Best 721 quotes in «drink quotes» category

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    To be happy you have to fulfill your nature. That's what Aristotle taught so many centuries ago, that the road to happiness isn't to go drink more or consume more. The road to happiness is to fully develop your abilities, and then apply them to do good.

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    To be successful, keep looking tanned, live in an elegant building (even if you're in the cellar), be seen in smart restaurants (even if you only nurse one drink) and if you borrow, borrow big.

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    To eat and drink without a friend is to devour like the lion and the wolf.

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    To drink away sorrow.

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    To refrain from evil and from strong drink and to be always, steadfast in virtue; this is the good luck.

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    To the question what wine he found pleasant to drink, he replied, "That for which other people pay.

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    To drink is a small matter. To be thirsty is everything.

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    Unlike the rest of everyone I hang around with, I don't drink, so I remember what happened after shows. And I have never hit on anyone after a show, I'm not that kind of person. Even if I was attracted to someone, I'd be too shy.

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    Unforgiveness is the poison you drink every day hoping that the other person will die.

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    Vodka is a very deceptive drink, because you drink it and you think, "What is this? This is pointless! It's - you can't taste it, you can't smell it... Why did we waste our money on this, bloody - why are we on a traffic island?

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    Water is free of charge. Why then do people drink Evian?

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    We are the only animals who steal and drink the milk from other species.

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    We cannot employ the mind to advantage when we are filled with excessive food and drink.

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    We eat light, drink it in through our skins

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    We drink VB, Victoria Bitter, which is way better.

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    We drink and we die and continue to drink.

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    We have to keep the body in good health; we have to take care of what we eat and drink, and what we do.

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    We learn how to kiss, or to drink, talk to our buddies-all the things that you can't really teach in social studies or history-we all learn them at the movies.

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    We live in a world where knowledge is developing at an ever-accelerating rate. Drink deeply from this ever-springing well of wisdom and human experience.

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    Well, as he brews, so shall he drink.

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    Well I sup and well I dine, When I drink my frolic wine.

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    Well observe The rule of Not too much, by temperance taught In what thou eat'st and drink'st.

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    We need a new cosmology. New gods. New sacraments. Another drink.

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    We have met the enemy and have asked them over later for drinks and dancing.

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    We're all well-acquainted with depression, we all know what the low moods are, but the mania was not something I knew much about. I didn't know that it would make someone dress extravagantly or start to pun, and to stay up and drink.

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    We shall quench our thirst, for we shall drink deep at the bubbling fountain of Wisdom.

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    We swallow with one gulp the lie that flatters us, and drink drop by drop the truth which is bitter to us.

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    We shall drink to our partnership. Do you like gin? It is my only weakness.

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    We take a drink only for the sake of the benediction.

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    What do drunkards do? They... drink... themselves... to... death.

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    We used to drink an awful lot of alcohol.

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    What drink'st thou oft, instead of homage sweet, But poisoned flattery?

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    What else is there to do in college except drink beer or slit one's wrists?

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    What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others.

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    What is better than to sit at the end of the day and drink wine with friends, or substitutes for friends?

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    What pleasure can those over-happy persons know, who, from their affluence and luxury, always eat before they are hungry and drink before they are thirsty?

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    What's next? If there are vampires in there, they probably drink artificial blood plasma substitute.

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    What you eat and drink is 50 percent of life.

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    What? You’d dare drink right after getting out of jail for intoxication?” That’s when you need a drink the most.

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    When a dog is drowning, everyone offers him a drink.

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    When a man drinks wine at dinner, he begins to be better pleased with himself.

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    When Hailey was born my first thought was that I needed a drink and that hospitals should have bars in them.

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    When I got hoarse, the manager would say, 'Drink this. Joplin used to drink this,' and I used to say, 'Joplin? Joplin's dead

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    When I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I say it.

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    When I lose, I drink, and when I win I celebrate.

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    When I wake up, I always drink tons of Guayaki organic yerba mate tea.

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    When I’m with you, I could drink water and be full.

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    When I was small, I would refuse to drink when I ate fish because I thought the fish would reconstitute itself in my stomach

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    When we were kids, we would never open the minibar. A $6 Snickers bar? But the other day I was in a hotel and I was staring at a Snickers bar, and I finally just ate it. Then it was like something in me snapped. I opened all these drinks. I thought: I can do it now. Now I'm all grown-up. I can eat things from the minibar.

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    When you drink water, don't forget the fountain.