage. It's the dead ones that lay quiet in one place and dont try to hold him, that he cant escape from.

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    William Faulkner

    A gentleman can live through anything.

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    William Faulkner

    A hack writer who would have been considered fourth rate in Europe, who tried out a few of the old proven 'sure-fire' literary skeletons with sufficient local color to intrigue the superficial and the lazy.

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    William Faulkner

    All of us have failed to match our dream of perfection. I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible. If I could write all my work again, I'm convinced I could do it better. This is the healthiest condition for an artist. That's why he keeps working, trying again: he believes each time that this time he will do it, bring it off. Of course he won't.

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    William Faulkner

    All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the base of our splendid failure to do the impossible.

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    William Faulkner

    All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection.

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    William Faulkner

    Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. An artist is a creature driven by demons. He don't know why they choose him and he's usually too busy to wonder why. He is completely amoral in that he will rob, borrow, beg, or steal from anybody and everybody to get the work done. The writer's only responsibility is to his art.

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    William Faulkner

    Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do.

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    William Faulkner

    A man. All men. He will pass up a hundred chances to do good for one chance to meddle where meddling is not wanted. He will overlook and fail to see chances, opportunities, for riches and fame and welldoing, and even sometimes for evil. But he won't fail to see a chance to meddle.

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    William Faulkner

    A man never gets anywhere if facts and his ledgers don't square.

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    William Faulkner

    A man's moral conscience is the curse he had to accept from the gods in order to gain from them the right to dream.

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    William Faulkner

    An artist is completely amoral in that he will rob, beg, borrow, or steal from anybody and everybody to get the work done.

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    William Faulkner

    And even a liar can be scared into telling the truth, same as honest man can be tortured into telling a lie.

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    William Faulkner

    And we'd sit in the dry leaves that whispered a little with the slow respiration of our waiting and with the slow breathing of the earth and the windless october, the rank smell of the lantern fouling the brittle air, listening to the dog and the echo of louis' voice dying away

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    William Faulkner

    And when I think about that, I think that if nothing but being married will help a man, he's durn nigh hopeless.

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    William Faulkner

    ...and you don't even have to sleep alone, you don't even have to sleep at all; and so, all you have to do is show the stick to the dog now and then and say, 'Thank God for nothing.'

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    William Faulkner

    A pair of jaybirds came up from nowhere, whirled up on the blast like gaudy scraps of cloth or paper and lodged in the mulberries, where they swung in raucous tilt and recover, screaming into the wind that ripped their harsh cries onward and away like scraps of paper or of cloth in turn.

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    William Faulkner

    As long as I live under the capitalistic system I expect to have my life influenced by the demands of moneyed people. But I will be damned if I propose to be at the beck and call of every itinerant scoundrel who has two cents to invest in a postage stamp. This, sir, is my resignation.

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    William Faulkner

    A writer is congenitally unable to tell the truth and that is why we call what he writes fiction.

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    William Faulkner

    A writer is trying to create believable people in credible moving situations in the most moving way he can.

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    William Faulkner

    A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, at times any one of which, can supply the lack of the others.

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    William Faulkner

    Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools.

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    William Faulkner

    Because there is something in the touch of flesh with flesh which abrogates, cuts sharp and straight across the devious intricate channels of decorous ordering, which enemies as well as lovers know because it makes them both:---touch and touch of that which is the citadel of the central I-Am's private own: not spirit, soul; the liquorish and ungirdled mind is anyone's to take in any any darkened hallway of this earthly tenement. But let flesh touch with flesh, and watch the fall of all the eggshell shibboleth of caste and color too.

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    William Faulkner

    Believe that man will not merely endure; he will prevail.

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    William Faulkner

    Be scared. You can't help that. But don't be afraid. Ain't nothing in the woods going to hurt you unless you corner it, or it smells that you are afraid. A bear or a deer, too, has got to be scared of a coward the same as a brave man has got to be.

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    William Faulkner

    By artist I mean of course everyone who has tried to create something which was not here before him, with no other tools and material than the uncommer-ciable ones of the human spirit.

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    William Faulkner

    Civilization begins with distillation

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    William Faulkner

    Curiosity is a mistress whose slaves decline no sacrifice.

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    William Faulkner

    Don't bother just to be better than others. Try to be better than yourself.

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    William Faulkner

    Even sound seemed to fail in this air, like the air was worn out with carrying sounds so long.

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    William Faulkner

    Ever since then I have believed that God is not only a gentleman and a sport; he is a Kentuckian too.

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    William Faulkner

    Every man has a different idea of what's beautiful, and it's best to take the gesture, the shadow of the branch, and let the mind create the tree.

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    William Faulkner

    Everyone in the South has no time for reading because they are all too busy writing.

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    William Faulkner

    Everything goes by the board: honor, pride, decency, security, happiness, all, to get the book written.

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    William Faulkner

    Everything in Los Angeles is too large, too loud and usually banal in concept… The plastic asshole of the world.

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    William Faulkner

    Fear is the most damnable, damaging thing to human personality in the whole world.

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    William Faulkner

    For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it's still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon in 1863...

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    William Faulkner

    Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but that's the only way you can do anything really good.

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    William Faulkner

    Gettysburg. . . . You cant understand it. You would have to be born there.

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    William Faulkner

    Good art can come out of thieves, bootleggers, or horse swipes. People really are afraid to find out just how much hardship and poverty they can stand. They are afraid to find out how tough they are. Nothing can destroy the good writer. The only thing that can alter the good writer is death. Good ones don't have time to bother with success or getting rich. Success is feminine and like a woman; if you cringe before her, she will override you. So the way to treat her is to show her the back of your hand. Then maybe she will do the crawling.

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    William Faulkner

    Gough never pretended to perfection or to sainthood - well, hardly ever. Although when he set off the metal detector at airport security, he would blame his aura.

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    William Faulkner

    Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.

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    William Faulkner

    Had Passion and Purity never encountered, Tenderness had never come into the world.

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    William Faulkner

    He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.

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    William Faulkner

    He made the earth first and peopled it with dumb creatures, and then He created man to be His overseer on the earth and to hold suzerainty over the earth and the animals on it in His name, not to hold for himself and his descendants inviolable title forever, generation after generation, to the oblongs and squares of the earth, but to hold the earth mutual and intact in the communal anonymity of brotherhood, and all the fee He asked was pity and humility and sufferance and endurance and the sweat of has face for bread.

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    William Faulkner

    Hemingway shot himself. I don't like a man that takes the short way home.

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    William Faulkner

    Henry James was one of the nicest old ladies I ever met.

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    William Faulkner

    He [the writer] must, teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed - love and honor and pity and compassion and sacrifice. See Poets & Writers