Best 907 quotes in «police quotes» category

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    He was in Poland to participate in the NATO conference, President [Barack] Obama did respond well to the back-to-back killings, as well as to the attacks on Dallas police officers that followed.

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    Hitchcock was such a master of putting on screen things that made you uneasy. Somebody once asked him what frightened him most, and he said the police. He came from a poor background. I think he understood those fears.

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    However low a man sinks he never reaches the level of the police.

    • police quotes
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    I am excited to be doing 'SVU' - I think there's a lot of inherent drama and a lot of inherent conflict in procedural shows. I have a lot of respect for police officers and the work that they do. There's a lot of nobility to depicting what these officers do on a day to day basis.

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    I aint know the police was from Babylon And I aint know Im cold just like an avalanche

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    I am very cynical. That is absolutely what police is doing. But you don't even have to be cynical. I mean, politicians don't even pretend they're doing otherwise. The problem is the other side is not screaming bloody murder and saying, you know, "This is immoral, this is slavery, you're profiting from human bondage.

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    I came to the United States because I valued living as a free person, one who is able to advocate in a democratic society. Unfortunately, the U.S. has been turning into a less free society, a police and surveillance state, especially after 9/11.

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    I believe that the human race has developed a form of collective schizophrenia in which we are not only the slaves to this imposed thought behavior, but we are also the police force of it.

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    I cannot say that our country could have no secret police without becoming totalitarian, but I can say with great conviction that it cannot become totalitarian without a centralized national police.

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    I can see that in certain political situations you have to use force to overthrow police states.

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    I can't stand to hear my own voice. If one of my songs comes on in a café, I'll run out right away and come back with the police.

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    I can't believe that OMON [Russia's riot police] would hit a girl. I simply can't imagine it.

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    I definitely do not want to police every girl out there, or tell them what they can and cannot do, but I know that God will do that. And God wants to be in their life and be in control of their actions and allow him to guide them through their life.

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    I can't think of a bigger waste of police time than chasing somebody who has said something offensive on Twitter.

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    ID cards do not tell the police who is about to commit a suicide bombing.

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    I didn't really know that much about the Maoists, but I just knew that they seemed to be so few and yet they painted themselves green and stood in front of the police waiting to get picked off.

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    I didn't want to understand. Bert had been thrilled that the police wanted to put me on retainer. He told me I would gain valuable experience working with the police. All I had gained so far was a wider variety of nightmares.

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    I don’t know why liberals want to disarm the law-abiding population, but I do know that not a single argument proffered stands the light of facts. Armed citizens deter far more crimes than the police, and far more lives are saved by the intended victim being armed than are lost in firearm accidents.

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    I don't think the police, even if we train them, can be, you know, as good as psychologists and psychiatrists and others knowing what is happening to somebody. So we've got to have a more coherent, comprehensive approach.

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    I don't know if the police of naming statements would agree with this.

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    I don't understand why the police are infallible. They remind me a lot of the Catholic Church.

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    I don't want to scare anybody here but we just received word from police that Howard Dean is loose and may be armed with a microphone.

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    I don't write police stories, per se, but I usually write about areas that are very panoramic, like Harlem, or the Lower East Side, or a small urban city like Jersey City.

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    I dont want any injustice brought against the bullies. Bullies just dont know any better. Anyone who is crying about police brutality or victimization as an adult needs to stop it and realize the privileges we have in this country.

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    I feel very sorry for the one or two North Korean defectors who were caught by Chinese police while entering South Korean or foreign embassies in Beijing, but their arrest drew the whole attention of the world.

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    If a university official's letter accusing a speaker of having a proclivity to commit speech crimes before she's given the speech - which then leads to Facebook postings demanding that Ann Coulter be hurt, a massive riot and a police-ordered cancellation of the speech - is not hate speech, then there is no such thing as hate speech.

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    If I could tour with anyone, I'd go with either Maroon 5, or Dave Matthews. No lets go with Sting, he will be my all time favorite...wait no I want to go on tour with the Police.

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    If I did things for the money, I'd have done adverts in the 1980s, when I was hot enough to be offered them, and 'Police Academy 6,' which I was asked to write.

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    If I had a little kid in kindergarten somewhere, would feel much more comfortable if I knew on that campus there was a police officer or somebody who was trained with a weapon. I would feel more comfortable.

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    If I had to describe my remarks this evening frankly as if I were in police court and on oath, so to speak I should have to call it a ramble over several subjects, portions of which may seem to you to be impudent, and portions of which will be ignorant, and portions of which may contrive to be both at once.

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    If Hillary Clinton can be president, then one girl can be mayor. And someone else can be a police chief, and someone else can be a U.S. senator.

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    If it were possible to make an accurate calculation of the evils which police regulations occasion, and of those which they prevent, the number of the former would, in all cases, exceed that of the latter.

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    If I went back to Zimbabwe, I am not afraid of the police or the soldiers. I am afraid of those elements which are being used by the regime. People who have nothing, I mean, who don't care whether they are paid $50 to kill someone, they could just do it for.

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    If labor mainly, or to any considerable degree, serves the purpose of a police, to keep men out of mischief, it indicates a rottenness at the foundation of our community.

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    I found while driving in Wyoming that wearing a stetson and driving a beat-up pickup meant you could go as fast as you like, while the police picked up Californian winnebagos that went one mph over 55. After all, they wanted to bring money into the state, not merely circulate it.

    • police quotes
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    If people want safer streets, they want police supported, then they should vote for Donald Trump because that's what he'll do.

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    If someone follows you, go to a different room. If they keep following you, get in your car. If they follow you in your car, drive to a police station. There are ways to not engage.

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    If only the authorities could be made to realize that the forces leading them on in the armament race are just insane.

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    If something like one in nine Londoners is a Muslim, then I want one in nine police officers to be a Muslim. Which means we are currently about 2,000 short.

    • police quotes
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    If the Police could do a reunion... One of the biggest jerks I ever met was Sting. If he can do it, then anyone can do it. It's not that big a deal. And the Eagles! They did it! They severely hated each other. It's just rock and roll

    • police quotes
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    If the saying "the Temple Mount in our hands," is portrayed as incitement to the police, there's no need to change the saying, but the police.

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    If something is stolen from you, don't go to the police. They're not interested. Don't go to a psychologist either, because he's interested in only one thing: that it was really you who did the stealing.

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    If the word gets out, if the perception exists that by speaking to a CBS journalist you are, therefore, inevitably, immediately speaking to the police, I don't think there's any doubt but that people won't talk. And, therefore, the public won't learn.

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    If the word police want to come and get me, they can come and get me. If someone wants to blog about me, fine. The bloggers can come and get me. I clearly say the n-word in public, eight times. I think that's the count.

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    If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.

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    If what you are claiming is true, I would have shouted it from the rooftops. I would have gone to the authorities, the FBI, the police, the Democratic (Party) anybody that would listen. I wouldn't depend on one guy with the Department of Transportation.

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    If those extra-social brains are so potent, why after all do they effect so little? A dull police-officer, with the machine behind him, can afford to laugh at most experiments in anarchy.

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    If you are a blackman in America and get stopped by the police, make sure you have a vidio camera. Don't rely on some passerby to film the beating. Rodney King was just lucky.

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    If you are a police dog, where's your badge?

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    If you put something together and it doesn't look so good, the fashion police are not going to come and take you away. And if they do, you might have some fun in jail.