Best 960 quotes in «revenge quotes» category

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    Anything worth having is hard to get, therefore – anything worth losing is hard to let go. Success is revenge.

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    A riverless silence made the air heavy.

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    A person's true identity can often be difficult to discern, even to themselves, causing one to question their character, their calling, their very existence. For most, time gives clarity, but for others, these questions remained unanswered for an identity can not be fully defined when it is a guarded secret.

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    A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.

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    As long as parmanus (subatomic particles) match, there is oneness, and then it turns into revenge (vengeance). Wherever there is infatuation, there will indeed be revenge there.

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    A strike within the realm of the professional never justifies retribution in the realm of the personal

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    As hard as my life has been I have no desire for revenge. If I wish for anything it is for all the things that have been stolen from my life to be returned to me.

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    At the same time, the thought of Gisela suffering at Ruexner's hands sent ice water through his veins, along with a stab of guilt. If Gisela should suffer pain or distress at Ruexner's hands, it would be his fault. Ruexner had only taken her because of his hatred for Valten. " God, I must save her. I must not fail.

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    As he fills me, I wonder if—in the same way that sex makes its own unique perfume—we don’t really “make” love. As in create, manufacture, evoke an independent element in the air around us, and if enough of us did it really well, for real, not just for the hell of it, we could change the world. Because when he’s in me, I feel the space around us changing, charging, and it seems to set off some kind of feedback loop, where the more he touches me, the more I need him to. Having sex with Barrons sates my need. Then feeds it. Sates, then feeds. It’s a never-ending cycle. I get out of bed with him, frantic to be back in it again. And I— “—hated you for it,” he says gently. That was my line. “I never get enough, Mac. Drives me bug-fuck. I should kill you for what you make me feel.” I understand perfectly. He is my vulnerability. I would become Shiva, the world-eater, for him.

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    As they say, revenge is a dish best served cold, and I was prepared to eat it frozen.

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    Back then I gave up on Ruo Xi because of power, abandoned the vows we made to never leave each other. Now imperial brother, for the Qing Empire, and the past grievances has also given up the chance to be together forever. You’re the same as me. The things you once had are all gone in the end. With Ruo Xi, you’re the same as me. A failure. -8th Prince

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    Ayara was no saviour tonight. No, she wasn’t a saviour at all. Ayara Drogon was a Shadow Assassin and she was the personification of death.

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    Because Bogdan wanted more than she could ever give him. Because she mistrusted Stefan. Because Nicolae’s questions festered under her skin. Because Petru, young and thickheaded but hers, was dead, killed by the boyars she had then eliminated in the dining room of this very castle. Because even after all this, she knew in the blood that flowed through her veins that she could trust Radu. And because…Nicolae had been right. Lada was trying to pick a fight with Mehmed, even if she had not realized it before. She was not doing it for Wallachia. She did it for herself. For everything he had been to her. For all the ways he had failed her. She had Wallachia, and she would do everything she could to protect it, but she wanted to punish Mehmed. Kidnapping Radu—taking back the first, and the last, thing Mehmed had taken from her—might be enough to make him come to her when tens of thousands of bodies had not. Just three bodies mattered. The same three that had always mattered. Radu’s. Lada’s. And Mehmed’s.

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    Banal sexism aside, I find myself tempted to read Wuthering Heights as one thick stacked act of revenge for all that life withheld from Emily. But the poetry shows traces of a deeper explanation. As if anger could be a kind of vocation for some women. It is a chilly thought.

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    Before I sought truth. Now I seek justice.

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    Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves, Confucius said. Revenge unstitches civilisation.

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    Before embarking on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. One for the fool and one for all those pesky relatives.” – Dread Emperor Vindictive the First

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    —Aun no entiendo cómo puedo odiar tanto a alguien a quien amo—me dijo con furia. —Yo siento exactamente lo mismo, salvo que yo ya no te amo. Solo me queda odio para ti.

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    Before you reach the point of forgiveness, you go through the phase where you pray... for every possible misfortune and ill luck to strike them dead while you sit and watch.

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    Believe me, daughter, there is nothing worse than having your own family member out for revenge.

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    Being nice to someone who did you foul in the past is kinda like a mature way of getting revenge because it sometimes confuses the hell out of them & brings them to the realization that they no longer can manipulate your emotions with their actions...something they thought they'd always be able to do.

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    Being happy is the best revenge.

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    Beware pride; it would have us seek revenge from those most deserving of our pity.

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    Beware of those who don't fight back. Sooner or later, they will.

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    Birinden intikam alacak güce ve imkana sahip olduğumuzda, aslında intikam almış kadar oluyorduk ve rahatlıyorduk. Bu rahatlığın büyümesine izin verirsek, intikam almanın stresine hiç katlanmak zorunda kalmıyorduk. Belki de mesele güçteydi. O güce sahip olma amacıyla yaşıyorduk, güce sahip olduğumuzda da tüm hırsımız sönüyordu.

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    Be ready to defend yourself as I'm coming out of the shelf

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    Bread and water will not break me, and if you choose to isolate me, I shall have only but more time to plot against my oppressors.

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    Both of us were always in a fight, He won over my friends, I won in life. He always wanted to marry this girl, I ended up calling her my wife.

