Best 604 quotes in «busy quotes» category

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    I like being busy and juggling a lot of things at the same time. I get bored easily, so I need to do a lot.

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    I love doing motion pictures and expect to be as busy as I want to be in them.

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    I like to stay busy, I like to stay focused, and I like to stay creative. Without being creative I'd be dead.

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    I like to just hang out. My friends dont like to do that, but I do. Because, a lot of times Im busy, and I just kind of like to get a chance to just hang out.

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    I love to be busy and be challenged. I'm my happiest when I'm under pressure and almost overwhelmed by how much I have to get done.

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    I love to be busy, and when I'm off the court, I do things I love.

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    I'm always the cousin that can't make it to the family functions because I'm busy.

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    I'm also really fulfilled by having a production company and producing movies, and learning about how that works and happens. It's a totally, entirely separate skill set and it's one that I happen to also enjoy. So, I intend to cultivate all of those things until I can't anymore. That's my goal. I love to be challenged and busy, and so far, so good. I'm just going to do whatever I can to continue to encourage that.

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    I'm always busy, but I'm lazy as well.

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    I'm busy. Thank you very much. Have a great day.

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    I'm extremely busy and running around requires a lot of energy.

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    I love making music so its important for me to keep doing that even if the schedule is busy.

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    I'm a very sympathetic person, but that doesn't always come across in my work because I'm too busy being mad at everything.

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    I'm doing a lot of touring and things have been really busy for me.

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    I'm in an agreeable state: busy, enthusiastic, curious.

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    I'm fundamentally a busy person; I spend my time doing useful things and profoundly useless things!

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    I'm just too busy living every day to really spend a lot of time thinking 'am I old?'  I'm this age.  I am in this moment and in this life.

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    I'm not a coach and I know it. I'm too busy and it doesn't pay. I'm expensive. But I would always advise.

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    I'm one of those always busy type of people, so when there's a lull, I find something to fill it.

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    I'm not very good at resting on my laurels. I am a bit of a workaholic, and I like to keep busy and active, so I think that's what drives me.

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    I'm not really a homosexual. I just help them out when they're busy.

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    I'm so busy these days. I forget everything but my lines.

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    I'm pretty busy in my life and I'm very aware of what it takes to direct a movie. It takes a lot out of you; it takes a lot out of the rest of your life, from other people in your life. I don't lie around hungering for that consumption very often.

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    I'm so busy right now, it's the beginning of the hockey season for my kids.

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    I'm still, except for making overseas trips, I'm staying just about as busy as I ever did.

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    I'm really in retirement. My career is over. I'm just playing now and having a great time. I like to keep busy, and I'm doing what's fun for me.

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    I'm sorry, I'm a little busy. Can i ignore you later?

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    I'm too busy playing to worry about the movement or the fingerboard.

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    I'm too busy putting my energies into my performance to be a diva.

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    I'm too busy. I have no time for worry.

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    I'm the ultimate organizer! My major at Stanford was "Organizational Behavior" so I love to multi-task and stay extra busy.

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    I'm too busy having fun to be mean and nasty.

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    I'm too busy to be nostalgic, which is one of the reasons to keep busy. I'm not a very sentimental person.

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    I'm too busy acting like I'm not Naive. I've seen it all, I was here first.

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    I'm someone who likes to keep busy, especially with projects that I find meaningful and fulfilling.

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    In 1736, Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette printed an apology for its irregular appearence because its printer was "with the Press, labouring for the publick Good, to make Money more plentiful." The press was busy printing money.

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    I'm very old fashioned. I still believe in the image and the pictorial quality of the image. It seems that I'm still busy with a truth in photography.

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    In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.

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    I never grew up reading or fantasizing about fairy tales. I was always too busy, like, outside being a kid.

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    I never think of death: I am too busy thinking of life.

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    I never think too far into the future. I'm too busy thinking about tomorrow's news.

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    I'm try[ing] to catch up on my work and you know I keep my eyes on the road, but I'm a busy man.

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    Industrial design keeps the customer happy, his client in the black and the designer busy.

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    In pushing other species to extinction, humanity is busy sawing off the limb on which it perches.

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    In my early twenties, that's when I really began to write. Before that, I was too busy working, keeping myself going.

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    In my experience, being busy and working hard is the key to sanity/happiness.

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    In works of labour or of skillI would be busy too:For Satan finds some mischief stillFor idle hands to do.

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    I realized that I have to slow down. I work so hard, I'm so busy.

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    Injustice anywhere is an assault on all of us. That means that we all can get busy.

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    In the fifties… we were so busy being cool that we didn’t know how to say the word love

    • busy quotes