Best 3139 quotes in «mom quotes» category

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    Being a Hot Mom means being respected as a mom and a woman. And, the key to being a Hot Mom is having a sense of humor about yourself and all the crazy situations that arise.

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    Being a teenage model was lot of fun, like playing dress-up. I'd feel ugly and awkward and chubby, and they'd transform me. Not that that makes everything better. Then my mom shopped the pictures around, I guess, and the agencies started calling. I wound up going with a little agency, Spectrum. It all happened really quickly, I started modeling for magazines like YM and Seventeen, and I did a couple of bigger things like Italian Vogue.

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    Being a singer is all about me. About ego. Being a mom is all about being selfless - two different worlds.

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    Being a working mom is not easy. You have to be willing to screw up at every level.

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    Being a mother is hard and it wasn't a subject I ever studied.

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    Being an only child, I didn't have any other family but my mom and dad really, since the rest of my family lived quite far away from London.

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    Being a mom is hard, I think a lot of working moms feel that way.

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    Being a mom myself and it being a huge and important part of who I am, made it easier for me to play the role of a strong, fierce, giving mom...

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    Being a parent has become incredibly important to me. I never knew how much I would be altered by my children. I would like to be remembered by them in much the way I remember my mom: as loving and kind.

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    Being a parent is a huge part of who I am, and of course I share that with other women. I'm not just a business woman. I'm my sons' mother and my husband's wife - although I never post about him on social media because he'd probably divorce me if I did! But I think by showing who I am as a mom and as a business owner, I show other women that we're all balancing those two worlds.

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    Being a mom is what life is about. I hope people realize what the priorities in life should be and know not everything has to be perfect.

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    Being fit and being in the best shape that I can be helps me be the best mom as well.

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    Being the free woman who is sexy and out there is a performance in a way, and being the stay-at-home mom and wife is a performance in itself. All of those performances are living and force you to make decisions about who you really are. Women have to put those performances ahead of things sometimes. Men aren't perceived in the same way.

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    Being the only man in the household with my mom definitely helped me grow up fast.

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    Being a working mom, you want to make a difference in our schools, which is making a difference in our children and ultimately it's making a difference in our community.

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    Being a mom makes me feel whole and like I understand the meaning of life.

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    Being a mom's so empowering and incredible. I'm one of those people who believes that life brings things to you at a certain time for a certain reason, and if you just go with it, that's where the best moments come from.

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    Besides the alternate universe offered by a book, the quiet space of a museum was my favorite place to go. My mom said I was an escapist at heart . . . that I preferred imaginary worlds to the real one. It’s true that I’ve always been able to yank myself out of this world and plunge myself into another.

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    Between my mom and dad, I would hear a lot of Earth, Wind, and Fire. My mom loved Chaka Khan, so that was on in the car a lot.

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    Believe it or not, I thank my mom for how she raised me in a neighborhood daily to jump and chase me. It only made me what I am today.

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    Big brows weren’t the look in L.A., where I grew up. But my mom instilled in me that it’s the quirky things that make you beautiful.

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    Beloved, you are my sister, you are my daughter, you are my face; you are me.

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    Be yourself! Love your mom, but if she's trying to get you to be someone you're not, she's in the wrong

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    Biological possibility and desire are not the same as biological need. Women have childbearing equipment. For them to choose not to use the equipment is no more blocking what is instinctive than it is for a man who, muscles or no, chooses not to be a weightlifter.

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    Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.

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    Birdie is amazing and such an incredible child and I'm having such a great time being a mom but I still want to have a career and I still look forward to auditions and parts, and when I don't get them I'm disappointed.

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    Books have always been important to me - my mom was a first grade teacher, so I grew up reading all the time.

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    Blaming mother is just a negative way of clinging to her still.

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    Biology makes us Mothers & Fathers, whats in the heart makes us Mom's and Dad's

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    But, as potentially the first African American first lady, I was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations; conversations sometimes rooted in the fears and misperceptions of others. Was I too loud, or too angry, or too emasculating? Or was I too soft, too much of a mom, not enough of a career woman?

