Best 4615 quotes in «sometimes quotes» category

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    By definition, a government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.

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    Calvin: Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we can think faster than we speak? Hobbes: Probably so we can think twice.

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    By pouring money and goods into devastated regions, foreign aid workers sometimes compound the disruption and debauch the survivors.

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    By using your intelligence, you can sometimes make your problems twice as complicated.

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    Caroline Waverly: Sometimes we hurt more for what might have been than for what is.

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    Caring less what everybody else thinks, but also caring less and less about what your own mind thinks, because what your own mind thinks, sometimes, is the thing that makes you sad.

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    Certainly some things that are very good can sometimes be used in a bad way.

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    Challenges met are the scariest but are sometimes the most worthwhile.

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    Cath felt like she was swimming in words. Drowning in them, sometimes.

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    Changeable women are more endurable that monotonous ones; they are sometimes murdered but never deserted.

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    Carlyle must undoubtedly plead guilty to the charge of mannerism. He not only has his vein, but his peculiar manner of working it.He has a style which can be imitated, and sometimes is an imitator of himself.

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    Calvaryites are sometimes a little too heavily oriented to the written Word.

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    Characters who experience great trauma will sometimes create an escape.

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    Chastity more rarely follows fear, or a resolution, or a vow, than it is the mere effect of lack of appetite and, sometimes even, of distaste.

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    Christ sometimes provokes a question so that He can be the answer.

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    Cheap little rhymes A cheap little tune Are sometimes as dangerous As a sliver of the moon.

    • sometimes quotes
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    Charlie Appleyard can be anybody; but Ive used him sometimes in chat pieces, and these are all chat pieces about the history of Charlie Appleyard.

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    Change isn't always good. Sometimes changing things is a terrible mistake.

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    ... clothes sometimes gave one more of a lift than any philosophic comforting.

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    C'mon, you're gonna get upset sometimes. Breaking up is a shitty business. Someone always gets hurt. This time it happens to be you.

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    Circumstances sometimes require, that rights the most unquestionable should be advanced with delicacy.

    • sometimes quotes
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    Comedians sometimes forget that there's an audience. You gotta be conscious that you're performing for other human beings.

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    Clearly,' said Luke, 'something's going on that I don't know about.' Simon looked over at him. 'Sometimes I think that's the motto of my life.

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    Committees are consumers and sometimes sterilizers of ideas, rarely creators of them.

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    Code never lies, comments sometimes do.

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    Companies get into grooves and they keep sharpening what they are doing, when in fact what they really need to do sometimes is to stop and do something completely differently.

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    Compassion for victims is sometimes forgotten in a misapplied concern for their oppressors and murderers.

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    Communion with God as we hear his voice is rich. We receive his meanings; we submit to his authority; we grow by his power that is at work in our lives through his words; and we experience the glory of his personal presence as we hear him. These aspects go together, though we may sometimes be more conscious of one aspect.

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    Comfort is not where you grow. You grow in conflict, easy to say but hard to do. Adversity's greatest gain is I grow closer to Christ and still understand that God's in control and He always knows my situation. It's not too big for Him. And He has a plan for me. But sometimes the plan's not exactly what I want. But the plan is hopefully, to influence other people for eternity as they watch me go through that situation.

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    Conscience is a man's compass, and though the needle sometimes deviates, though one often perceives irregularities in directing one's course by it, still one must try to follow its direction.

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    Conflict sometimes produces results, but more often than not it produces confusion at the level of everybody on the same track.

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    Contradiction itself, far from always being a criterion of error, is sometimes a sign of truth.

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    Controversy, though always an evil in itself, is sometimes a necessary evil.

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    Contractile movements arise, sometimes at the instigation of external stimuli but sometimes also in the absence of any apparent external influence.

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    Concentration is sometimes mistaken for grumpiness.

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    Convictions are variable; to be always consistent is to be sometimes dishonest.

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    Controlling my temper is important, ... Sometimes it's hard, but I try.

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    Conversation in its true meaning isn't all wagging the tongue; sometimes it is a deeply shared silence.

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    Corporations have nothing to do with values, and they know it, and sometimes say it.

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    Crimes sometimes shock us too much; vices almost always too little.

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    Coolidge was a pragmatist. He didn't start out with a tax theory. But he observed over time that lower tax rates sometimes brought in extra revenue. The success of his and Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's experiment with rate cuts has been obscured by our modern history books.

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    Dare and the world always yields; or if it beats you sometimes, dare it again and it will succumb.

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    Death is sometimes a punishment, often a gift; to many it has been a favor.

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    Death is the handmaiden of the pilot. Sometimes it comes by accident, sometimes by an act of God.

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    Consider what we sometimes do with our children: We imbue them with this sense, very early on, that they have got to succeed. We are not content that they just do well, they have got to wipe the floor with the opposition.

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    Criticism is the forerunner of divorce, the cultivator of rebellion, sometimes an agent that leads to failure.

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    Crowley shook his head. "I sometimes wonder if it was a good idea having Halt train apprentices. He seems to teach them no respect for authority." "Oh, he teaches us to respect authority," Gilan said innocently. "He just teaches us to ignore it when necessary.

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    Culinary tradition is not always based on fact. Sometimes it's based on history, on habits that come out of a time when kitchens were fueled by charcoal.

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    Curiosity might be pictured as being made up of chains of small questions extending outwards, sometimes over huge distances, from a central hub composed of a few blunt, large questions.

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    Describing comic sensibility is near impossible. It's sort of an abstract silliness, that sometimes the joke isn't the star.