Best 2087 quotes in «army quotes» category

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    Young Alexander conquered India. He alone? Caesar beat the Gauls. Was there not even a cook in his army? Philip of Spain wept as his fleet was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears? Frederick the Great triumphed in the Seven Years War. Who Triumphed with him?

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    Young women... you are, in my opinion, disgracefully ignorant. You have never made a discovery of any sort of importance. You have never shaken an empire or led an army into battle. The plays by Shakespeare are not by you, and you have never introduced a barbarous race to the blessings of civilization. What is your excuse?

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    You're gonna get the best - you're gonna get the best equipment [in the Army].

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    You're not being paid by how hard you work, but by what you accomplish. If you can't hack it, pack it. Our challenge today is to look forward, to write our own history.

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    Your Marines having been under my command for nearly six months, I feel that I can give you a discriminating report as to their excellent standing with their brothers of the army and their general good conduct.

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    Youths of the Pellaians and of the Macedonians and of the Hellenic Amphictiony and of the Lakedaimonians and of the Corinthians... and of all the Hellenic peoples, join your fellow-soldiers and entrust yourselves to me, so that we can move against the barbarians and liberate ourselves from the Persian bondage, for as Greeks we should not be slaves to barbarians.

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    Your little army, derided for its want of arms, derided for its lack of all the essential material of war, has met the grand army of the enemy, routed it at every point, and now it flies, inglorious in retreat before our victorious columns. We have taught them a lesson in their invasion of the sacred soil of Virginia.

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    You want a blood relative to lead your army? Get Marcie. She likes ordering people around. She'll be a natural.

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    You will never find scientists leading armies into battle. You just won’t. Especially not astrophysicists -we see the biggest picture there is. We understand how small we are in the cosmos. We understand how fragile and temporary our existence is here on Earth. We understand there are bigger problems we need to solve as a species than what God you pray to.

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    You want to make me the best soldier possible. Go down and look at the standings. Look at the all-time standings. So far you're doing an excellent job with me. Congratulations. Now when are you going to put me up against a good army?

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    8 April 1891 The obscenity of nostrils and mouths; the ignominious cupidity of smiles and women encountered in the street; the shifty baseness on every side, as of hyenas and wild beasts ready to bite: tradesmen in their shops and strollers on their pavements. How long must I suffer this? I have suffered it before, as a child, when, descending by chance to the servant's quarters, I overheard in astonishment their vile gossip, tearing up my own kind with their lovely teeth. This hostility to the entire race, this muted detestation of lynxes in human form, I must have rediscovered it later while at school. I had a repugnance and horror for all base instincts, but am I not myself instinctively violent and lewd, murderous and sensual? Am I any different, in essence, from the members of the riotous and murderous mob of a hundred years ago, who hurled the town sergeants into the Seine and cried, 'String up the aristos!' just as they shout 'Down with the army!' or 'Death to the Jews!

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    About the only good thing about being sex-starved and hornier than the blue wildebeest in mating season she'd once had to write an essay on, was the vast improvement on her pen-pal repertoire. Phone sex? Pah! Any schmuck could talk dirty and get off on it. The art of airmail sex, however, presented a much greater challenge and one she'd excelled at, if Mark's responses were anything to go by. It was a wonder the planes didn't catch fire.

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    Above all, he loathed men who beat women; for, real men didn’t exercise their strength on frail creatures, they joined the army and put Shazaria’s enemies in their graves.

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    Ada kalanya dalam hidup, sejenak melupakan kepedihan dan habiskan waktu untuk bertingkah konyol, tertawa, serta lupakan sejenak berlaku "normal".

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    A leader who allows their subordinates to suffer as proof of who is the boss likely quenches their thirst with salt water from a rusted canteen.

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    A man’s perspective is limited by the brevity of his existence. Even living deliberately, how far up can we reach? Standing on our miniscule patch of time, how far into the future can we see? How much of the past can one truly understand? Yet, only a recreant spends their precious drops of sand before dropping back into the abyss lounging in indulgence, not striving for understanding, knowledge, answers that those of us scourged/consecrated with consciousness should seek with unconquerable passion.

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    A man’s perspective is limited by the brevity of his existence. Even living deliberately, how far up can we reach? Standing on our miniscule patch of time, how far into the future can we see? How much of the past can one truly understand? Yet, only a recreant spends their precious drops of sand before dropping back into the abyss lounging in indulgence, not striving for understanding, knowledge, answers that those of us scourged/consecrated with consciousness should seek with unconquerable passion. - Far Forest Scrolls Na Cearcaill

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    A murderer is a killer without a uniform.

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    A moving target is harder to kill, and I didn't stop running, maneuvering, until I reached home base, where I could breathe between death-defying sprints. I just need to make it home alive, and this will all be over, I told myself. Home.

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    An army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep.

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    An army without discipline is worse than an army without soldiers.

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    An Army wife is probably the only woman in the world who knows and readily accepts that she is the mistress, because, let’s face it, the Army is the wife and the wife gets all the damn attention!

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    An egg's true value is only known when it is broken.

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    You want to know who's now running the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy and the Marines and calling the shots where it counts? Fundamentalist Muslims and homosexual activists.

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    You were a soldier?" "Yes, sir." "You barely look old enough to have seen the last battle." "My father was a career army man, sir. I was there at the first engagement with Analousia, and took up my father's rifle when I was barely fifteen." "Saints preserve us," Dr. Kelling said, and squeezed Galen's shoulder. "What have we done to our youth?

