Best 2190 quotes in «anxiety quotes» category

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    Did you have one of those days today, like a nail in the foot? Did the pterodactyl corpse dropped by the ghost of your mother from the spectral Hindenburg forever circling the Earth come smashing through the lid of your glass coffin? Did the New York strip steak you attacked at dinner suddenly show a mouth filled with needle-sharp teeth, and did it snap off the end of your fork, the last solid-gold fork from the set Anastasia pressed into your hands as they took her away to be shot? Is the slab under your apartment building moaning that it cannot stand the weight on its back a moment longer, and is the building stretching and creaking? Did a good friend betray you today, or did that good friend merely keep silent and fail to come to your aid? Are you holding the razor at your throat this very instant? Take heart, comfort is at hand. This is the hour that stretches. Djan karet. We are the cavalry. We're here. Put away the pills. We'll get you through this bloody night. Next time, it'll be your turn to help us. "Eidolons" (1988)

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    Do not fear, for I am with you - Isaiah 41:10

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    Don't be too lazy. Don't get too desperate

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    Do not be discourage by people who reject your true purpose. Do not stop because of anxiety; stop because you are done with the mission! Don't ever be down by the susurrant call of the masses to stop, halt or abort your true purpose when you are convinced within your innermost man of how true your purpose is. A true purpose is mostly rejected, spat upon and seen as an unworthy cause by the masses until they come to a later realization of how true it is and then they accept, celebrate and enjoy it.

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    Don’t fear the future or regret the past but celebrate the present.

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    Don’t ever forget you are beautiful, although your life, your past and your present situation may be ugly. You are beautiful.

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    Dissociative Identity Disorder is borne out of trauma. Many individuals who survive severe trauma will later experience marked anxiety, which may or may not relate to triggers from the original trauma. Individuals with DID are highly likely to have a great deal of anxiety.

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    Distract yourself, that's what Margaret always told him. When you start getting anxious, give your mind something else to think about. He had become an expert at distracting himself. He had distracted himself so much, he found himself drowning in distractions, and all the little details in the world seemed to join up together in his head and make a whole new problem to worry about.

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    Don't dull the voice of your heart just to please your brain As it swells into overthought and the desire to be right Switch on the light of your inner lamp. Listen to your heart so you can feel from your soul Don’t discount your heart to make your logic fit.

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    Don't let anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses ruin your life, be brave and face the day ahead of you

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    Don’t worry about things you can’t control.

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    Do something with your one life, instead of following others. While just watching your one life pass you by.

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    ️Don't say "I'm a worrier and this is just who I am"!, or "I've always been a worrier, I can't help it"; instead decide from this day forward to become someone who DOESN'T worry.

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    Don't let the silence eat you alive when your mind tries to tell you your voice isn't worth hearing.

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    Do writers force themselves into a state of anxiety in order to have something to write about?

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    Dread is anxiety on steroids.

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    Do you know how much of my life I spent waiting for something terrible to happen? I was obsessed with it, consumed by it I spent every moment dreading it--and all of a sudden, here it was, and it was every bit as awful as I'd imagined it would be And then . . . life went on. I realized then how pointless and powerless fear is . . . .

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    Do you have an idea of what your parents are going through? Set your world right. Parents have no idea of what you are going through.

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    Dropping in and out of your own life (for psychotic breaks, or treatment in a hospital) isn’t like getting off a train at one stop and later getting back on at another. Even if you can get back on (and the odds are not in your favor), you’re lonely there. The people you boarded with originally are far, far ahead of you, and now you’re stuck playing catch-up.

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    Do you remember what I forgot?

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    During World War I, Germany had only 25 of its vaunted submarines sailing at any one time.

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    Each new step into his new human existence is frightening. It always means to give up a secure state, which was relatively known, for one which is new, which one has not yet mastered. Undoubtedly, if the infant could think at the moment of the severance of the umbilical cord, he would experience the fear of dying. A loving fate protects us from this first panic. But at any new step, at any new stage of our birth, we are afraid again. We are never free from two conflicting tendencies: one to emerge from the womb, from the animal form of existence into a more human existence, from bondage to freedom; another, to return to the womb, to nature, to certainty and security.

