Best 1928 quotes in «balance quotes» category

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    Luckily because I had a family and children, my priorities changed. I mean, I'm very passionate about my work but I have other interests and other things that balance my life.

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    Make sure you eat healthy food. You can have the occasional treat, but you also need to balance your diet with foods such as meat and vegetables. It will prevent you from getting colds and enable you to train and to do whatever you want in every day life.

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    Maintain a state of balance between physical acts and inner serenity,like a lute whose strings are finely tuned.

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    [Magna Carta provided] "a system of checks and balances which would accord the monarchy its necessary strength, but would prevent its perversion by a tyrant or a fool.

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    Maintaining spirituality and humanism are the keys to success. Its a balance.

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    Management, in the sense of employer, is merely the agent for the public, the stockholders and the employees. It is management's job to preserve the balance fairly between all these interests, that each may have his fair share without imperiling the continuity of the effort upon which the whole depends.

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    Making music makes me feel vulnerable in the best possible way. It gives me a feeling of balance.

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    Many good qualities are not sufficient to balance a single want - the want of money.

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    MCP, maximum controled pressure. No tomorrow, no waiting, nothing beyond the moment. We seek the perfect balance-total abandon on the drive, total control on the recovery.

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    Meditation is very important to me. I feel off-balance when I skip a day.

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    Man always travels along precipices... His truest obligation is to keep his balance.

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    Marriage is supposed to do everything, like Duz, which is more than half its problem. It is said to save us, define us, give us purpose, keep us from loneliness, and incidentally balance our diet and wash our socks, and when it doesn't, we get divorced.

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    Mastery of life is not a question of control, but of finding a balance between human and being...Human is form. Being is formless. Human and Being are not separate but interwoven.

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    Meditation has been an anchor throughout my life - it helps me feel balance, connected and at peace.

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    Merilyn Simonds maintains an effortless balance between the dictates of story and memory . . .these aren't just the stories of one life; here are the patterns found in all our lives, richly celebrated.

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    Meditation really helps create not only a sense of balance... but serenity and kind of a calm state of mind.

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    Men who are driven are happy in their work and their vision but are not happy-go-lucky. Evelyn has a happiness and contentment most of the time -- she's my balance.

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    Memories, all those little experiences make up the fabric of our lives and on balance, I wouldn't want to erase any of them, tempting though it may be.

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    Mindfulness is the ability to do physical things in a harmonious way; it is a way to remain centered in a physical world that is out of balance.

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    More and more people will now start realizing that we are actually equal to one another and that nobody will re-establish the balance or stability within this unless each and every one stands up.

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    Moral laws are set as a curb and restraint to these exorbitant desires, which they cannot be but by rewards and punishments, that will over-balance the satisfaction any one shall propose to himself in the breach of the law.

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    Mostly I built golf courses the way I played golf, which was left-to-right. But I learned very rapidly that people wanted to see more than just the way I played golf and that I had to balance up what I was doing, right-to-left, left-to-right, etc.

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    Mixture of assimilation to earlier schemas and adaptation to the actual conditions of the situation is what defines motor intelligence. But and this is where rules come into existence as soon as a balance is established between adaptation and assimilation, the course of conduct adopted becomes crystallized and ritualized. New schemas are even established which the child looks for and retains with care, as though they were obligatory or charged with efficacy.

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    Money and power by themselves are a two-legged stool. You can balance on them for a while, but eventually you're going to topple over.

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    Most people lead their lives like they drive their cars.

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    Most people get a fair amount of fun out of their lives, but on balance life is suffering, and only the very young or the very foolish imagine otherwise.

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    Most people ask of their friends that they understand them, but, on balance, I think I prefer a friend who understands himself.

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    Mr. Arnold Bennett feels he has ranked himself for ever as a dry wine by what he mixed with himself of Maupassant; nevertheless he has put on the market some grocer's Sauterne in the form of several novels that are highly sentimental so far as their fundamental balance of values is concerned.

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    Most weeks, I work 100-plus hours on There are definitions of 'work-life balance' that would say I have none.

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    Music does more than soothe the soul, it brings balance to the mind, body, and spirit.

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    Mother Earth is changing the world. She is in control now, so we don't have to do anything but just be of service. If she says to do something, okay we do it, and if she doesn't, then we can relax. We've won the game, everything is almost in place. Everything is in balance.

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    Music is either good or bad, and it's got to be learned. You got to have balance.

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    My credit card company says I have an outstanding balance. I'm flattered.

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    My creative life is a constant struggle to achieve a balance between letting things flow in and letting things flow out.

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    My Dad used to say that the balance of the world relied on all of the monks who were living outside of society in creative isolation. I don't quite understand the ascetic life or the private life or the monastic private life. But I definitely understand privacy's value.

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    My challenge as university minister is about getting right balance of teaching and research.

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    My balance is really bad. I just hope my clumsiness doesn't show through.

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    My films are of paramount importance to me, the same as my family. That's not going to change. This is a balance I have to strike throughout my life.

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    My exercise varies from yoga to Pilates. The yoga provides me with achieving my balance and mental relaxation, whereas the Pilates allow me to work my inner core through stretching and keeping my muscles toned.

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    My kids give me the balance to live right.

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    My main calling in life is to seek and achieve spiritual balance, and to express that through my instrument. Everything else is here today, gone later today.

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    My parents showed me by example that they could balance their work and family lives.

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    My parents are opposites who balance each other out.

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    My ideal situation is to be able to call the shots and be able to work with whomever I want to work with, and really make something amazing. I'd like to crossover more to have mainstream appeal, but I recognize that the music I make isn't your typical top-40 pop record. Striking that balance is my long-term goal.

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    My people are at the core of everything I do, and I recognize the importance of giving them the flexibility to balance work around their personal lives.

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    Myself is thus and so, and will continue thus and so. And why fight it? My balance comes from instability.

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    My position is that the rate should align with the level of economic development. Because it is always about a balance, a balance of interests, and it should reflect this balance. A balance between those who sell something across the border and those who benefit from a low rate, as well as a balance between the interests of those who buy, who need the rate to be higher. A balance between national producers, for example, agricultural producers who are interested in it.

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    My rule is if one person says it, a thousand people want to say it. That goes for compliments too. I try to balance it out in my head.

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    My private measure of success is daily. If this were to be the last day of my life would I be content with it? To live in a harmonious balance of commitments and pleasures is what I strive for.

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    NASA calls stuff nominal instead of phenomenal, like it really is. So I have given up that there is going to be a balance and NASA is going to do certain things and we are finally in a state of existence where small groups of individuals can do extraordinary things, funded by single people.