Best 124 quotes of Jennifer Niven on MyQuotes

Jennifer Niven

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    Jennifer Niven

    Hope you're keeping the dust out of your eyes and your feet off the ground.

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    Jennifer Niven

    I just sat there letting that music cover me like a big, cozy blanket.

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    Jennifer Niven

    I learned that there is good in this world, if you look hard enough for it. I learned that not everyone is disappointing, including me, and that a 1,257 bump in the ground can feel higher than a bell tower if you're standing next to the right person.

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    Jennifer Niven

    I looked at my reflection in the rearview mirror. Some lipstick would go with this truck, I thought.

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    Jennifer Niven

    I thought: Just one step. One step at a time. You don’t have to do them all at once.

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    Jennifer Niven

    It's my experience that people are a lot more sympathetic if they can see you hurting.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Music did that to me, just like God was supposed to, because music seemed both magic and holy.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Who cares for Algebra?Who delights in solving math?I only want to live my lifeAlong the creative path.

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    Jennifer Niven

    You need shoving, not pushing. You need to jump back on that camel. Otherwise you're going to stay up on the ledge you've made for yourself.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Across the seat our eyes are holding hands.

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    Jennifer Niven

    And even though I didn't know this exact moment existed, I wanted to be out here in the world to see it.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Angry at him for leaving without a word, angry at myself for being so easy to leave and for not being enough to make him want to stick around.

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    Jennifer Niven

    An hour later, I check my Facebook page. Violet has written: “Arrange whatever pieces come your way.” My skin starts to burn. She’s quoting Virginia Woolf back to me. My pulse has tripled its pace. Shit, I think. That’s all the Virginia Woolf I know. I do a quick internet search, looking for just the right response. Suddenly I wish I’d paid more attention to Virginia Woolf, a writer I’ve never had much use for until now. Suddenly I wish I’d done nothing but study her for all of my seventeen years.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Anoche estaba aquí. Esta mañana estaba aquí. Ahora ha desaparecido y no es por unos días, sino para siempre. ¿Cómo puede suceder algo tan definitivo en un momento? Sin preparación. Sin aviso. Sin que tengas la oportunidad de hacer todas las cosas que habías pensado hacer. Sin que tengas la oportunidad de despedirte.

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    Jennifer Niven

    As for the rest of you, remember this: YOU ARE WANTED. Big, small, tall, short, pretty, plain, friendly, shy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, not even yourself. Especially yourself.

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    Jennifer Niven

    As he talks, I lie back against the ground, the blanket wrapped around me, and say to the sky, "May your eye go to the Sun, To the wind your soul, You are all the colors in one, at full brightness.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Así que lo que hizo fue convertirse por dentro en un Increíble Hulk.

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    Jennifer Niven

    As long as you live, there's always something waiting; and even if it's bad, what can you do? You can't stop living.

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    Jennifer Niven

    A string of thoughts run through my head like a song I can't get rid of, over and over in the same order: I am broken. I am a fraud. I am impossible to love.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Before I Die I Want To Know A Perfect Day.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Besides, I kind of like my face intact like this, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, a full set of teeth, which, if I'm being honest, is one of my better features.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Besides, in that instant we went plowing through the guardrail, my words died too.

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    Jennifer Niven

    But what if hope had a threshold? What if there was a limit to it? What if each of us was only given a certain amount and mine was used up?

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    Jennifer Niven

    By the time I get to U.S. Geography, I’ve almost convinced myself this world exists. Until I see Ryan Cross, all gold, flowing, his hand on the back of Violet’s chair as if he’s the host at the Macaroni Grill. He is smiling at her and talking, and she is smiling at him with her mouth closed, gray-green eyes wide and serious behind her glasses, and just like that, I am Indiana-born Theodore Finch in a pair of secondhand boots. Guys like Ryan Cross have a way of reminding you who you are, even when you don’t want to remember.

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    Jennifer Niven

    -Cara, por que você faz isso? -Porque todos vamos morrer um dia. Eu só quero estar preparado. Esse não é o motivo, claro, mas a explicação foi suficiente pra ele. A verdade é que existem muitos motivos, que mudam diariamente [...]

