Best 1646 quotes in «devil quotes» category

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    Man cannot control himself, and if he will not be controlled by Jesus Christ, then he will be controlled by Satan.

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    Mankind Men, said the Devil, are good to their brothers: they don’t want to mend their own ways, but each other's.

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    Maombi yako yasipojibiwa usikate tamaa, Mungu alishakusikia na tayari alishaandaa malaika wa kukuletea jibu. Jibu wakati mwingine huchelewa kufika kwa sababu ya nguvu za giza. Usiwe na haraka, muda wako ukifika utajibiwa.

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    Maybe demons are defined as anything other than God that tries to tell us who we are. And maybe, just moments after Jesus' baptism, when the devil says to him, "If you are the Son of God…" he does so because he knows that Jesus is vulnerable to temptation precisely to the degree that he is insecure about his identity and mistrusts his relationship with God. So if God's first move is to give us our identity, then the devil's first move is to throw that identity into question.

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    Men allermeest er det forundringer værd, En Ganne indsætter, en anden har lærd, Den samme med Konst at udtage. Nu maatte man spørge, hvor giøres det got, At Satan mot Satanem øver sin Spot, Kand Diævel en Diævel uddrive;

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    Memory is a sly devil that pretends to wear the cloak of truth, but deceives us both in our youth and our age.

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    More people have died in the name of religion than any other cause on earth. Is massacring God's creations really serving God - or the devil? And what father would want to see his children constantly divided and fighting? What God would allow a single human life to be sacrificed for monetary gain? Again, the Creator or the devil?

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    Mtu yoyote anayedanganya ni Shetani, kwani Shetani ni baba wa uongo. Tusikubali kudanganywa ovyo, hasa watoto wetu, katika kipindi hiki cha utandawazi na teknolojia.

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    My dad used to warn me that the devil doesn't have horns and a pitchfork, he'll appear as the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. He'll make you laugh. He'll make you feel good. You'll do things you never thought you would, but he'll tell you it's okay. And before you know it, you've sold your soul to him.

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    My love, I’d volunteer to live a thousand lives if I got to spend any part of them with you.

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    Neither the devil nor the world, nor even our own evil heart can compel us to sin. It must be by our own consent and will.

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    Never forget: Death was Satan’s greatest victory.

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    Never go down to the darkest room. Stay far away from the rotting coffin. If you want to live through the night, let the devil sleep.

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    Mdanganyifu hudanganya wanaopenda kudanganywa.

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    Men grieve [Mephistopheles] so with the days of their lamenting, [he] even hate[s] to plague them with [his] torments.

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    Most of my girlfriends are sent by the Devil and seem genuinely bemused when I do not succumb to their powers.

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    My dear: in this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it.

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    My dear friends, from the devil's standpoint there is not the slightest difference between being puffed up with pride in yourself or spending the whole of your time condemning yourself. Either way the devil is very well-pleased. Any concentration upon self in any shape or form is of the devil.

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    My mother-in-law belongs in Hell, but the devil is afraid she’ll end up taking over.

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    Never bet the devil your head.

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    Never forget: Satan’s goal is to turn us away from God.

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    Never had the urge to deliver us from evil?” “No, never” “Devil triumphs when good men do nowt

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    Never make a deal with the devil unless you're prepared to lose.

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    Next I prayed to Allah, whose ears are deaf; then did I beseech his fallen twin, the Devil Hornprick, who sits upon his thorn of fire, gloating upon his constellations and counting his bloody seeds. In Baclava it is said Hornprick once caught a glimpse of the First Woman, as she sat singing to her snake in her chamber of sacred mud. Dazzled by her sight, the light of love and lust, he fell. He is still falling. For all eternity her breasts orbit his dreams.

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    Nobody is responsible for your sorrows and poverty, not even the devil. It is the work of the enemies of time that lives in some men, and their names are, 'Laziness and Procrastination'.

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    No matter how an individual views Satan, whether they believe that he is a real character or that he is just the product of literary scholars and imaginations, no one can deny that each one of us has an aspect of the devil within us. By studying the character and nature of Satan, we learn about ourselves; and the more we know about ourselves, the better we can fight our own personal demons—metaphorical or otherwise—in order to create a better tomorrow

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    Nevertheless, the potential and actual importance of fantastic literature lies in such psychic links: what appears to be the result of an overweening imagination, boldly and arbitrarily defying the laws of time, space and ordered causality, is closely connected with, and structured by, the categories of the subconscious, the inner impulses of man's nature. At first glance the scope of fantastic literature, free as it is from the restrictions of natural law, appears to be unlimited. A closer look, however, will show that a few dominant themes and motifs constantly recur: deals with the Devil; returns from the grave for revenge or atonement; invisible creatures; vampires; werewolves; golems; animated puppets or automatons; witchcraft and sorcery; human organs operating as separate entities, and so on. Fantastic literature is a kind of fiction that always leads us back to ourselves, however exotic the presentation; and the objects and events, however bizarre they seem, are simply externalizations of inner psychic states. This may often be mere mummery, but on occasion it seems to touch the heart in its inmost depths and become great literature.

