Best 1342 quotes in «catholic quotes» category

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    I'm always disappointed when I see the word 'Puritan' tossed around as shorthand for a bunch of generic, boring, stupid, judgmental killjoys. Because to me, they are very specific, fascinating, sometimes brilliant, judgmental killjoys who rarely agreed on anything except that Catholics are going to Hell.

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    I'm an Episcopal, which is Catholic Lite. It's like same religion, half the guilt.

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    I'm a writer of faith. I was raised Catholic, and I have a deeply Catholic imagination.

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    I'm Catholic and Mum taught me the comfort that you can get from going to church. But I'm an a la carte Catholic. I love all the pomp and ceremony of it.

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    I'm disappointed that my own Catholic Church has decided that capital punishment is wrong. Which is pretty hypocritical if you think about it, because they wouldn't even have a religion if it wasn't for capital punishment.

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    I'm free of an abusive cult, based on money and power that worships a fictional deity and safely back with the Catholic Church.

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    I'm not a beatnik. I'm a Catholic.

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    I'm an old Catholic. I don't believe in anything Catholic but I do believe that Catholicism keeps me from committing suicide.

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    I may not be Hispanic, but I'm close. I'm Catholic with a mustache[]

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    I mean I think that's a fact and I think that we had a very peculiar type of Catholic Church here in that it was a fortress Church.

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    I'm eradicating the word Protestant even out of my vocabulary. .. I'm protesting anything. .. it's time for Catholics and non-Catholics to come together as one in the Spirit and one in the Lord.

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    I'm fascinated by Catholic mystics, even though I grew up Mennonite in Pennsylvania.

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    I’m indebted to the teachers who shaped me - from the Sisters of St. Joseph at St. Croix Catholic elementary to the monks of St. John’s in Minnesota to my professors at Georgetown.

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    I'm just a good Catholic boy - I do naughty things and feel guilty about them.

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    I'm neither Catholic not Protestant. Protestant sounds good but I don't think I am.

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    I'm not Catholic but the Virgin Mary fascinates me because she's like a folk hero.

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    I'm not a proselytizer. I was raised Catholic. I am a Catholic.

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    I'm not an evangelical, because that means that I exclude the Catholics and main-liners, and Orthodox.

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    "I’m not Catholic, I’m not Orthodox…" and I wouldn’t even say Rastafarian, that still divides people, I don’t want to divide people so anything that I say is something that must be so big and great that it did encompass everyone and it’s love.

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    I'm really an honorary Jew, you know; all the best people are. I really do feel Jewish, even though I'm a Catholic. The way the Church has been behaving, I'm happy to be Jewish.

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    I'm really happy I went to a Catholic school because a lot of the repressive tactics they use make for great senses of humor.

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    I'm really fortunate. I grew up in a wonderful household with great Irish Catholic parents.

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    I'm really happy that I was raised Catholic because it's given me years of material.

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    I'm Roman Catholic and I believe very strongly in the power of prayer.

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    I'm very interested in the history of Christianity, and what I can say for sure is that the Catholics and the Jesuits and stuff were very big on teaching and on learning.

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    I'm what you call a deathbed Catholic.

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    I'm pretty catholic about what constitutes science fiction.

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    I'm very happy and being raised Catholic I assume it will end tomorrow. The rug will be pulled out from under me and someone will say, now go to your real job, shoveling poop somewhere.

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    In a world that has lost a sense of sin, one sin remains: Thou shalt not make people feel guilty (except, of course, about making people feel guilty). In other words, the only sin today is to call something a sin.

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    I'm not condemning the Catholic Church - it's too big, it's like condemning a nation and that would be prejudiced.

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    In bringing the subject of religious oppression to a wider audience, I didn't just want to kick the Catholic Church but to poke a finger in the throat of theocracy and to let it be known that people shouldn't tolerate this anymore.

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    In Bolivia there are Catholic, Evangelical, Methodist, Baptist churches, and so on. In Bolivia there are indigenous religious beliefs like the rite of Pachamama Mother Earth, which shows us that Mother Earth is our life, we are born out of the Earth we live on the Earth and return to the Earth.

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    In a way Australia is like Catholicism. The company is sometimes questionable and the landscape is grotesque. But you always come back.

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    In Christ and through Christ man has acquired full awareness of his dignity, of the heights to which he is raised, of the surpassing worth of his own humanity, and of the meaning of his existence.

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    In contrast, traditional Catholic churches serve vast numbers of people who have little or nothing in common, and they are often impersonal supermarkets for the sacraments.

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    I never want to make a film. I don't wake up in the morning going, 'Ooh, I'd really love to be on set making a film today'. I'm aware that other contemporary film directors perceive film-making as what they do, as what they have to do. But I would hope that I am more catholic in my tastes.

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    In fact, that's a great thing about America and even about being Catholic, we have plenty of opinions.

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    In God, the characteristics of men and women that we admire in men and women are combined. That's been a traditional Catholic teaching that God is the combination of opposites.

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    In many ways, American evangelicalism is somewhat stronger today than it was in, say 1955 - certainly more mainstream and influential in the culture as a whole. But, the increased strength of evangelicalism hasn't increased fast enough to compensate for the total collapse of mainline Protestantism and the pretty steady weakening of my own Roman Catholic Church.

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    In fact, there is only one true and holy religion, founded and instituted by Christ Our Lord. Mother and Nurse of the virtues, Destroyer of vice, Liberator of souls, Guide to true happiness, she is called Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman.

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    In failing to confess, Lord, I would only hide You from myself, not myself from You.

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    In Islam, there is no priesthood and each person stands before God, like in the daily prayers, without an intermediary. That's in contrast to Christianity, where during the Eucharist, a priest has to officiate and the priest functions as a link - at least in Catholic Christianity - between the laity and God.

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    In Latin America, even atheists are Catholics.

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    I no longer represent any organized religion. I'm not Catholic. I'm not Christian. I'm saying this because I have to be an outsider for Christ.

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    In my work, I explore my own Catholic obsessions.

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    In search of a complete education with the ideals of trust, faith, understanding and compassion, many families are turning to the structure, discipline and academic standards of Catholic schools.

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    In one sense, no act of reparation will be satisfactory for those whose lives were so under-valued both as human beings held in slavery and then as human chattel to satisfy the financial indebtedness of a Catholic institution. Nonetheless, the university must also put into place - as it is attempting to do - a program that both admits the horror and error of its past actions and directs its students, faculty, and administrations to an awareness of the dignity of all people, especially those who even today are often considered less than worthy of respect and dignity.

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    In temptations against chastity, the spiritual masters advise us, not so much to contend with the bad thought, as to turn the mind to some spiritual, or, at least, indifferent object. It is useful to combat other bad thoughts face to face, but not thoughts of impurity.

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    In that case, we need to seriously arm ourselves. (Sin) Hail Mary, full of grace – (Kish) What are you doing? You’re not Catholic. (Damien) Yeah, but I’m feeling really religious all of a sudden and it seemed like a good idea. (Kish)

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    In point of fact I was a perfectly devoted and dutiful little Catholic—until the day I learned that animals have no souls.