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    Jennifer Niven

    Cómo me siento cuando estoy con ella. Es como si me acabara de tragar el sol y me saliera disparado por todos los poros.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Conozco lo suficiente bien la vida como para saber que no puedes contar con que las cosas permanezcan intactas e inmóviles, por mucho que te gustaría que así fuera. No puedes evitar que la gente muera. No puedes evitar que se marchen. Ni si quiera uno mismo puede evitar marcharse. Me conozco lo suficientemente bien como para saber que nadie puede mantenerme despierto o impedirme dormir. Eso también lo llevo dentro. Pero tía, esta chica me gusta.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Das ist es, was ich mit Violet machen will: Ich will ihr das Gute geben und das Schlechte von ihr fernhalten, damit wir nur von Schönheit umgeben sind. (Finch)

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    Jennifer Niven

    Dear friend, You are not a freak. You are wanted. You are necessary. You are the only you there is. Don’t be afraid to leave the castle. It’s a great big world out there. Love, a fellow reader

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    Jennifer Niven

    Denn es geht nicht um das, was man mitnimmt, sondern um das, was man zurücklässt. (Violet)

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    Jennifer Niven

    De pronto, me veo tal y como me ven los demás: soy uno de esos chicos hiena que se dedican a molestar, a gritar y a tirar cosas a gente que no se merece ese trato.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Dos personas heridas y solitarias que quizá ya no estén tan heridas ni tan solitarias.

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    Jennifer Niven

    El señor Levine pregunta: - ¿Cuál es tu «Por qué»? - Yo no tengo ningún «Por qué», solo un «Joder» y un «¿En Qué Estaría Pensando?».

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    Jennifer Niven

    En este momento me entran ganas de escribir no solo una carta de disculpa sino cientos, una por cada persona horrible que alguna vez le haya hecho o dicho algo horrible.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Eso de recordar a la gente es para mí como un superpoder que, por lo visto, todo el mundo posee menos yo.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Eres todos los colores en uno, con su máxima intensidad.

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    Jennifer Niven

    - Eres lo peor. - ¿Cómo? - Quieres ser el malo y también el héroe.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Eres quien eres. Y sabes bien quién eres y no te asusta.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Es como estar en una habitación abarrotada de gente donde al principio no conoces a nadie. Siempre.

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    Jennifer Niven

    For a minute, I can feel it: the sense of peace as my mind goes quiet, like I'm already dead. I am weightless and free. Nothing and no one to fear, not even myself.

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    Jennifer Niven

    He says, “I do my best thinking at night when everyone else is sleeping. No interruptions. No noise. I like the feeling of being awake when no one else is.” I wonder if he sleeps at all.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Ho vissuto ardentemente. E poi sono morto, ma non del tutto. Perché quelli come me non muoiono come chiunque altro. Persisto, come la leggenda del Blue Hole.

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    Jennifer Niven

    Huye del alcohol. Huye de las multitudes. Huye de la gente. Siempre acabas cabreando a todo el mundo

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    Jennifer Niven

    I am carried off. We yield to this slow flood.... In and out, we are swept; ...we can not step outside its sinuous, its hesitating, its abrupt, its perfectly encircling walls.

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    Jennifer Niven

    I am disappearing, maybe I'm already gone.

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    Jennifer Niven

    I can already feel myself falling hard, something I've been known to do. All because she smiled at me.

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    Jennifer Niven

    I can be both of us at once so no one will have to miss her, most of all me. I I

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    Jennifer Niven

    Ich habe gelernt, dass es auch Gutes auf der Welt gibt, wenn man genau hinschaut und danach sucht. Ich habe gelernt, dass nicht jeder eine Enttäuschung ist - einschließlich mir selbst - und dass eine dreihundertundachtzig Meter hohe Beule im Boden erhabener vorkommen kann als ein Glockenturm, wenn man neben der richtigen Person steht. (Finch)

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    Jennifer Niven

    I'd like to live in a world created by Theodore Finch - Violet Markey

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    Jennifer Niven

    I don't know what brings you up here, but to me the town looks prettier and the people look nicer and even the worst of them look almost kind.