Best 1914 quotes in «hell quotes» category

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    It must not be thought, however, that in pagan Ireland Fairyland was altogether conceived as a Hades or place of the dead. We have already seen that in some of its types and aspects it was inherently nothing of the sort; as when, for example, it came to be confused with the Land of the Gods. In all likelihood these separate paradises and deadlands of a nature so various were the result of the stratified beliefs of successive races dwelling in the same region. A conquering race would scarcely credit that its heroes would, after death, betake themselves to the deadland of the beaten and enslaved aborigines. The gods of vanquished races might be conceived as presiding over spheres of the dead for which their victors would have nothing but contempt, and which, because of that very contempt, might come to be conceived as hells or places of a debased and grovelling kind, pestiferous regions which only the spirits of despised "natives" or the undesirable might inhabit.

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    I tried to believe in God, but I confess to you that God meant nothing in my life, and that in my secret heart I too felt a void where my childhood faith had been. But probably this feeling belongs only to individuals in transition. The grandchildren of these pessimists will frolic in the freedom of their lives, and have more happiness than poor Christians darkened with fear of Hell.

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    It's an unholy crusade against good people everywhere, all in my name. If I had a stomach, I'd be sick to it. You see now why so many good people just give up out there? You can only take so much evil pretending to be good. You can only handle so many broken souls acting as if good people are the evil ones, before you raise your hands and claim defeat. But I want you all to understand something. There is evil happening. There are spirits from Hell demonizing. There are even wars planned, and dark judgments justified by the self-righteous fanatics. But none of that means good can't also triumph. None of that means good cannot rise up against hatred, against judgment, against the armies of Hell itself, and bring about a tidal wave of joy and love. Evil does, but good always is.

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    It maybe that we have all lived before and died, and this is hell.

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    It's hell... Just hell. It's just plain hell... But you gotta go through with it.

    • hell quotes
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    It's over." "I am not the only lord in Hell. Others will rise to take my place. The Morningstar will crave revenge." "Let them come.

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    Its the map of my childhood, my sadness, my Eden, my hell and home. when I look at it now, my heart swells with gratitude, then shrinks with disgust.

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    It used to be thought that hell was a lack of God, but hell is a lack of death.

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    It occurred to him that perhaps the Dark One had got a bum deal -- Demetrios would have made his own way to hell in the fullness of time, without an Allegro Equipe to take him there.

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    It seemed that hell could appear day or night, at any time, at any place, simply in response to one's thoughts or wishes. It seemed that we could summon it at our pleasure and that instantly it would appear.

    • hell quotes
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    it’s hard to tell whether or not hell’s flames are getting closer

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    It's wearying, like Caliban buttonholing you in hell and telling you the struggle he's having getting along with himself.

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    It was the only lullaby she would ever sing, and it was sung in Hell.

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    I've somehow run myself into hell. There must be many entrances.

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    I’ve been going through my own personal hell.

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    I was out of Hell Fire and my black market dealer was dead.

    • hell quotes
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    I will survive: if the hell rejects me, there is always the paradise.

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    I would rather own a little piece of Heaven than a large portion of Hell.

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    Light is the world's heaven, ignorance is the universe's hell.

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    L'inferno e il paradiso sono tutti e due dentro di noi.

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    .....listening means learning to hear someone's inner world and deepest feelings with far greater attention in order that we don't let our own assumptions get in the way. The dying may speak in images far more akin to dreamland than the world of everyday reality. In order to understand them we have to make adjustments to comprehend a poetic form of expression that is sometimes elusive but actually far more expressive than the world of facts.

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    Little pictures out of hell.

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    Liz: What's it like in hell? Ketut: Same like heaven. Universe is a circle, Liss. To up, to down -- all same, at end. Liz: Then how can you tell the difference between heaven and hell? Ketut: Because of how you go. Heaven, you go up, through seven happy places. Hell you go down, through seven sad places. This is why it better for you to go up, Liss. Liz: You mean, you might as well spend your life going upward, through the happy places, since heaven and hell -- same destinations -- are the same thing anyway? Ketut: Same-same. Same in end, so better be happy on journey.

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    Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of Heaven. Fear in your mind produces fear in your life. This is the meaning of hell.

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    Love is a universal Heaven, ignorance is an individual Hell.

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    Love is the highest Heaven, ignorance is the lowest Hell.

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    Loving her was heaven that turned to hell when she died.

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    Madeleine Albright has said that there is 'a special place in hell for women who don't help each other.' What are the implications of this statement? Would it be an argument in favor of the candidacy of Mrs. Clinton? Would this mean that Elizabeth Edwards and Michelle Obama don't deserve the help of fellow females? If the Republicans nominated a woman would Ms. Albright instantly switch parties out of sheer sisterhood? Of course not. (And this wearisome tripe from someone who was once our secretary of state ...)

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    Madeleine Albright says, “There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women.” I wonder what happens to women who bully other women.

