Best 2891 quotes in «sweet quotes» category

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    Finally, Slade had the thing he’d never thought he would have. The thing he’d never even thought he wanted. He had the same thing his best friend had with his sister: he had the love of a woman. Not just any woman, but the woman he loved with all that he was

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    Fine, I’ll live. Just give me time to fill the void you left.

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    Flavour your life in such a way that anyone who thinks he or she is biting or back-biting you, will rather take smiles away unexpectedly and with surprises.

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    For Anne and our cub, for making me and my life less beastly

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    Forget-me-nots... She loved those flowers more than any other in their big beautiful garden or in the whole wide world for that matter. They were sky blue, just like his eyes, they held a promise... Forget me not.

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    For me, you are fresh water that falls from trees when it has stopped raining. For me, you are cinnamon that lingers on the tongue and gives bitter words sweetening. For me, you are the scent of violins and vision of valleys smiling. And still, for me, your loveliness never ends. It traverses the world and finds its way back to me. Only me.

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    For the time being—”He emphasized each word. “I’ll be the only one climbing through your window.

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    Give me another chance. Earlier tonight, you hoped I would be your first. I really did feel honored. I was just caught way off guard, so I fronted a little and rushed upstairs. But when I got to the top, I leaned back against my door and had to catch my breath. I couldn’t fucking believe it.

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    Getting up, Luc finished his beer and set the empty bottle on the small outdoor table. The sooner he apologised for his outburst, the better. Walking into the house, he heard a thud. Panic filled him as he ran towards the back of the house. He rounded the corner and almost ran over Justin. His partner had evidently been trying to get to his wheelchair. "Baby? What're you doing?" Luc asked. Kneeling on the floor, he pulled Justin into his arms. "Coming after you," Justin said. "I'm...sorry." Luc held Justin tighter as his lover began to shake. He rocked the larger body back and forth like a child. "What're we gonna do with each other? I was just coming in to say the same thing to you.

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    Grace stopped in the door, dimly silhouetted by the dull gray morning light, and looked back at me, at my eyes, my mouth, my hands, in a way that made something inside me knot and unknot unbearably. I didn't think I belonged here in her world, a boy stuck between two lives, dragging the dangers of the wolves with me, but when she said my name, waiting for me to follow, I knew I'd do anything to stay with her.

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    Great. So basically you're saying your entire family is trained to kick my ass if I step out of line." Sherry tapped his chest with a smirk she didn't quite feel. "AND don't you forget it." "Well, except for me," Colby replied. "I leave the fighting to my man. I'd just slip something in your food.

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    He’d been rigid for so long, maybe he’d petrified clean through and there was no softness left inside him. How could she reach him to color his world when his fists were filled with charcoal?

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    Haven't you heard? Opposites attract." "yeah, but you're talking about fire and gasoline. With him and you, it's more like pablum and sass." "Which do I get to be?" "Darlin', you are all sass, all the time.

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    Hawke continued to walk beside his lieutenant— a man who, as a result of his incredible feats during the battle in San Francisco, now had a fan club. Complete with “I (heart) Judd” and “Judd Is My Boyfriend” memorabilia. In the normal course of events, civilians wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near the former Arrow, but it had been impossible to evacuate the entire city prior to the Pure Psy attack.

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    He cupped my face in his hands and wiped my tears with his thumbs. "Better?" "Yes." He looked into my eyes and said, "I'll never leave you alone, Anna. Not if I can help it.

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    He continued to stare out the window. "I meant what I said before. You need to walk away, Pidge. God knows I can't walk away from you.

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    He closed his eyes willing his desire to cool before meeting hers once more, “I am Lutalo Gund, your mate.

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    He’d never forgotten the sweep of her soft mouth against his, the taste of her sweetness, like strawberries, and the way she fired his insides to life.

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    He glared down at her. “Yes. But you must not cry. I won’t get you any dresses if you cry.” “I don’t normally cry.” “You will never do it.” “Well, I’m afraid I may sometimes,” she said apologetically. “Women need to cry.” Lines formed between his brows. “How many times in a year?”“Maybe five or six,” she said, thinking about it. “But really, it’s usually a very small cry and not in front of anyone At that, his scowl grew even darker. “I will permit you to cry four times a year. And you will do it when I am here.

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    He had taken up woodworking, there was sawdust on his soft worn trousers; his wife had wrapped a scarf around his neck and kissed his cheek as he went out.

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    He is the complete opposite of her, or maybe just a completion of her.

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    Hell, yes. I love you; that’s not going to change. I want this, I want you, and I think . . . Oh hell, here comes the Dawson’s Creek.” He grimaced and I chuckled in spite of the moment. His gaze grew wistful, and he looked so young. “I don’t want to put things off, even though we haven’t been together a really long time. I don’t want to wait—you never know what can . . . Look. I adore you, and I want a home. Again. With you.

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    He kisses me, the taste of sugar on my lips, and salt and spice on his. This is my heart, says the warm sugar of the vanilla. This is the inside of me, murmurs the cinnamon. This is everything that hurts, confesses the bright edge of chili powder, and everything I miss and everything I hope for. This is everything I do not say but that I hold in me, whispers that breath of salt at the end. This is my hidden heart of color and sugar, the things you might miss if I did not show you they were there.

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    He leaned toward me and delicately grazed my lips with his. The tease left me breathless, burning for more. “I keep having to remind myself that I can do that,” he smirked.

