Best 358 quotes in «collaboration quotes» category

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    If we adopt the same collaborative mindset and practices that got to the moon and back, and that built the International Space Station, we can alleviate poverty—and do much more.

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    If you first take a minute, an hour or a month to let go of feeling annoyed, frustrated or critical of the person or situation that may be driving you crazy, you set yourself up for much greater leadership and personal success.

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    If You Respect Their Preparation, You never Drop the Baton

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    Innovation needs preparation, collaboration and the light of the soul. Every challenge provides that light - a greater depth of understanding about life and truth.

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    In order for collaboration to take place, managers must give up their silos and their perceptions of power.

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    Individually, you are a warrior. Together, we are an army.

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    Is there anything like a collective brain?

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    I still say to myself when I am depressed, and find myself forced to listen to pompous and tiresome people, 'Well, I have done one thing you could never have done, and that is to have collaborated with both Littlewood and Ramanujan on something like equal terms.

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    It's hard for managers to consider different perspectives if they never ask people what they think.

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    My group has to do the Eighth Amendment, which is the one about cruel and unusual punishment. I'm not sure why group work isn't counted in that amendment.

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    I think back to this so often in trying to make sense of the world - how there are people who have so much and people who have so little, and how I fit in with them both. Often I find myself trying to bridge the two worlds, to show people, either the people with so much or the people with so little, that everything is yours and everything is not yours. I want to make people understand that boxing ourselves into tiny cubbies based n class, race, ethnicity, religion—anything, really—comes from a poverty of mind, a poverty of imagination. The world is dull and cruel when we isolate ourselves. Survival, true survival of the body and soul, requires creativity, freedom of thought, collaboration. You might have time and I might have land. You might have ideas and I might have strength. You might have a tomato and I might have a knife. We need each other. We need to say: I honor the things that you respect and I value the things you cherish. I am not better than you. You are not better than me. Nobody is better than anyone else. Nobody is who you think they are at first glance. We need to see beyond the projections we cast onto each other. Each of us is so much grander, more nuanced, and more extraordinary than anybody thinks, including ourselves. […] I’ve seen enough to know that you can be a human with a mountain of resources and you can be a human with nothing, and you can be a monster either way. Everywhere, and especially at both extremes, you can find monsters. It’s at the extremes that people are most scared—scared of deprivation, one one end; and scared of their privilege, on the other. With privilege comes a nearly avoidable egoism and so much shame, and often the coping mechanism is to give. This is great and necessary, but giving, as a framework, creates problems. You give, I take; you take, I give—both scenarios establish hierarchy. Both instill entitlement. The only road to equality—a sense of common humanity; peace—is sharing, my mother’s orange. When we share, you are not using your privilege to get me to line up behind you. When we share, you are not insisting on being my savior. Claire and I always looked for the sharers, the people who just said, ‘I have sugar, I have water. Let’s share water. Let’s not make charity about it.

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    I vividly remember going to Google Docs, opening a document at the same time other students were working on it, and seeing their differently colored cursors moving around the screen, typing new words and making edits in real time. It was an epiphany.

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    Mentoring is motivated by love.

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    People are more likely to remember the great social interaction they had with a colleague than the great meeting they both attended.

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    I like Carson. I really like Carson. I can hand an idea to him that's still a little rough, and he can turn it over and tumble it and hand it back to me shining. And I can do the same for him.

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    Once leaders embrace the role of coach, they realize the weight of leadership is now balanced between themselves and their direct reports.

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    Open collaboration encourages greater accountability, which in turn fosters trust.

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    Peace begins with listening to understand, feeling the suffering of others and valuing collaboration over conflict.

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    Political calculation and local suffering do not entirely explain the participation in these pogroms. Violence against Jews served to bring the Germans and elements of the local non-Jewish populations closer together. Anger was directed, as the Germans wished, toward the Jews, rather than against collaborators with the Soviet regime as such. People who reacted to the Germans' urging knew that they were pleasing their new masters, whether or not they believed that the Jews were responsible for their own woes. By their actions they were confirming the Nazi worldview. The act of killing Jews as revenge for NKVD executions confirmed the Nazi understanding of the Soviet Union as a Jewish state. Violence against Jews also allowed local Estonians, Latvian, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Poles who had themselves cooperated with the Soviet regime to escape any such taint. The idea that only Jews served communists was convenient not just for the occupiers but for some of the occupied as well. Yet this psychic nazification would have been much more difficult without the palpable evidence of Soviet atrocities. The pogroms took place where the Soviets had recently arrived and where Soviet power was recently installed, where for the previous months Soviet organs of coercion had organized arrests, executions, and deportations. They were a joint production, a Nazi edition of a Soviet text. P. 196

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    People need to feel safe to be who they are—to speak up when they have an idea, or to speak out when they feel something isn't right.

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    Positive emotions are mark of human intelligence. Modern artificial intelligence systems are more focusing on incorporating higher human traits like self awareness, self control, social skills, leadership, collaboration and empathy in machine.

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    Perceive conflict as positive, creative, and issue driven. Don't allow personal attacks.

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    Sometimes a pad on the back or just a simple word of comfort is all that it takes to bring someone under heavy stress back to balance.

