Best 2389 quotes in «comedy quotes» category

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    Nostalgia is heroin for old people.

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    Nothing translates worse than comedy into the printed word.

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    Nothing is set up like a comedy bit. I did sitcoms for 10 years. Literally from 1989 to 1999. That's almost all I did. Whenever I got away from television I was like, "Phew, thank God that's over. I am never going back.

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    Nothing in life is fun for the whole family. There are no massage parlors with ice cream and free jewelry.

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    Not living in fear is a great gift, because certainly these days we do it so much. And do you know what I like about comedy? You can't laugh and be afraid at the same time - of anything. If you're laughing, I defy you to be afraid.

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    Oh, Hello. I'm Eugene Mirman, and I'm here to introduce my special. It's called An Evening of Comedy in a Fake Underground Laboratory.

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    On a practical level, I'm uncomfortable at comedy clubs because there are so many shitty dude comics who have made my life miserable. If I go to a comedy club and I look around, I don't know which of the dudes lining the wall told me that I was too fat to get raped. It makes me nauseous. But that was a couple years ago, and meanwhile, comedy has changed a lot.

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    Of course, the surest way to free yourself from an existential crisis is through comedy.

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    Of course the chronology of the books is a bit back- to - front, and books usually come out before movies. But happily, these [Bridget Jones's] are fictional comedy diaries - not a history of the Battle of Waterloo.

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    One can never know for sure what a deserted area looks like.

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    Once I found out how much an Off-Off-Broadway actor makes, I was whoring myself out the next day.

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    One does not contradict the other.Straight-faced is the basis of all decent comedy.

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    One of my favorite comedies is Three Amigos! Oh my gosh, me and my brother quote that all the time.

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    One night I attended a Laughing Liberally comedy show. There was one funny comedian there - Lee Camp.

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    One always writes comedy at the moment of deepest hysteria.

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    One of the coolest things was that, in 2007, I got to go to Iraq with Rob Riggle, Paul Scheer, and Horatio Sanz. We went over there to do some comedy shows with the U.S.O.

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    One of my favorite films is 'Dumb and Dumber.' I'd love to do some really silly comedy someday.

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    One of the rarest things that a man ever does, is to do the best he can.

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    One of the interesting things about comedy is it's tension release, and nothing creates tension faster than anger.

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    One of the wonderful things about Portlandia - and I'm not just blowing smoke, although I can blow smoke, but I'm not - is that there is an expansive feeling to each segment. It's not reductive. It doesn't seem like sketch comedy.

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    One thing I'm a big fan of is the theater of the absurd. That's what I come from, that's what I love to do more than anything. What I love about absurdity is the words "comedy" and "drama" get thrown out the window and it's just life, which is absurd.

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    One thing we do really well on Archer and one thing I've always tried to do in my comedy and my writing and my podcast is to never speak down to my audience.

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    One of the great things with comedy is that there's no such thing as a mediocre comedy; it's either uproarious or crap. That's the problem.

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    One of the things that we love most about our comedy [ American Reunion] is that it goes all-out.

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    Only really good comedies and really good horror movies get a verbal response out of the audience. People will scream. People will laugh.

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    On respect for the Queen: When I lick a stamp I always do it with my eyes closed.

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    One reason [of Andy Griffith Show popularity] is because of the formula. It had comedy, but it also had tender moments. The other reason is because it was therapeutic. It helped people relax and unwind.

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    Our comedies are not to be laughed at.

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    People have many theories about comedy, but being just plain funny is the one most important thing.

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    Only in America could you get away with the kind of comedy I did.

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    People kept passing our [ with Robert Ben Garant] script around, and suddenly we had this reputation as screenwriters, which we're not - we're sketch comedy guys.

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    People have very specific opinions of comedy. Slapstick was an art form in the '20s and the lowest form of show business in the '50s. Who's right, who's wrong? Who's an idiot, who's not?

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    People know where romantic comedies are going. It's not brain surgery to figure out the end of a romantic comedy.

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    People who do comedy are always underrated because they make it look so easy.

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    On these feature films there are people on the staff who can draw 100 times better then I can, and animate better then I can, and light better then I can, write comedy better then I can. I basically am in the middle of kind of a creative typhoon and I'm just kind of talking the film up on to the screen. Minute to minute, meeting by meeting, day by day.

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    People will remember a good comedy song a lot longer than they would some of the so-called straight love songs.

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    People who know me , they know I have a sense of humor, I'm a bit of a joker, a bit of a clown really, and I would love someone to exploit that side of me and send me a romantic comedy.

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    People would say I never censor. As Billy Crystal says, 'I don't have that button.'

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    Performing comedy, you develop a rhythm of ideas and laughs. I live for it.

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    Performing music is a way to do comedy, but without the obligation to do a solid hour, hour and half of a standup. I could intersperse it with music, so it became a really good format for me.

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    People want other people to know that they share our sensibility even if they're not exactly sure what that sensibility is.

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    Play your part in the comedy, but don't identify yourself with your role!

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    Ponder, your comedies are woeful chaff: Write tragedies, when you would make us laugh.

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    Personally, I'd never seen a graphic novel. I knew they existed because friends of mine like Jonathan Ross collect them and some very literate and intelligent people really rate the graphic novel as a form.

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    President Bush has been silent on Schwarzenegger. Of course, he can't pronounce Schwarzenegger.

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    Physical comedy is my favorite thing in the world to do.

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    President Bush is supporting Arnold but a lot of Republicans are not, because he is actually quite liberal. Karl Rove said if his father wasn't a Nazi, he wouldn't have any credibility with conservatives at all.

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    Reality is the scary thing. Not my work, not comedy.

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    Really, more than anything, The 2000 Year Old Man is a huge influence on all of our comedy, but specifically the live version of Oh, Hello.

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    Really, I just love doing comedy. Any form it takes is great, as long as I can keep doing it, you know? If I can do my show and 'The League' while also getting to do other bits, that's awesome.