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    Black Magic is the best revenge.

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    Burn them all, little dragon.

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    But I was still determined to protect her. It might be the one good thing I would ever do in my life. I wondered if God would even notice.

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    But I want to be better than the lessons they taught me. I want my love to be greater that my hate, my mercy to be stronger than my vengeance.

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    But life wasn't a fairy tale, and I had no problem doing what was necessary to get what I wanted, even if it meant playing dirty.

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    But magic was not always so linear. It was born from odium. From love. From revenge.

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    Bringing this man’s murderer to justice was more important to Sebastian than he could begin to explain, even to himself.

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    But you know what they say - old milk turns sour but old scores just get sweeter.

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    But what is a memorial, when you come right down to it, but a commemoration of wounds endured? Endured, and resented. Without memory, there can be no revenge.

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    Brie's expiration date on revenge was never.

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    Can düşmanı olan iki kişinin, gözlerini son kez açıp, birbirlerinin ölmek üzere olduğunu görünce, huzur içinde hayata gözlerini kapadıkları söylenir sık sık. Ölüm bizi hayatın ortasında, hazırlıksız yakalamamışsa eğer, bu durum oldukça enderdir muhtemelen. Hayat dolu olduğumuz anda kolayca göze alabileceğimiz tehlikeleri, aksine, kaybedecek hiçbir şeyimiz kalmadığında, göze alamayız. İntikam duygusu hayatın bir parçasıdır; çoğunlukla -ileride göreceğimiz gibi, aynı kişiliğin içinde insani çelişkiler teşkil eden istisnalara rağmen– ölüm kapımıza dayandığında intikam duygusu bizi terk eder.

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    By Hecate, the goddess I worship more than all the others, the one I choose to help me in this work, who lives with me deep inside my home, these people won't bring pain into my heart and laugh about it.

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    By dread things I am compelled. I know that. I see the trap closing. I know what I am. But while life is in me I will not stop this violence. No. Oh my friends who is there to comfort me? Who understands? Leave me be, let me go, do not soothe me. This is a knot no one can untie. There will be no rest, there is no retrieval. No number exists for griefs like these.

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    Calm, gentle, passionless as he appeared, there was yet, we fear, a quiet depth of malice, hitherto latent, but active now, in this unfortunate old man, which led him to imagine a more intimate revenge than any mortal had ever wreaked upon an enemy.

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    Children are no longer being parented, but are raised. Thats why they don't have morals, ethics,humanity and manners, because their parents neglected them. We now live in a society that doesnt care about right or wrong.

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    Campbell Road, so he had been told by long-serving colleagues, and some of The Bunk’s inhabitants, was home to the most notorious criminals: thieves, prostitutes, fraudsters – every sort of rogue and vagabond drifted through this slum. Unbelievable as it seemed to Franks, some had settled and been resident a very long while. If a couple of women – one who looked like she’d had seven bells beaten out of her – wanted to set about a well-known brass, it didn’t take a genius to work out that one of their old men was playing away. Bickerstaff might be a stickler for doing things by the book but, in the great scheme of things, this was a petty domestic incident. The Bunk community had its own system of justice. Franks agreed with it: leave them be to shovel up their own shit.

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    ‘Can’t you see what they are?’ I said. ‘They’re all dead.’

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    Clarence Darrow, one of history's greatest lawyers, once noted "There is no such thing as justice, in or out of court." Perhaps because justice is a flawed concept that ultimately comes down to the decision of twelve people. People with their own experiences, prejudices, feelings about what defines right and wrong. Which is why, when the system fails us, we must go out and seek our own justice.

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    Darkness scares us. We yearn for the comfort of light as it provides shape and form, allowing us to recognize and define what's before us. But what is it we're afraid of really? Not the darkness itself, but the truth we know hides within.

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    Concealing himself from his father's wrath, behind the barn with wick turned low and his face two inches from the rough sawtooth page, Young Crawford had read of these atrocities in Beadle's Dime Library and fantasized about "calling out" the brutal old man who had sired him, "throwing down" on him with the "hogleg" he wore high on his hip, and blasting him into hell; after which he would go "on the scout," separating high-interest banks and arrogant railroad barons from their soiled coin and distributing it among their victims, or failing that into his own pockets and saddle pouches and living the "high Life" in saloons and "dance halls" where beautiful women in brief costumes admired his straight legs and square jaw and told him of the men who had "ruined" them (he knew not just how, only that the act was disgraceful and its effects permanent), whereupon he sought the blackguards out and deprived them of their lives. There was usually profit involved; invariably the men were thieves who lived in close proximity to their "ill-gotten booty," and didn't it say somewhere in Scripture that robbing a thief was no sin? If it didn't, it should have.

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    Dealing with files with equanimity’ means where revenge (vengeance) does not increase and where one remains attachment-free (vitaraag). Even the worldly people know how not to increase revenge. But what really matters is, that revenge does not increase and that one remains attachment-free [vitaraag].

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    Defence lawyers use the term "duress" to describe the use of force, coercion or psychological pressure exerted on a client in the commission of a crime. When duress is applied to the emotionally unstable the result can be as violent as it is unpredictable.