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    Science is a field which grows continuously with ever expanding frontiers. Further, it is truly international in scope. Any particular advance has been preceded by the contributions of those from many lands who have set firm foundations for further developments. The Nobel awards should be regarded as giving recognition to this general scientific progress as well as to the individuals involved. Further, science is a collaborative effort. The combined results of several people working together is often much more effective than could be that of an individual scientist working alone.

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    Speak sooner to sweet spot of shared interest to cultivate a meaningful connection, first step to creating something greater together. Share the story in which others see a role they want to play so they’ll re- share it to make it “our” story Whoever most vividly characterizes a situation usually determines how others see it, talk about it, and make decisions about it

    • collaboration quotes
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    Still allergic to PowerPoints and formal presentations, he insisted that the people around the table hash out issues from various vantages and the perspectives of different departments. Because he believed that Apple's great advantage was its integration of the whole widget- from design to hardware to software to content-he wanted all departments at the company to work together in parallel. The phrases he used were "deep collaboration" and "concurrent engineering." Instead of a development process in which a product would be passed sequentially from engineering to design to manufacturing to marketing and distribution, these various departments collaborated simultaneously. " Our method was to develop integrated products, and that meant our process had to be integrated and collaborative," Jobs said. This approach also applied to key hires. He would have candidates meet the top leaders-Cook, Tevanian, Schiller, Rubinstein, Ive- rather than just the managers of the department where they wanted to work. " Then we all get together without the person and talk about whether they'll fit in," Jobs said.

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    Strategy is not really a solo sport – even if you’re the CEO.

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    The Five C's of Coaching: 1- Clarity 2- Communication 3- Collaboration 4- Commitment 5- Culture

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    The key to handling conflict is to make sure people understand it's okay to have an opposing view.

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    Some of the greatest advances happen when people are bold enough to speak their truth and listen to others speak theirs.

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    Sometimes the best way to get other people to give up their egos is for you to give up yours first.

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    Synergy without strategy results to waste of energy.

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    That's why I'm a proponent of collaboration. It's not because working together feels good. If it felt good and the results were mediocre, then collaboration wouldn’t be worth the effort. Collaboration is valuable because it helps us transcend our individual limits and create something greater than ourselves.

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    The most productive, healthy and satisfying relationships are based, not on a quid pro quo but an ebb and flow of mutual support over time. Don’t just be a giver. Be an extremely helpful giver who demonstrates an awareness of what that person most needs.

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    The key venue for freewheeling discourse was the Monday morning executive team gathering, which started at 9 and went for three or four hours. The focus was always on the future: What should each product do next? What new things should be developed? Jobs used the meeting to enforce a sense of shared mission at Apple. This served to centralize control, which made the company seem as tightly integrated as a good Apple product, and prevented the struggles between divisions that plagued decentralized companies.

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    The rate spread of EBOLA VIRUS in West Africa, is big tragedy. It is a fatal disease in the history of the world. Intensive education (formal and informal approaches) of the citizens of African can help prevent the spread. International cooperation is urgently needed to combat the EBOLA virus.

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    There are 2 types of artist: those who create for others in mind those who create for themselves either way, none are truly independent.

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    The natural result of utilizing different perspectives is that people are more engaged because they feel their opinions are important.

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    There is no collective thinking.

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    The problem with enemyfying is not that we never have enemies: we often face people and situations that present us with difficulties and dangers. Moreover, any effort we make to effect change in the world will create discomfort, resistance, and opposition. The real problem with enemyfying is that it distracts and unbalances us. We cannot avoid others whom we find challenging, so we need to focus simply on deciding, given these challenges, what we ourselves will do next.

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    There is a mystery about generosity. If you see it with your human eyes you might think that you lose—position, recognition, resources—when you give away what you have to others… but God that is wise; always rewards the giver in ways we cannot explain.

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    There is no such thing as an “independent artist”. All artists are essentially co-dependent of the audience.

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    There is no such thing as "healthy" competition within a knowledge organization; all internal competition is destructive. The nature of our work is that it cannot be done by any single person in isolation. Knowledge work is by definition collaborative.

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    This world isn't a battlefield. Someday you will realise how your success depends on a bunch of other people and that day you will be wiser. You will know how connected we all are. Either we all make it or none of us does.

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    Train leaders in behaviors that promote trust and respect. Bust existing silos and focus on what’s best for the project.

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    There were moments in life, Marion thought, when you reached back, baton in hand, feeling the runner behind you. Felt the clasp of their fingers resonating through the wood, the release of your hand, which then flew forward, empty, into the space ahead of you.

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    Treat every connection, communication and collaboration as part of a continuous relationship.

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    The stronger the signal you send yourself of your highest puThe stronger the signal you send yourself of your highest purpose, the more likely you are to notice ways to serve itrpose, the more likely you are to notice ways to serve it

    • collaboration quotes
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    We have to accept that much of reality is ineffable and so to understand it we can't rely on words alone.

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    We get smarter and more creative as we age, research shows. Our brain's anatomy, neural networks, and cognitive abilities can actually improve with age and increased life experiences. Contrary to the mythology of Silicon Valley, older employees may be even more productive, innovative, and collaborative than younger ones... Most people, in fact, have multiple cognitive peaks throughout their lives.