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    Dust sleeping on your bookshelf and all your plants are drying out you are too busy to save yourself is your mind heading for burnout? Coffee rings on your bedside table anxiety pills under your pillowcase working round the clock to foot the bill is there no time for breakfast these days? Friends haven't seen you in a while your phone is always out of reach you're slowly forgetting how to smile is your silence a figure of speech? Life can sometimes seem to be unfair but hoping is better than you think send the message in a bottle if you dare is it so hard to not force yourself to sink?

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    Each time that I have felt like I might finally be figuring some things out, life has decided to change the rules and I’ve had to start all over again.

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    Each substance of grief hath twenty shadows, which shows like grief itself, but is not so; or sorrow's eye, glazed with blinding tears, divides one thing entire to many objects: like perspectives which, rightly gaz'd upon, show nothing but confusion:

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    Each petal in the universe whispers in our ears that an unknown power is at work. If we align ourselves with this divine energy, offer our work to Him and move on in life, we will never have any worries and anxieties in our life.

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    Education is directly proportional to anxiety, as you've probably learned, having gone to Columbia.

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    Education is directly proportional to anxiety . . .

    • anxiety quotes
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    Earthly goods deceive the human heart into believing that they give it security and freedom from worry. But in truth, they are what cause anxiety.

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    Empty complaints are the sources of everyday failure, but not the problem being complained about. Problems are solvable; but not with complaints. A complainer is just an explainer of problems!

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    Emotions don’t arrive intact. Shards injure you incrementally, so small at first you don’t notice them. Over time, the damage builds and one day you realise the nicks and cuts have become gaping wounds. Worse still, they’ve become the very thing that defines you.

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    Enlightenment is the Goal - Love is the Game - Taking steps are the rules! - Allan Rufus

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    Eradication of pain, deviant, or oppositional behaviors does not indicate healing; however, it can signify successful conditioning.

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    Essentially, almost all humans are born with a fear of the unknown. It casts a pall of anxiety which pushes us into the arms of religions and soothsayers and their made-up answers.

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    Emotions have their own movement. They move like waves: huge tsunami waves, choppy rapids, or long slow tides. The best way I know to work with emotion, especially strong and difficult emotion is to let it move like a wave, allow it to complete its movement and, eventually, to leave. If the movement gets held back, if it gets trapped and stagnates, or an inner turbulence stirs, the unexpressed emotion and grief can turn into physical illness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, or other displaced emotion.

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    Even on a bed That is full of roses, I was afraid.

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    ETYMOLOGY: “Panic” relates to the god Pan; but we can play on etymologies as on words (as has always been done) and pretend to believe that “panic” comes from the Greek adjective that means “everything.

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    Even more staggeringly, depression is a disease so bad that people are killing themselves because of it in a way they do not kill themselves with any other illness. Yet people still don’t really think depression really is that bad. If they did, they wouldn't say the things they say.

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    Even through the dulling effects of the pill, he wanted to be rid of his itching brain, his ignited skin, the flesh beneath, to in some way become so ethereal and Unbound to the earth that he could unsee, disavow, disavow

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    Even your little sorrows you may roll upon God, for He counteth the hairs of your head.

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    Even when everything's going your way you can still be sad. Or anxious. Or uncomfortably numb. Because you can't always control your brain or your emotions even when things are perfect.

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    Ever been in a spelling bee as a kid? That snowy second after the announcement of the word as you sift your brain to see if you can spell it? It was like that, the blank panic.

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    Everybody dies, but some spend a whole life digging their grave.

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    Every day my anxiety is higher, every day the grief more mortal. Today more than yesterday terror exalts me…

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    ...Every one of the social and psychological causes of depression and anxiety they have discovered has something in common. They are all forms of disconnection. They are all ways in which we have been cut off from something we innately need but seem to have lost along the way.

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    Even the enemy needs permission from God to do what he wants with you.

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    Every piece of information we process gets evaluated for its bearing on the self. Does it threaten our goals, does it support them, or is it neutral?

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    Even if your boat rocks, you’re still moving toward your destination. You’re still safe. If you accept anxiety as part of the process of reaching your destination, you’ll be able to avoid doing anything too excessive to shake it off.

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    Everything hurts right now and nothing is helping because as the pain is getting worse — so is the love.

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    Everything takes place at a right time. It’s your anxiety to achieve everything before time or grab things more than you required, add misery to your life.