Best 146 quotes in «death penalty quotes» category

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    A humane and generous concern for every individual, his health and his fulfillment, will do more to soothe the savage heart than the fear of state-inflicted death, which chiefly serves to remind us how close we remain to the jungle.

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    An evil deed is not redeemed by an evil deed in retaliation.

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    Because the Illinois death penalty system is arbitrary and capricious - and therefore immoral - I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death.

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    As a member of the New York Senate from 1966 to 1989, I voted 12 times to establish the death penalty in New York... I regret my votes in favor of the death penalty.

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    Capital punishment is the most premeditated of murders.

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    Capital punishment is against the best judgment of modern criminology and, above all, against the highest expression of love in the nature of God.

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    As a Christian, as an individual, as a doctor, I am absolutely opposed to the death penalty.

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    Conservatives should question how the death penalty actually works in order to stay true to small government, reduction in wasteful spending, and respect for human life.

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    Commute me, execute me. Don't drag it out.

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    Capital punihsment: That without the Capital get the punishment.

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    Embracing a certain quotient of racial bias and discrimination against the poor is an inexorable aspect of supporting capital punishment. This is an immoral condition that makes rejecting the death penalty on moral grounds not only defensible but necessary for those who refuse to accept unequal or unjust administration of punishment.

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    Everyone is calm and collected but I am telling you something - I am not calm and I am not collected. It's a sick world out there.

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    Eliminating the death penalty...will not hinder the prosecutorial capacity to seek, or the court's ability to impose, 'life without parole' sentences for serious, heinous crimes and criminals.

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    Crime is redeemed by remorse, but not by a blow of the axe or slipknot. Blood has to be washed by tears but not by blood.

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    For justice to have any meaning, it must also mean that no innocent person should ever be executed.

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    For me the hardest struggle in my faith life was the Catholic Church is against the death penalty.

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    For whence did Dante take the materials for his hell but from this our actual world? And yet he made a very proper hell of it.

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    From this day forward, I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death. ... I fell morally and intellectually obligated simply to concede that the death penalty experiment has failed.

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    From the moment you are in that cell, when they tell you you're going ot be electrocuted, you contemplate it all the time. It never leaves your mind, and they never let it leave your mind.

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    From this day forward, I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death.

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    Evidence of innocence is irrelevant!

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    Government ... can't be trusted to control its own bureaucrats or collect taxes equitably or fill a pothole, much less decide which of its citizens to kill.

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    God in His law requires the death penalty for homosexuals.

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    Given the irreversibility of the death penalty, the possibility of a wrongful conviction can never be overstated.

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    I am afraid that it would be a mockery of justice if the death penalty is not imposed. And therefore I pleaded that there are maximum aggravating circumstances, which supersede the mitigating circumstances. And there is not a single mitigating circumstance which speaks in favor of the accused, and therefore all the accused deserve (the) death penalty.

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    I am against the death penalty.

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    I am constantly amazed by man's inhumanity to man.

    • death penalty quotes
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    I am not anti-death penalty, but I'm damned sure anti-the-wrong-guy-getting-executed.

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    Had it not been for slavery, the death penalty would have likely been abolished in America. Slavery became a haven for the death penalty.

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    I agree with Thomas Jefferson, who once wrote that he would support the death penalty only when the infallibility of human judgment had been demonstrated.

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    I am passionately opposed to the death penalty for anyone . . . I think, myself, that it is an obscenity . . .

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    I don't think there's any question that someday somebody who is innocent will be executed in this country again.

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    I cannot in all conscience agree to anyone being sent to the gallows. God alone can take life because He alone gives it . . .

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    I Don't Want To Live Long. I Would Rather Get The Death Penalty Than Spend The Rest Of My Life In Prison

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    I believe that no one should be executed, guilty or innocent. There are appropriate sanctions that protect society and punish wrongdoers without forcing us to stoop to the level of the least among us at his or her worst moment.

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    I don't think there's any words in the English language to explain what it's -what it's like to- to sit on Texas death row and your thoughts are laying on that gurney, convicted but innocent and being put to death.

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    If a Muslim becomes a non-Muslim and propagates his/her new religion, then it is as good as treason. There is a Death Penalty in Islam for such a person.

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    If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call.

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    If you're stealing a television, that should not be the death penalty.

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    If Moses is our lawgiver [Old Testament prophet given laws by God] at this time let us obey him, not in part only, but wholly, and put every Sabbath breaker, blasphemer, and adulterer to death.

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    I have come to think that capital punishment should be abolished.

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    I have evolved to where I don't think the death penalty is effective.

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    I'm for the death penalty, I'm pro-abortion, I'm pro-assisted suicide, I'm pro-regular suicide. Anything that'll get the traffic moving.

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    I'm pro-death penalty, but what I have not seen is anybody that would mock someone on death row.

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    In Texas, we have the death penalty, and we use it. That's right. If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back.

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    If the law imposed the death penalty for parking tickets, we'd not only have fewer parking tickets, we'd also have much less driving.

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    I had concluded when I was the prosecutor that I would vote against the death penalty if I were in the legislature but that I could ask for it when I was satisfied as to guilt.

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    I'm excited we can be part of making the death penalty history.

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    I'm not in favor of the death penalty. But I'm in favor of locking these people away in maximum security units where they can never get out. They can never escape. They can never be paroled. Lock the bad ones away. But you gotta rethink everybody else.

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    I'm very glad that [the death penalty] hasn't existed for many years in the U.K.

    • death penalty quotes