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    No man can concentrate his attention upon evil, or even upon the idea of evil, and remain unaffected. To be more against the devil than for God is exceedingly dangerous.

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    No man is exempted from the subtle deception of doctrinal drift – the man of God expects this temptation.

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    No one was meant to see hell before they got there. No one should have to live with the devil. So many homilies on faith were ruined once you no longer required it for belief.

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    Normally, the mortal would be emptied of his soul. His truest essence, which, if the bastard was lucky, would be released to be recycled by the cosmos. The ‘investor’ would then take hold, snuggling in tightly to his host body. At first it's kind of like when you purchase a new pair of shoes. How the hard leather around the opening digs into the flesh it surrounds. Then, after a short period of breaking them in, it begins to only feel uncomfortable when you move a certain way. Soon enough though, you forget that you even have them on. They eventually seem to fit as if you’ve always worn them. The truly unlucky, though, they are left inside. Paralyzed and powerless to do anything but watch their lives be lived by someone… something, else.

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    Not entirely fair?" His voice became that of the inferno: a rushing, booming howl of icy evil that flew around the great cavern, as swift and cold as the Wendigo on skates. "I am Satan, also called Lucifer the Light Bearer..." Cabal winced. What was it about devils that they always had to give you their whole family history? "I was cast down from the presence of God himself into this dark, sulfurous pit and condemned to spend eternity here-" "Have you tried saying sorry?" interrupted Cabal. "No, I haven't! I was sent down for a sin of pride. It rather undermines my position if I say 'sorry'!

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    Now,' cried the fiend, 'follow me! You must understand that I cannot get out by the great gate - the porter will not suffer that. Once here, there is no retreat. Follow me, therefore: we will just go to your house, where you shall dress yourself; for you can hardly go to a ball in your present costume - especially as it is not a bal masque. Mind and wrap yourself well up in your winding-sheet, for the nights are cold, and you may feel unpleasantly touched by it.' As he said this, Satan laughed malignantly; and I continued silently to walk after him. 'I am sure,' continued he, 'that, in spite of the service I am doing you, you do not yet like me. You are always thus, you men - ungrateful to your friends. Not that I blame ingratitude; it is a vice upon which I pride myself, since I invented it myself; and I must say, that it is one most in vogue. But I do wish to see you a little more merry - it is the only thing I ask of you.' I answered not, but still followed my guide, white as a statue, and as cold. I was silent; but, at the pauses in the fiend's voice, I could hear my teeth chatter against each other, and my bones rattle in my body. ("The Dead Man's Story")

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    Once you get on the path leading to your success, the devil will try to stop you

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    Only God can thwart the plans of Satan and his legions.

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    On the subject of who is to blame for our disunity - “The easy conclusion- that the devil is at work trying to destroy the church- is true, but itʼs not the whole story. Of course the enemy is at work doing that. But closer examination shows that much of the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the church itself-on believers in god-and how our own devilish deeds have alienated other followers of God. Sadly, weʼve done the devilʼs work for him.

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    Open your eyes, Ambrosio, and be prudent. Hell is your lot; You are doomed to eternal perdition; Nought lies beyond your grave but a gulph of devouring flames.

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    Our combat with the devil always should be with the consciousness that we have authority always should be with the consciousness that we have authority over him because he is a defeated foe – the Lord Jesus Christ defeated him for us.

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    No one showed any signs of recognizing me. I didn't know what I'd do if they did, other than lie like a devil and pray like a saint.

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    Not of the priest, and not of the devils, nor of the pits of fire. She had seen their devils. She saw them every day. Some were wicked, and some were kind, and some were mischievous. All were as human in their way as the folk they guarded. No, Vasya was frightened of her own people. They did not joke on the way to church anymore.

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    Odiar o Diabo e seus demónios, e querer expulsá-los com violência, é um acto demoníaco. Tudo merece agradecimento. Tudo merece existir.

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    Often the devil wants to distract us from our goal, to make us passive and neutralize our actions

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    Okay, how's this? I’ve been to Heaven and Hell. I’ve seen the whole world, but the only thing that makes me want to live is this: being inside you. I love you so much. You’re all I see.

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    One of the devil’s methods is to attack everyone . . . He knows that the Word of God is powerful, and he will try to keep you from it.

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    One of the crafty tricks Satan plays is to guide a person safely on the wrong path. When your safety is the priority, you may be on the wrong path but may not know.

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    One who walks with God is better than a million who run with the devil.

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    Passion doesn't rely on fame rather fame rely on your passion, i see people joining a field, hungry for fame, want to become a brand, trying to convert their weaknesses into strengths by ignoring the Brand that God has created by Himself by giving you a face and task and the love for that specific assigned task is in your heart, try to recognize that true power rather than focusing on others, their destinations and paths. You are here on planet earth to show people either your face becomes the autograph of God if u recognize your own self and brand, or the autograph of the devil by not following your own true nature and trying to become something else, by participating in the destructive aspect of the universe.

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    Pelos ossos de Deus, Tom, o diabo fez um serviço ruim quando trepou com sua mãe.

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    Our enemy attacks the conscience little by little seeking to wear us down and then wears out a leader's resolve to fight the good fight.

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    Part time christian cannot defeat a full time devil