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    He paused and let out a little sigh. Then I’m saying it wrong, because it has everything to do with you. I want what Hades and Persephone had, and I can’t do it without you. The only time the queen of the Everneath has been overthrown is when an Everliving has found his perfect match. I’ve spent my whole life - and it’s a long one, trust me - looking for my perfect match, and it’s you. I knew you were different from the first moment I met you. The first moment you placed your hands on mine. You remember?

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    Henry lifted his head and looked directly at me. I froze where I stood, feeling as if he had just told me a secret with that look. It was new . It was a question and a statement and a quick, hidden secret all at once..

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    He raised himself on his hands and looked at Irene's face: the nudity of that feminine body had risen into her face, the body had reabsorbed it, as nature reabsorbs forsaken gardens.

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    Her chest began to quake softly. "Why?" "Why what, sweetheart?" I said gently. "Why do you want me?" I didn't even have to think. "Because anyone who's been through what you have and can still come out in one piece on the other side is a beautiful creature that I want to know.

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    Here, illuminated at last, Nestles the ruddy glint of spiritual certainty; Sweet moments of passion and healing, Of sensual release.

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    He’d been rigid for so long, maybe he’d petrified clean through and there was no softness left inside him. How could she teach him to color his world when his fists were filled with charcoal?

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    Her kisses reminded me of lemon slices drizzled with sticky honey. Bitter, sweet and strangely irresistible.

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    Her pulse pounded in her ears. She didn't need to turn around to know he was standing behind her. Most likely with a smirk at catching her impromptu belly dance.

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    He rolled his eyes. "I will never not be worried about you! That's close to impossible." He ran a hand over his face in frustration. "I wish for one moment you could feel what its like to be a Protector. I can't think of anything else, Raina, not even myself. It's what I's all I am at the moment." ~Thanatos

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    He sent Eliza a small smile before turning to Lawrence. "What say you and I return to the hotel for a bit? I need to check on my daughter, and you need some time away from my sister." Not giving Lawrence an opportunity to reply, Grayson took him by the arm and hurried him out of the room. It was lovely to have a big brother again.

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    He’s not going to stop this. He’s really going to kill himself.

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    He said that if I ever hurt you, he'd find me and kill me. I told him that if I ever hurt you, I'd want him to." - Aiden MacRae

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    He softly brushed a lock of brown hair from her face, “Believe it, liefie, it seems you are irresistible. I will have to keep my guard up if I don’t want you to be snatched away.

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    he's the yin to my yang" -Emma Wise

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    He tended to the ovens, but was allowed to help the other chefs for a few hours, warming butter and measuring out orange blossom water to create trays of rich, buttery brioche.

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    He thinks you're pretty." Genevieve yawned. "Guys always think you're pretty." "Well people think you look like me," I responded. "They're only being nice." Her voice was hurt as she curled closer to me. "They aren't being nice. You're beautiful, smart, and you know who you are. You're never afraid of saying what you believe in. I never want you to forget that, Genevieve," I spoke tenderly as I watched her eyes start to sag. "I love you, Genevieve.

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    He turned back to Lara, his alert gaze raking over her tearful face. Somehow the solid reality of his presence eased her panic. He folded her in his arms, anchoring her against his chest, murmuring quietly into her hair. Sniffling, Lara reached inside his waistcoat until her palm rested over the steady beat of his heart. The sensation of his warm breath sinking down to her scalp me her quiver. It was so terribly intimate, crying in his arms... even more personal than making love. But he had never felt so much like a husband to her as he did in this moment. Quieting, she inhaled his familiar scent and let out a shaky sigh.

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    Hey. What did you do to your - I mean, you look different." My cheeks go immediately hot. Not that your average onlooker can tell, given all the makeup I'm wearing. "Frankie and I were just messing around this morning." "Oh," he says, tying the paper from his straw into little knots. "It looks nice, I mean. I just can't see you, that's all." I make a mental note to ditch the makeup tomorrow. Then I get mad at myself for letting some boy that I just met dictate what I do with my own face. Then I get mad at myself for getting mad at myself and remember that I, too, prefer the natural look.

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    Hetty shivered. Goodness, he had no business looking at her like that. Physician my eye! Physicians definitely didn't look like him; they were short, round and adorned with wigs and spectacles.

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    He was a ruffled haired, stubble faced, woman's dream, tangled in sheets. So I stepped away from the Ryker and went for coffee instead.

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    He was nobody, but a sweet liar!

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    Hey, it’s Col. I’m standing in a soybean field outside of Gutshot, Tennessee, which is a long story, and it’s hot. K. I’m standing here sweating like I had hyperhidrosis, that disease where you sweat a lot. Crap. That’s not interesting. But anyway, it’s hot, and so I’m thinking about cold to stay cool. And I was remembering walking through the snow coming back from the ridiculous movie. Do you remember that, K? We were on Giddings, and the snow made it so quiet, I couldn’t hear a thing in the world but you. And it was so cold then, and so silent, and I loved you so much. Now it’s hot, and dead quiet again, and I love you still.

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    His attention. Sweet and intense at the same time. Like a barley sugar I could untwist from its plastic and hold in my mouth. A flood of secret pleasure.

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    His heart beat with renewed determination, as if the organ had come back to life, even though it had never died. As if it said, I've been waiting for her.

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    Hmmm, good isn’t fun, but I’ll try,” he whispers to me. ~ The Light Tamer

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    Hope is like melted sugar, even if it changes the form, it still tastes sweet. And caramelized hope tastes even more delicious..So, under any circumstances, we should keep on hoping for the best