Best 176 quotes of John Kasich on MyQuotes

John Kasich

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    John Kasich

    Affirmative action has a negative effect on our society when it means counting us like so many beans and dividing us into separate piles.

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    John Kasich

    A friend asked one of my daughters, "Do you like politics?" And my daughter said, "No, I don't. And the reason I don't like it is because there's too much fighting, too much yelling. It's so loud, I don't like it." You know, I turned to my friend and I said, "You know, she's really on to something.

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    John Kasich

    A great power has to have the discipline not only to go when necessary but to know when not to go. Getting involved in ethnic, religious civil wars is a recipe for disaster.

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    John Kasich

    A leader has a sound program, has a good policy, and then brings people together to solve problems.

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    John Kasich

    A lot of politicians now, here's what they're worried about. If you're a Democrat you're worried about your base on the left, and if you're a Republican you're worried about your base on the right.

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    John Kasich

    America is a miracle country. And we have to restore the sense that the Amiracle (ph) will apply to you. Each and every one of the people in this country who's watching tonight, lift everybody, unite everybody and build a stronger United States of America again. It will be and can be done.

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    John Kasich

    And, frankly, what happens out of Washington is, it creates a wind in my face, uncertainty over Obamacare, uncertainty over their tax policy, uncertainty over the regulatory policy.

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    John Kasich

    A president of the United States, again, has to bring people together, have a position. We need to be able to penetrate these people when they are involved in these plots and these plans. And we have to give the local authorities the ability to penetrate to disrupt. That's what we need to do.

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    John Kasich

    As long as the White House is deadly serious, which they tell me they are, I'll help them anyway I can.

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    John Kasich

    At the end, the Saudis have agreed to put together a coalition inside of Syria to stabilize that country.

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    John Kasich

    [Barack Obama] needs to really engage both Republicans and Democrats.

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    John Kasich

    Business has to have capital.I think Wall Street is a necessary ingredient of the global economy, you've just got to keep people realizing that helping clients is the most important thing, not helping yourself.

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    John Kasich

    Business people have a a good view of what's happening internally in countries, and they can be a positive force.

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    John Kasich

    But, frankly, to try to create some sort of a religious standard in terms of who can come to America, we're a melting pot. And as long as people have positive and good intent, they ought to be able to come.

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    John Kasich

    Coalition [against ISIS] need the tools. And the tools involve encryption where we cannot hear what they're even planning. And when we see red flags, a father, a mother, a neighbor who says we have got a problem here, then we have to give law enforcement the ability to listen so they can disrupt these terrorist attacks before they occur.

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    John Kasich

    Donald Trump done a lot of name calling, and he created a very toxic atmosphere. I mean just we want to start with immigration, do you want to start with these things that he has said - you know, about Muslims. I mean, where it ends?

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    John Kasich

    [Donald] Trump is touching a nerve because people want the wall to be built. They want to see an end to illegal immigration. They want to see it, and we all do. But we all have different ways of getting there.

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    John Kasich

    Economic growth is the key to everything. But once you have economic growth, it is important that we reach out to people who live in the shadows, the people who don't seem to ever think that they get a fair deal. And that includes people in our minority community; that includes people who feel as though they don't have a chance to move up.

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    John Kasich

    Everybody across this country knows that the tsunami of drugs is threatening their very families.

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    John Kasich

    Everybody should have a chance to rise. That's our philosophy in Ohio and that's my philosophy for America.

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    John Kasich

    Everybody who was involved in that culture [Wells Fargo] should be held accountable.

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    John Kasich

    Every time I go to Washington, I break out in a cold sweat. So I try not to spend too much time there.

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    John Kasich

    First and foremost, we need to go and destroy ISIS. And we need to do this with our Arab friends and our friends in Europe.

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    John Kasich

    First of all, we're not Rust Belt. I mean, that's an old term. We do have manufacturing. We have a half-a-billion-dollar investment from a Chinese individual, which brings a couple thousand jobs in Dayton.