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    Mais, j’aurai beau supplier, j’aurai beau me révolter, il n’y aura plus rien pour moi ; je ne serai, désormais, ni heureux, ni malheureux. Je ne peux pas ressusciter. Je vieillirai aussi tranquille que je le suis aujourd’hui dans cette chambre où tant d’êtres ont laissé leur trace, où aucun être n’a laissé la sienne. Cette chambre, on la retrouve à chaque pas. C’est la chambre de tout le monde. On croit qu’elle est fermée, non : elle est ouverte aux quatre vents de l’espace. Elle est perdue au milieu des chambres semblables, comme de la lumière dans le ciel, comme un jour dans les jours, comme moi partout. Moi, moi ! Je ne vois plus maintenant que la pâleur de ma figure, aux orbites profondes, enterrée dans le soir, et ma bouche pleine d’un silence qui doucement, mais sûrement, m’étouffe et m’anéantit. Je me soulève sur mon coude comme sur un moignon d’aile. Je voudrais qu’il m’arrivât quelque chose d’infini !

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    Maybe heaven was innocence, limbo was ignorance, and hell was fiery illumination.

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    Maybe I'm in Hell. That's okay, I'm not scared of Hell - it's just Heaven for bad people.

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    It was hell to be so tired, and still care.

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    I was cursing and swearing at you because of that address, I hated you already because of the lies I had told you. Because I only like playing with words, only dreaming, but, do you know, what I really want is that you should all go to hell. That is what I want. I want peace; yes, I'd sell the whole world for a farthing, straight off, so long as I was left in peace. Is the world to go to pot, or am I to go without my tea? I say that the world may go to pot for me so long as I always get my tea.

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    I will track right on down to hell to pull your ass out of the fire.

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    I would rather own a little piece of Heaven than a large plot on Hell.

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    Let go of the past, even if it offers you Heaven; embrace the future, even if it offers you Hell.

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    Listen: it’s got to be all honeymoon, always. Either heaven, or hell: no comfortable safe peaceful purgatory between for you and me to wait in until good behavior or forbearance or shame or repentance overtakes us.

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    Living in a stupid country is living in a marsh! You are surrounded by the reptiles and the alligators! Refusing hell is the best path to eliminate the hell!

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    Look, Hell is taking over Richmond, and soon, Virginia, not long after, the U.S., and from there, maybe the world. So, get over it. Larry is not fake. He's a demon, plain and simple, but maybe you can't comprehend it. I know I couldn't at first. That means no more people checking out books, no more Christmas, cute fluffy kittens, no more anything good and right for humankind. Just demons, Hell, and the end of life as we know it.

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    Look, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, so I’ll just say I’ve been through Hell and back. I am under no obligation to be sweet to you or anyone.

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    Looking For Gold I'm looking for the gold in this life A love so rare It's doesn't have a price Not living for the future No heaven, no hell, no paradise And I'm giving it all away now, Cause you can't step In the same river twice

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    Losing an unsaved loved one is hell, but that doesn’t mean that you need to go there yourself by turning away from God. Don’t make the same mistake he or she did.

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    Love is like a musical score, sometimes very tuneful, creating a harmony of sounds, sometimes extremely harsh, striking a hell of false notes. (“Love lying fallow “)

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    Lovers are the coolest their hearts beat the best & they kiss magic as hell

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    Lucifer, how, after a dozen millennia in Hell, could you possibly lose your way?" the Devil asked incredulously. "Well," the lesser demon began, "It is a rather large place...

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    L'unico inferno e l'unico paradiso sono quelli che ci costruiamo noi.

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    Mammon ni mungu wa pesa wa kuzimu anayesimamia mambo yote ya kifedha ulimwenguni. Ni miongoni mwa mashetani saba waliotupwa na Mwenyezi Mungu hapa duniani kutokea mbinguni akiwemo Ibilisi, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Amon na Belphegor. Ibilisi ni mungu wa kiburi, Beelzebub ni mungu wa uroho, Asmodeus ni mungu wa zinaa, Leviathan ni mungu wa wivu, Amon ni mungu wa hasira na Belphegor ni mungu wa uvivu. Jukumu la mashetani hawa ni kusimamia kwa uaminifu mkubwa kutokea kuzimu dhambi kubwa saba duniani ambazo ni kiburi, uroho, zinaa, wivu, hasira, uvivu na uchoyo. Dawa ya dhambi hizo ni busara, kiasi, ujasiri, imani, haki, tumaini na upendo.

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    Man is the cruelest animal," says Zarathustra. "When gazing at tragedies, bull-fights, crucifixations he hath hitherto felt happier than at any other time on Earth. And when he invented Hell...lo, Hell was his Heaven on Earth"; he could put up with suffering now, by contemplating the eternal punishment of his oppressors in the other world.

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    Mankind, in all his lusts, punishes himself. The gods have to do very little.