Best 9669 quotes in «science quotes» category

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    String theory makes sense to me because the universe is a symphony that creates harmony with the vibration of our strings.

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    Strictly by accident, Scott stumbled upon the most advanced weapon in the ultrarunner's arsenal: instead of cringing from fatigue, you embrace it. You refuse to let it go. You get know it so well, you're not afraid of it anymore[...]You can't hate the Beast and expect to beat it; the only way to truly conquer something, as every great philosopher and geneticist will tell you, is to love it.

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    Subjectivity is strange to Science, while Relativity is an objective part of it.

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    Such terms as 'diagnosis' and 'pathology' are of course used analogically here, but I am using the word 'science' deliberate and unequivocally in its original and broad sense of discovery and knowing, rather than its conventional sense of isolating the secondary causes of natural phenomena. For if I believe anything, it is that the primary business of literature and art is cognitive, a kind of finding out and knowing and telling, both in good times and bad; a celebration of the way things are when they are right, and a diagnostic enterprise when they are wrong.

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    Stupid entropy ruins everything.

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    Strong people don't put others down. They lift them up and slam them on the ground for maximum damage.

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    Student-people are different from other people. They spend their entire life asking questions, and as soon as they have found out the answers, they start all over again with new, harder questions... when a student-person finds a good answer to a hard question, the other student-people will gasp, hug each other, and then throw a party. Those parties never last long, for student-people are in a hurry to go back to work and find new answers.

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    Sunlight reflecting from rippled windows greatly accelerates plant growth by up to three times normal rates.

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    Sufis deny the absolute reality of time, space and physical form. These things are both relative and local. They only appear to be absolute.

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    Sustained research will lead you to discovery.

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    Surrounded by enemies, surrounded by evil, surrounded by darkness, injustice......."don't be afraid , those who are with us are more than those who are with them" 2 Kings 6:16

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    Take the expansion rate of the universe, which is fine-tuned to one part in a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion. That is, if it were changed by one part in either direction--a little faster, a little slower--we could not have a universe that would be capable of supporting life. ~Stephen C. Meyer, PHD~

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    Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm to our environment. It's about doing more good towards our Planet Earth, Humanity, and future generations (Andres Vicente Durandeau Lalanne, Founder of the Ubuntu Group Ltd.)

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    Sufficiently simple natural structures are predictable but uncontrollable, whereas sufficiently complex symbolic descriptions are controllable but unpredictable.

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    TAKE Risk because you never know how absolutely perfect something could turn out to be..

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    Talking science all the time, doesn't make a person any more human than a janitor who knows no science. A creature becomes human by helping others, regardless of his or her scientific knowledge.

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    Tamamen bilimsel bir bakış açısıyla bilebildiğimiz kadarıyla, insan yaşamının hiçbir anlamı yoktur. İnsanlar belirli bir amacı olmayan ve körlemesine ilerleyen evrimsel süreçlerin sonucudur ve faaliyetlerimiz ilahi bir kozmik planın parçası değildir.

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    Tatăl meu mi-a povestit odată de un tovarăş de detenţie emaciat, din lagărul de concentrare de la Buchenwald, care era de formaţie matematician. Poţi spune unele lucruri despre oameni după ceea ce le vine în minte când aud cuvântul "pi". Pentru un "matematician", "pi" reprezintă raportul dintre circumferinţa şi diametrul unui cerc. Dacă l-aş fi întrebat pe tatăl meu, care avea doar şapte clase, ar fi spus că "pi" este o plăcintă rotundă, cu mere. Într-o zi, în pofida discrepanţei dintre ei, deţinutul matematician i-a dat tatălui meu să rezolve o enigmă matematică. Tatăl meu s-a gândit la ea timp de câteva zile, dar nu a reuşit să-i dea de capăt. Când s-a întâlnit din nou cu matematicianul, i-a cerut soluţia. Omul nu a vrut să i-o dea, zicându-i că trebuie s-o găsească el însuşi. După câtva timp, tatăl meu l-a rugat din nou, dar omul ţinea la secretul său ca la ochii din cap. Tatăl meu a încercat să-şi ignore curiozitatea, dar nu a putut. Înconjurat de duhoare şi moarte, el a făcut o obsesie pentru cunoaşterea răspunsului. Până la urmă, celălalt deţinut i-a propus un târg - el îi va dezvălui soluţia enigmei în schimbul colţului lui de pâine. Nu ştiu ce greutate avea tatăl meu atunci, dar când trupele americane au eliberat lagărul, el cântărea 38 de kilograme. Cu toate acestea, dorinţa lui de a şti a fost atât de puternică, încât a renunţat la pâine în schimbul răspunsului. Aveam aproapre douăzeci de ani când tatăl meu mi-a povestit episodul acesta, care a avut un impact enorm asupra mea. Familia tatălui meu pierise, bunurile îi fuseseră confiscate, el însuşi era înfometat, emaciat şi bătut. Naziştii îl despuiaseră de tot ce era palpabil, şi totuşi imboldul lui de a gândi, de a raţiona şi de a cunoaşte supravieţuise. Deşi era întemniţat, mintea îi era liberă să cutreiere, şi aşa a şi făcut. Am înţeles atunci că a căuta cunoaşterea este cea mai omenească dintre toate dorinţele şi că, oricât de diferite ar fi circumstanţele noastre, pasiunea mea de a înţelege lumea a fost stimulată de acelaşi instinct ca şi a tatălui meu.

