Best 354 quotes in «lawyer quotes» category

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    When I pass the bar, you'll be barred from bars but put behind them.

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    What is it that makes a seemingly rational man set out on a perilous journey knowing full well that the odds of success are quite remote and the consequences of failure are likely to be devastating? Is it pride, stubbornness, a yearning for adventure, or just a reckless disregard of reality?

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    When your friend who died was still alive, did you ever tell him?” “Tell him what?” “That you’re… what’s the word? Celibate?” Tony asked, trailing his fingers along the buttons on the remote control but not really finding himself able to change the channel. His name, his daughter’s name, it all could’ve easily become a statistic, an obituary, had they not left the tower when they did. “I’m asexual, not a celibate,” replied the lawyer, “and sure, I told him…” She froze for a moment, averting her eyes to the ugly gray-and-red carpeting on the floor. “Clarence didn’t care, he was married, anyway. He always used to tell me, “you know, you’d make one hell of an ace attorney, Bailey!

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    You can get married for a few hundred dollars and divorced for the bulk of your assets.

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    You could make friends with a possessed unicorn, couldn’t you?” “Probably so. We both fart rainbows.

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    You know, sometimes I think this is just not it,” he said, his glasses flashing from the early night’s light. He turned toward me in a thoughtful pause. “You know what I mean, Tom?” he asked. “It’s just not.

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    A law is valuable not because it is law, but because there is right in it.

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    A lawyer is basically a mouth, like a shark is a mouth attached to a long gut. The business of lawyers is to talk, to interrupt one another, and to devour each other if possible.

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    A lawyer's brief will be brief, before a freethinker thinks freely.

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    A lawyer is either a social engineer or he is a parasite on society.

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    A lawyers performance in the courtroom is responsible for about 25 percent of the outcome; the remaining 75 percent depends on the facts.

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    A lawyer's time and advice are his(her) stock in trade.

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    A Lawyer will do anything to win a case, sometimes he will even tell the truth.

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    A lawyer is a person who writes a 10,000-word document and calls it a "brief.

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    A lawyer is just like an attack dog, only without a conscience.

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    A librarian is not a legal process. There is not librarian in the country unless she or he is a lawyer who is in the position to determine what he or she is looking at is indeed child pornography.

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    A little lawyer on the tube, he said, its so easy now, anyone can sue.

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    Apologists for the profession contend that lawyers are as honest as other men, but this is not very encouraging.

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    As a child, I actually wanted to be a lawyer. That was the goal. I didn't plan to be an author, and then even less, did I plan to produce movies. It all just happened.

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    When Gregory says, ‘Are they guilty?’ he means, ‘Did they do it?’ But when he says, ‘Are they guilty?’ he means, ‘Did the court find them so?’ The lawyer’s world is entire unto itself, the human pared away.

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    When in court, the primary role of lawyers is not to prove or disprove innocence; unbeknown to almost all lawyers and their clients, it is to save the court time.

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    You are not a true lawyer, until you win a jury trial.

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    Your brand is your personal lawyer... It defends and speaks for you even in your absence. Keep calm and maintain a good brand!

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    You wanna go see my old bedroom?” “Is that a pickup line?” “Come on inside and you’ll find out.” How was a girl supposed to resist an offer like that?

    • lawyer quotes
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    Accounting incomes were reduced by discrepancy [ but] "the net amount paid by lawyers for lawyerly discrepancy is close to zippo. In this case, the goddess of justice was blind.

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    A good lawyer knows how to shut up when he's won his case.

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    A good lawyer is a bad Christian.

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    All artists have runners, people that tell them what to do, business managers, lawyers, these - if they get the right ones, they're lucky, and if they get the wrong ones, they're unlucky.

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    [American family court] is a system that is corrupt on his best day. It is like being tied to the back of a pickup truck and dragged down a gravel late at night. No one can hear your cries and complaints and it is not over until they say it's over.

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    And I've always felt comfortable certainly in a courtroom because you're just performing. And there was a time in my life when I thought when I grew up I'd be a trial lawyer myself.

    • lawyer quotes
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    And there's doctors and lawyers, And business executives, And they're all made out of ticky tacky And they all look just the same.

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    A Pennsylvania woman convicted for shoplifting was sentenced to wear a badge that reads "Convicted Shoplifter." However, her lawyers hope to plea bargain down to a bumper sticker reading "I'd Rather Be Stealing!.

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    As a child I wanted to be a professional athlete or lawyer.

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    As a lawyer I am before and above all things for the supremacy of law.

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    As a lawyer, money was my driving force. As the years passed, I accumulated more but was less happy.

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    As a lawyer you never speak with emotion. It's about the precise facts.

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    As any editor will tell you, startling newsroom revelations are generally met with queries about where the information came from and how the reporter got it. Seriously startling revelations are followed by the vetting of libel lawyers.

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    As a private lawyer, I could bill $750 an hour, but I don't.

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    As women and as lawyers, we must never again shy from raising our voices against sexual harassment.

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    Banning all Muslims will make it harder for us to do exactly what we need to do, which is to destroy ISIS. We need a strategy. We need to get the lawyers off the back of the warfighters.

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    As a society we're always so quick and able to spend money on lawyers for someone for incarceration, but we don't make the corresponding commitment to the preventative components of it.

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    Before you find out who you are, you have to figure out who you aren't.

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    A team of British lawyers has now concluded that the Declaration of Independence was illegal, and the American colonies had no right to secede from England. Well, you thought our court system was backed up.

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    Blues is a natural fact, is something that a fellow lives. If you don't live it you don't have it. Young people have forgotten to cry the blues. Now they talk and get lawyers and things.

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    ...commerce, which is mistakenly classified among the productive forms of work, ought to be ranked first among the parasitical professions like those of monk, soldier, lawyer etc.

    • lawyer quotes
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    Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise, in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?

    • lawyer quotes
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    Choose your agent as carefully as you would choose your accountant or lawyer. Or dentist.

    • lawyer quotes
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    Crocodiles have a smile I've seen on the face of every lawyer I've ever met.

    • lawyer quotes
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    Deal with just the basic fact: we will never have enough money for lawyers for poor people. So one of our major initiatives has been to develop new technologies that can help people without a lawyer navigate the legal system, and help sort the cases that really need to have a lawyer from those where an individual with some help online, may be able to manage by him or herself.

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    Criticizing lawyers for lawsuits is like criticizing linebackers for knocking people down.