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    Both my mom and my grandma were really big influences on me not only by being strong and teaching me to be strong but also owning their salt as well.

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    Both of my mom's parents were music teachers, so I was hearing the fundamentals of playing the piano, what notes are, and all those things very early on.

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    Both of my parents are music teachers. My mother owns the school that I taught in. My brothers and sisters are musicans. My mom pushed me all the time. She knew that I could do it. She knew more than I did. She thought I would go somewhere. She gave me the job and helped me get equipment, which a lot of parents don't do. Alot of my students had to go out and fight for it.

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    But I can see. I can see everything. I can see things that Mom and Dad can’t. Or won’t.

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    But if you kept thinking about a fight you’d lost, Mom said, you were programming yourself to lose again.

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    Bout time," she huffed, but her voice sounded thick and emotional too."I was at the hospital all day yesterday, but they wouldn't let me see you. I bolted past security but they called code ninetynine and chased me down, they escorted me out in handcuffs. The way I see it, the only criminal here is your mom. No visitors? I'm your best friend, or did she not get the memo every year for the past eleven? Next time I'm over, I'm going to lay into that woman." ~Vee

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    But-but…” Timmie’s eyes couldn’t get any wider. “Why did you tell her I’m your boyfriend? Why doesn’t she know about your real one?” That was a good question. I cast around for an answer. Any answer. “He’s English!” I settled on desperately. “And Mom…Mom hates foreigners!

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    But I killed a man just like my mother did. David says it’s okay because I didn’t mean to, and because he was about to kill that little kid. But I’m pretty sure my mom didn’t mean to kill my dad, either, so what difference does that make, meaning or not meaning to do something? Accident or on purpose, the result is the same, and that’s one fewer life than there should be in the world.

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    But in that moment when my brother took the field, all that washed away, and everyone was proud... I looked up at my dad, and he was smiling. I looked at my mom, and she was smiling even though she was nervous about my brother getting hurt, which was strange because it was a VCR tape of an old game, and she knew he didn't get hurt.

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    But mothers lie. It's in the job description.

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    But my friends are happy for me. The people who know me are happy. My mom is happy. My family is happy.

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    But not like this: not with the house just an afterimage, and my mom a spirit, and my dad...recycled." "Carter Kane, Chapter 41

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    but my dad said it was no excuse. "But I love him!" I had never seen my sister cry that much. "No, you don't." "I hate you!" "No, you don't." My dad can be very calm sometimes. "He's my whole world." "Don't ever say that about anyone again. Not even me." That was my mom.

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    But, once again, when I said I'm so grateful for my mom just being adamant about me staying in public school - that is what allowed me to be exposed to so many different types of people. I went to a high school that was by the beach. I elected to do bussing my junior high school years. And my first year of high school, I would take the bus from my neighborhood to the beach schools. And at those schools, you had such a mix of so many types of kids.

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    But to sustain a marriage for 50 years, you have to get real a little bit and find someone who is understanding and who you can grow with. My mom always says, 'Marry the man who loves you a millimeter more'.

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    But my mother and father were married when my mom was 20 and my dad was 24

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    But my mother's life was a never-ending round of maintenance. Not one single thing did she ever achieve but that it had to be done all over again, one day or one week or one season later. Oh, the monotony.

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    But what Mom never told me is that along the way, you find sisters, and they find you. Girls are cool that way.

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    But mostly, I remembered what I’ve always believed. What my mom taught me. That while some things are just plain awful, most things in life can be seen either tragic or comic. And it’s your choice. Is life a big, long, tiresome slog from sadness to regret to guilt to resentment to self-pity? Or is life weird, outrageous, bizarre, ironic, and just stupid? Gotta go with stupid. It’s not the easy way out. Self pity is the easiest thing in the world. Finding the humor, the irony, the slight justification for a skewed, skeptical optimism. That’s tough. - Marco, Animorphs #35: The Proposal

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    But my mom was a pianist, and she taught piano out of her house. I was just so excited, being a little kid and having all these other kids come to my house twice a week. I thought it was a big party.