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    John Kasich

    For heaven's sake, this is 2015. I've run the largest technology company in the world. Let me assure you we know how to build an employer verification system that would work. We can solve this. We just need to do it.

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    John Kasich

    For the Russians, frankly, it's time that we punched the Russians in the nose. They've gotten away with too much in this world and we need to stand up against them, not just there, but also in Eastern Europe where they threaten some of our most precious allies.

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    John Kasich

    Frankly, we are republicans and they're democrats but before all of that, we're Americans. And I believe we need to unify in so many ways to rebuild our country, to strengthen our country, to rebuild our defense, and for America to secure it's place it world; for us, for our children, and for the next generation.

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    John Kasich

    Furthermore, when there is cheating, the cheating needs to be called. And I see that the administration has become much more aggressive on that front [of retraining people who get displaced].

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    John Kasich

    God created astrologers to make pollsters look accurate.

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    John Kasich

    God gives me unconditional love. I'm going to give it to my family and my friends and the people around me.

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    John Kasich

    God is a compass. God is not about who you're sleeping with or, I mean, I don't care about that. It's about loving your neighbor. It's about living a life that's bigger than yourself. As time goes on, societies have a tendency to put themselves on the throne, and that leads to self-absorption and that leads to "life is all about me." And there's not a compass that sends you in a direction where life can't be just about you.

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    John Kasich

    Here is the thing about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is hitting a nerve in this country.

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    John Kasich

    How do you prevent people from doing inappropriate things? We can write laws. But at the end of the day, I actually wonder what the board was doing.

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    John Kasich

    I am told that the Saudis have organized 34 countries who want to join in the battle against terrorism.

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    John Kasich

    I believe we can solve anything. I believe people working together can lift everybody.

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    John Kasich

    I can't work any harder. I can't do any more. I am literally just blown away and humbled by the volunteers and how hard they're working. I think they've got a sense that they're going to be part of something bigger than themselves.

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    John Kasich

    I do believe that the party needs to evolve, or I won't be a part of it.

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    John Kasich

    I do not support a civil war. I don't want to be policeman of the world. But we can't back off of this.

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    John Kasich

    I don't accept that. I really don't care - I'm going to be like one of these deniers - I don't care what the polls say.

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    John Kasich

    I don't know the extent to which they do business [ in Wells Fargo]. I just want to see how this thing continues to unfold and if they have a legitimately major change in their culture.

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    John Kasich

    I don't look at polls, I pay no attention to them. I pay attention to the public, and the sense of where the public is on certain things, but you have to lead.

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    John Kasich

    I don't think America should be the policeman of the world, but we have to be engaged and we have to be a leader, and that comes from strong economic growth, a strong military, good diplomatic efforts, and integrating our business community. I just think it's a whole new paradigm.

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    John Kasich

    I don't want my marriage or my guns registered in Washington. And if people have an opinion, it's a religious opinion that is heartly felt, obviously they should be allowed to practice that and no government should interfere with them.

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    John Kasich

    I don't want to comment on media outlets, but I will tell you that if the Republican Party does not evolve, the Republican Party is going to die.

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    John Kasich

    I don't want to get into an argument with somebody about how they ought to vote.

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    John Kasich

    If I were president, I would want to spend a lot of time going to the legislatures and telling them about best practices, whether it's about fighting poverty, whether it's about educating kids. The states are the laboratories where we can see what works. And I think presidents can have a much better relationship with legislatures.

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    John Kasich

    If one of my daughters happened to be [gay], of course I would love them and I would accept them. That's what we're taught when we have strong faith.

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    John Kasich

    If the B2 is invisible, just announce you've built 100 of them and don't build them.

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    John Kasich

    If the [Republican] party wants to have an ideological debate, it's never going to win anything in a major way.

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    John Kasich

    If we intend to provide a better life, and a better world, for future generations, we can't ignore the quality of the environment we leave them.