    • science quotes
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    Taking him for all and all, I think it will be conceded that Michael Faraday was the greatest experimental philosopher the world has ever seen.

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    Teachers seeking to 'teach the controversy' over Darwinian evolution in today's climate will likely be met with false warnings that it is unconstitutional to say anything negative about Darwinian evolution. Students who attempt to raise questions about Darwinism, or who try to elicit from the teacher an honest answer about the status of intelligent design theory will trigger administrators' concerns about whether they stand in Constitutional jeopardy. A chilling effect on open inquiry is being felt in several states already, including Ohio. South Carolina, and Pennsylvania. [District Court] Judge Jones's message is clear: give Darwin only praise, or else face the wrath of the judiciary.

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    Teaching students the evidence for and against Darwinism is not the same as teaching intelligent design. The U.S. Congress has officially endorsed teaching students 'the full range of scientific views' about Darwinian evolution.

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    Tarih hiçbir şey değildir ve hiçbir şey yapmaz. Bir şey olan ve yapan, insandır.

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    Tej seemed such a sunny personality, much of the time--these flashes of dark were like a crack in the sky, shocking and wrong. Reminding him that the daylight was the illusion, the scattering of light by the atmosphere, and the endless night was the permanent default behind it all.

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    Tech made all things possible, and therefore mandatory. Not to mention the fact that carrying around all this smartphone in your purse or pocket had become such a fantastic drag. Cranial implant was so much easier. Now they could be in touch with the hive 24/7 and have their hands free for whatever. Their cars drove them everywhere, too. Also left them free to, you know, do whatever.

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    Terence McKenna pointed out that "the profundity of [halluncinogenic inebriation] and its potential for a positive feedback into the process of reorganizing the personality should have long ago made psychedelics an indispensable tool for psychotherapy.

    • science quotes
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    Technology and Science is what you make it.

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    Television hols up a mirror to the true nature of family life today. For the first time people see themselves reflected and refracted within its curved glass screen: helping them to define who the are and how they should behave. The introduction of the TV dinner and the TV tray means that families can now watch themselves while they eat. Behavior patterns start to undergo a radical alteration even as they are being affirmed; a rescheduling of life in the suburban living room has taken place.

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    Thank God #EVEN# #THOUGH# in bad times not only in your good; this is a graduated form of gratitude.

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    Thank you father, thank you. I know you watched me from above and protected me. I promise I shall serve the Magnarian Confederation with all my body and soul. I shall dedicate myself fully to our confederation, the family that you so loved. And I love it too. I shall protect, love and respect it always. This is my promise and commitment. Thank you

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    That nature does not care, one way or the other, is the true abyss. That only man cares, in his finitude facing nothing but death, alone with his contingency and the objective meaninglessness of his projecting meanings, is a truly unprecedented situation... Will replaces vision; temporality of the act outsts the eternity of the "good-in-itself"As the product of the indifferent, his being, too, must be indifferent. Then the facing of his morality would simply warrant the reaction "let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die." There is no point in caring for what has no sanction behind it in any creative intention.

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    That's just how time travel looks like to the untrained eye. The reason why there aren't more travelers is that your average physicist refuses to be eaten by a giraffe in the name of science.

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    Take three grains of sand and put them in the middle of a vast cathedral. Now the cathedral is as full with sand as the universe is with stars...Most of the universe is empty space!

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    Tenderhearted people are silent sufferers they just learn the art to fly with broken wings.

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    Terence McKenna pointed out that "the profundity of [hallucinogenic inebriation] and its potential for a positive feedback into the process of reorganizing the personality should have long ago made psychedelics an indispensable tool for psychotherapy.