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    A clever general, therefore, avoids an army when its spirit is keen, but attacks it when it is sluggish and inclined to return.

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    A dead war horse is the single most expensive corpse you’ll ever see.

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    A decent moustache can intimidate a man, while a great moustache can frighten an army.

    • army quotes
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    A general is powerless without an army. An army is directionless without a general. To win battles a general and an army need each other.

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    All right, he thought, okay; if thats the way it is; a savagery of anger in him now at the picture. They call them "pin-up girls" and think its cute how "our boys," now that they're drafted, love to hang them in their wall lockers. And then close up all the whorehouses, every place they can, so our young men will not be contaminated.

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    All the blogs Christian,Military, Christian,Military, Operations Christians,Christ,Jesus,God,Prophecy and Ministry around the world.Warriors following Christ.

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    Among leaders who have made the greatest impact through ages, I would consider Muhammad before Jesus Christ.

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    An army of disciplined sheep is greater than an army of undisciplined wolves.

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    And in a nasty war, where's the best place to be? Apart from on the moon, o' course? No one?" Slowly, Jade raised a hand. "Go on, then," said the sergeant. "In the army, sarge," said the troll. "'cos..." She began to count on her fingers. "One, you got weapons an' armour an' dat. Two, you are surrounded by other armed men. Er... Many, youse gettin' paid and gettin' better grub than the people in Civilian Street. Er... Lots, if'n you gives up, you getting taken pris'ner and dere's rules about that like Not Kicking Pris'ners Inna Head and stuff, 'cos if you kick their pris'ners inna head they'll kick your pris'ners inna head so dat's, like, you're kickin' your own head, but dere's no rule say you can't kick enemy civilians inna head. There's other stuff too, but I ran outa numbers.

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    An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government

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    Appearances can be misleading. You just never know what’s inside someone until he’s tested.

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    An infantryman’s job is to deliver his enemies into the waiting hands of Death. It is Doc’s job to protect his brothers from Death, to knock him aside and say, “Not today.

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    Apparently officers are not ‘men’. Officers are ‘officers’.

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    Are you okay, man?" "Yeah, I'm good." It's a lie. I wonder if I will ever be good again.

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    As Lynn writes: "What angers me is the loss of control. At any moment someone could come to me, be dressed the right way and use the right code, and I no longer have free will. I will do anything that person requests. I hate them for that. Nothing else is as bad as known that I am always out of control; knowing that I am still a laboratory experiment, a puppet whose strings are hidden from ever but my handlers, and I don't yet know how to break free. p216

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    As far as concerns the army, I don't know which people among us can claim to be more disciplined and closer to the order of the Romans than the Turks.

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    A soldier is a killer painted hero.

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    A woman in combat? Yes. Since when? Since Native American warrior Buffalo Calf Road Woman knocked that prick General George Custer off of his horse. Since Pantea Arteshbod propelled herself to become one of the greatest Persian commanders during the reign of Cyrus the Great. Since Hua Mulan disguised herself as a male to engage in combat and became one of China’s most respected heroines.

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    Bahkan fans pun melalui tahapan mereka sendiri supaya mereka bisa memahami bagaimana mencintai idola tanpa harus bias antara dunia nyata dan dunia khayalan.

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    Bayangkan dunia tidak akan terlalu suram jika kamu berhasil mencintai diri sendiri. Karena kamu akan lebih mudah mencintai orang-orang di sekitarmu. Orang tidak akan mudah membenci, tidak akan mengucapkan hal yang menyakiti orang lain, dan lebih banyak melakukan hal berguna yang membuat mereka sendiri lebih bahagia.

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    Behind every dreamer stands an army full of true believers.

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    Brianna’s looking for Drake,” Edilio said, thinking out loud. “You sent her out against Drake?” Albert demanded. “Sent her? Who sends Brianna out to get into a fight? She goes on her own. Anyway, it’s not like you’ve left us with anyone else.” Albert had the decency not to say anything to that. “You know, you guys put me in charge. I didn’t ask to be in charge. I didn’t want to be in charge. Sam was in charge and all you guys ever did was give him grief,” Edilio said. “You two, especially.” He pointed at Albert and Astrid. “So, okay, Astrid takes over. And then Astrid finds out it’s not so much fun being in charge. So it’s like, okay, let’s get the dumb wetback to do the job.” “No one ever—,” Astrid protested. “And me, like a fool, I’m thinking, okay, that must mean people trust me. They asked me to be in charge, be the mayor. Come to find out, I’m not making decisions; Albert’s making decisions. Albert’s deciding we need to find more water and sending our two best fighters off into the countryside. Now I’m supposed to fix everything? It’s like you go, ‘Fight a war,’ but you sent my army off on a wild goose chase.

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    But ironically, now having seen those qualities made incarnate, Lergen realized that the highest form of the Imperial Army's desires was simply another way to describe a monster. And it filled him with fear.

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    ARMY, n. A class of non-producers who defend the nation by devouring everything likely to tempt an enemy to invade.

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    As they prepared themselves to go ashore no one doubted in theory that at least a certain percentage of them would remain on the island dead, once they set foot on it. But no one expected to be one of these. Still it was an awesome thought and as the first contingents came struggling up on deck in full gear to form up, all eyes instinctively sought out immediately this island where they were to be put, and left, and which might possibly turn out to be a friend's grave.