Best 665 quotes in «defense quotes» category

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    I think most defense attorneys know, to some extent, their clients are guilty.

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    I think of customer service as an offense and not a defense

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    I think we will have to spend more on defense, for infrastructure, for extension of the broadband network and also for domestic security.

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    I think there's a vast difference between the Big12 and some of the other major conferences. I think it is tougher to score in this conference, just because of the emphasis on defense.

  • By Anonym is a base thing to look to others for your defense instead of depending upon yourself. That defense alone is effectual, sure, and durable which depends upon yourself and your own valor.

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    I think the more aggressive I am on defense helps me to get easier buckets and get in a good grove.

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    I think words were Reagan's greatest weapon - and more powerful than the Strategic Defense Initiative, which did not come to fruition in his lifetime.

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    It is a myth that alcoholics have some spontaneous insight and then seek treatment. Victims of this disease do not submit to treatment out of spontaneous insight - typically, in our experience they come to their recognition scenes through a buildup of crises that crash through their almost impenetrable defense systems. They are forced to seek help; and when they don't, they perish miserably.

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    It is important that both Japan and the United States continue to invest very heavily in the alliance to build up our defense.

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    It is pretty tough for a goalie when you look at it. You're always the last line of defense. If you let a goal in, you can't go to the bench and hide between the guys or anything

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    It is essential that all Americans take the time to honor and remember those individuals who gave their lives in defense of our liberty.

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    It is the saint's duty, and should be their care, not only to believe that God is Almighty, but also to strongly believe that His almighty power is engaged for our defense and help in all of our straits and temptations.

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    It is unreasonable ... to oblige a man not to attempt the defense of his own life.

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    It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defense of it.

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    It's a game of making great pitches at the right time, being opportunistic by getting a run at the right time and playing good defense.

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    It's only by investing properly in our defense that we can ensure we're properly equipped to face our shared challenges together.

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    It is very difficult to make a vigorous, plausible, and job-risking defense of an estimate that is derived by no quantitative method, supported by little data, and certified chiefly by the hunches of the managers

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    It's well known that the greatest defence against an intruder is the sound of a gun hammer being pulled back.

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    It is vain to look for a defense against lightning.

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    I used to sleep with my books in piles all over my bed and sometimes they were the only thing keeping me warm and always the only thing keeping me alive. Books are the best and worst defense.

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    It would have been a great story if Brooks had went out there and scored 21 points, ... That would have been great theater. But the reality of that is very difficult, as we know, in this league for any QB when defense is playing good. And the Ravens played well.

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    I was invited by President Bush to come to the United States on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the mutual defense treaty.

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    I voted for the Defense of Marriage Act but I do not believe we should institutionalize a form of discrimination against any minority by amending the Constitution.

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    I was no suffragette, but I was pretty sure the he-can’t-control-himself defense was a big, stinky load of horseshit.

    • defense quotes
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    I was the fat kid, so as a defense mechanism, I was the jokester.

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    I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.

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    I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

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    It's rare in an administration for a secretary of state and a secretary of defense to get along really well.

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    I was learning, as I did in the Ministry of Defense. I never knew, but I always learned.

    • defense quotes
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    I wasn't a bad basketball player, but I was far from the world's greatest. Good defense, no offense - that was me.

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    I will not speak to Vladimir Putin personally until we've rebuilt the 6th Fleet a little bit right under his nose; rebuilt the missile defense program in Poland right under his nose; and conducted a few military exercises in the Baltic states.

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    I would explain to my children very simply that the defense of liberty is a cause that exacts a very high price in the history of humankind.

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    Joy explodes throughout the book of Psalms like fireworks, and is the most potent anti-missile defense system there is.

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    J.J. Watt, he does on defense what Andrew Luck does on offense. He inspires those around him, he makes them better.

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    Knavery is the best defense against a knave.

    • defense quotes
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    Life goes on after sorrow, in spite of sorrow, as a defense against sorrow.

    • defense quotes
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    Liquor may have its defenders, but it has no defense.

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    I wouldn't say it's a split. It's a difference of emphasis. It does exist between, I would say, the State Department and the Defense Department.

    • defense quotes
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    Legitimate use of violence can only be that which is required in self-defense.

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    Life should be a constant vision of God's presence. Here is our defense against being led away by the gauds and shows of earth's vulgar attractions.

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    Literature is a defense against the attacks of life. It says to life: You can't deceive me. I know your habits, foresee and enjoy watching all your reactions, and steal your secret by involving you in cunning obstructions that halt your normal flow.

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    Local defense will always be important. But there is no local defense which alone will contain the mighty land power of the Communist world. Local defense must be reinforced by the further deterrent of massive retaliatory power.

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    [M]ilitary metaphors have more and more come to infuse all aspects of the description of the medical situation. Disease is seen as an invasion of alien organisms, to which the body responds by its own military operations, such as the mobilizing of immunological "defenses", and medicine is "aggressive" as in the language of most chemotherapies.

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    Michele Flournoy, by the way, is not just a talented and bright person. She was Hillary Clinton's secretary of defense in-waiting. So for her to give General [James] Mattis her support, that says something significant.

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    Moderation in the defense of liberty is no virtue.

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    Make no mistake, in this campaign, I will offer the American ideals of economic freedom a clear and unapologetic defense.

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    Millions for defense but not a cent for tribute.

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    More and more major businesses and industries are being run on software and delivered as online services - from movies to agriculture to national defense.

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    My anti-authoritarian instincts let me directly to criminal defense work.

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    Murder begins where self-defense ends.