    • science quotes
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    Thabit ibn Qurra (AD 836-901, and also born in Harran), would have had little patience with loaded terms like "star idolatry" which seek to place the "paganism" of the Sabians on a lower level than the deadly, and often bigoted, narrow-minded and unscientific clerical monotheism of religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Thabit was well aware that, underlying the ancient Sabian practices misunderstood by these young religions as "star idolatry," were indeed exact sciences of great benefit to mankind, and thus he wrote: 'Who else have civilized the world, and built the cities, if not the nobles and kings of Paganism? Who else have set in order the harbors and rivers? And who else have taught the hidden wisdom? To whom else has the Deity revealed itself, given oracles, and told about the future, if not the famous men among the Pagans? The Pagans have made known all this. They have discovered the art of healing the soul; they have also made known the art of healing the body. They have filled the earth with settled forms of government, and with wisdom, which is the highest good. Without Paganism the world would be empty and miserable.

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    Thanks to meetings and discussions with experts in the natural sciences, with physicists and biologists as well as with historians, I have learned to appreciate the importance of those other branches of knowledge which involve the scientific disciplines; these are likewise capable of attaining the truth from different perspectives. The splendor of the truth–Veritatis Splendor–constantly needs to accompany them, enabling people to meet, to exchange ideas, and to enrich one another.

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    That all plants immediately and substantially stem from the element water alone I have learnt from the following experiment. I took an earthern vessel in which I placed two hundred pounds of earth dried in an oven, and watered with rain water. I planted in it a willow tree weighing five pounds. Five years later it had developed a tree weighing one hundred and sixty-nine pounds and about three ounces. Nothing but rain (or distilled water) had been added. The large vessel was placed in earth and covered by an iron lid with a tin-surface that was pierced with many holes. I have not weighed the leaves that came off in the four autumn seasons. Finally I dried the earth in the vessel again and found the same two hundred pounds of it diminished by about two ounces. Hence one hundred and sixty-four pounds of wood, bark and roots had come up from water alone. (1648) [A diligent experiment that was quantitatively correct only as far as it goes. He overlooked the essential role of air and photosynthesis in the growth process]

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    That enormously complex biological interactions are so flawlessly coordinated as to result in such obvious manifestations as human thought or the electrical activity that dries the heartbeat is as exciting to me -- actually more exciting -- than such phenomena were when I was a small boy and thought them divinely (in the supernatural sense) driven.

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    That a free, or at least an unsaturated acid usually exists in the stomachs of animals, and is in some manner connected with the important process of digestion, seems to have been the general opinion of physiologists till the time of Spallanzani. This illustrious philosopher concluded, from his numerous experiments, that the gastric fluids, when in a perfectly natural state, are neither acid nor alkaline. Even Spallanzani, however, admitted that the contents of the stomach are very generally acid; and this accords not only with my own observation, but with that, I believe, of almost every individual who has made any experiments on the subject. ... The object of the present communication is to show, that the acid in question is the muriatic [hydrochloric] acid, and that the salts usually met with in the stomach, are the alkaline muriates.

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    That is why they have poets—to classify all the degrees of love. It is for scientists to classify the maladies arising from the want of it.

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    That Marxism is not a science is entirely clear to intelligent people in the Soviet Union. One would even feel awkward to refer to it as a science. Leaving aside the exact sciences, such as physics, mathematics, and the natural sciences, even the social sciences can predict an event—when, in what way and how an event might occur. Communism has never made any such forecasts. It has never said where, when, and precisely what is going to happen. Nothing but declamations. Rhetoric to the effect that the world proletariat will overthrow the world bourgeoisie and the most happy and radiant society will then arise.

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    That's another pitfall of reductionism: Until scientists have the means to isolate and measure things, they insist those things don't and can't exist, and anyone who says otherwise is ignorant an superstitious.

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    That one must do some work seriously and must be independent and not merely amuse oneself in life—this our mother has told us always, but never that science was the only career worth following.

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    That's science fiction shit," "It's only fiction until science catches up.

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    That's Third Thoughts for you. When a huge rock is going to land on your head, they're the thoughts that think: Is that an igneous rock, such as granite, or is it sandstone?

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    That was a stupid idea I made up while drunk. Why did someone build that?

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    The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray, and the advantage of science is that it is not emotional.

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    The agenda of the Media is not to inform you, they don't care about you, they are trying to show you the truth. There are some intelligent Christians but they can't find them and put on the air ...for instance me

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    That Science thing "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" Well this is not true if you hit someone much bigger then you.

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    That's something we all want to know, isn't it? Is there a "purpose" to our form and substance? Or are we simply the random result of billions of years of chemical reactions and accidents influenced by pressures from the environment?..." -Jules, BOOM