Best 3026 quotes in «society quotes» category

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    [B]ecause the minimum costs of being an organization in the first place are relatively high, certain activities may have some value but not enough to make them worth pursuing in any organized way. New social tools are altering this equation by lowering the costs of coordinating group action.

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    Because the horror of Communism, Stalinism, is not that bad people do bad things — they always do. It's that good people do horrible things thinking they are doing something great." [Six Questions for Slavoj Žižek, Harper's Magazine, November 11, 2011]

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    Before you call a spade a spade, dig a big hole for yourself.

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    Before addressing certain issues, it is needful to access the complexity involved and anticipate challenges

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    Be humble, be gentle, be kind.

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    Being a victim is supposed to set you free; it acquits you of any agency, any sense of responsibility to the person who did you harm. It's not your fault, they say. Leave him, they say. Nobody ever tells you what to do if leaving isn't an option. They just call you stupid. A dumb bitch. Sympathy is only meted out if you follow all of society's rules for how a victim is supposed to behave.

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    Being different and thinking different makes a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable.

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    Being kind is the greatest strength. Being kind is like being a ray of hope in society where strength is marked by degree of harshness and violence.

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    Be kind to all the people you meet on your journey.

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    Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of something, it beautifies it. Whenever it is taken from something, it leaves it tarnished.

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    Be not the first by whom the new is tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside,” is a safe rule for those who would always retain the good opinion of that all-powerful, but somewhat unintelligent, incubus, “the average person,” but the pioneer, the guide, is necessary. That is, if the world is to move forward.

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    ...because the great beauty of embryo development, the bit that human beings find so hard to grasp, is that it is a totally decentralised cell need wait for instructions from authority; every cell can act on its own information and the signals it receives from its neighbours. We do not organise societies that way...Perhaps we should try.

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    Because to watch would be to understand the play isn't being staged for us.

    • society quotes
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    Before you blame others for their wrongdoings, make sure you've achieved something worthwhile in the society or in someone's life.

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    Being at advantage does not give you the right to boast around and mock others

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    Being at advantage does not put you in a position to mock others

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    Being loved is not a biological need.

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    Being someone is not a biological need.

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    Being sick successfully is not included in society’s panoply of worthy goals.

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    Believe it or not, a normal human being is one who can have an orgasm and is adjusted to his society.

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    Be not discouraged black women of the world, but push forward, regardless of the lack of appreciation shown you.

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    Better associations __________________ If you associate yourself with a change maker, Your life will by all means become better. You will wink at challenges and begin to think. In times of frustrations, you will not sink. If you miss the way to a great destination, Just look for those going to that direction. Mount the shoulders of a giant believer And you will become a great achiever. People around you determine your speed. They will influence the growth of your seed. People you are around will decide your strength And also the figure of your success’ length I trust you want to become a better you. It matters, what your associates plan to do. It depends, where your companions want to go. It relies on what your friends believe and know. Quit friendships that build you nothing Choose friends who bring out of you something One iron sharpens another iron Go along with great people and ride on.

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    Beware the ridiculous. It will one day rule you.

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    Be that kind of girl who smiles when you walk past other girls instead of casting a dirty look. Don't buy into the notion of female competition that society so heavily promotes.

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    Be transparent. Let's build a community that allows hard questions and honest conversations so we can stir up transformation in one another.

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    Bet vai mēs visi neesam savtīgi? Domāja Strūga. Vai arī es nestrādāju tāpēc, ka mana personiskā ādere mani dzen? Vai es darbā vispirms nerodu personisku interesi un pēc tam tikai sabiedrisko? Darbā vispirms es atrodu savu prieku.

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    Black has the ability to win life if they maintain a good attitude while plowing

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    Blessed is the society that has oldies.

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    Blessed are the peacemakers? Billed are the warmongers, and then you shall have peace.

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    Blessed is the society with elderly souls.

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    Blinding by passion has such a devilish power that its authority over people knows no boundaries. Nothing can interfere with it: neither age, nor experience, nor position in society

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    Blind minds are worst than blind eyes. That you have eyes does not mean that you have vision. Visionaries do not look they see whlie people look.

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    Boresha maisha ya watu kwa kadiri utakavyoweza. Ukisaidia mtu 1 watahurumiwa watu 10. Ukisaidia watu 10 watahurumiwa watu 100. Ukisaidia watu 100 watahurumiwa watu 1000. Kila mmoja wetu akitambua wajibu wake katika jamii, Mungu atatuhurumia sisi wote. Maisha ya mtu mmoja yakiboreka, mmoja huyo ataboresha na ya wengine wengi. Hivyo, endelea kuogelea lakini usisahau kurudi nyuma katika jamii.

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    Both men and women experience pressure to conform to social standards of attractiveness. Men to look strong and be tough, women to look pretty and soft. Men to be masculine, women to be feminine. Men get judged for being "too feminine", women get criticized for being "too masculine". Gender policing affects us all.

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    Both the mentally healthy and the neurotic are driven by the need to find an answer [to the problem of human existence], the only difference being that one answer corresponds more to the total needs of man, and hence is more conducive to the unfolding of his powers and to his happiness than the other. All cultures provide for a patterned system in which certain solutions are predominant, hence certain strivings and satisfactions.... The deviate from the cultural pattern is just as much in search of an answer as his more well-adjusted brother. His answer may be better or worse than the one given by his culture - it is always another answer to the same fundamental question raised by human existence. In this sense all cultures are religious and every neurosis is a private form of religion, provided we mean by religion an attempt to answer the problem of human existence.

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    British government have always sold poverty as a character flaw rather than the fault of a society where the elite benefit and the rest make do.

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    Bring light to the ignorant, but more light to the educated, for the vanity of education makes modern humans more ignorant than the ignorant.

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    Build your cities proud and high. Lay your sewers. Span your rivers. Work feverishly. Sleep dreamlessly. Sing madly, like the bulbul. Underneath, below the deepest foundations, there lives another race of men. They are dark, sombre, passionate. They muscle into the bowels of the earth. They wait with a patience which is terrifying. They are the scavengers. They emerge when everything topples into dust.

    • society quotes
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    But alas, my dear child, we are the slaves of custom, the dupes of prejudice, and dare not stem the torrent of the opposing world, even though our judgments condemn our compliance! However, since the die is cast, we must endeavor to make the best of it.

    • society quotes
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    But are his needs any more shocking than the needs of any other animals and men? Are his deeds more outrageous than the deeds of the parent who drained the spirit from his child? The vampire may foster quickened heartbeats and levitated hair. But is he worse than the parent who gave to society a neurotic child who became a politician? Is he worse than the manufacturer who set up belated foundations with the money he made by handing bombs and guns to suicidal nationalists? Is he worse than the distiller who gave bastardized grain juice to stultify further the brains of those who, sober, were incapable of progressive thought? (Nay, I apologize for this calumny; I nip the brew that feeds me.) Is he worse, then, than the publisher who filled ubiquitous racks with lust and death wishes? Really, no, search your soul, lovie--is the vampire so bad?

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    But colonization had a nasty tendency to work its way into the DNA, the beliefs and philosophies and the very ways of life of the people being colonized.

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    But even in the much-publicized rebellion of the young against the materialism of the affluent society, the consumer mentality is too often still intact: the standards of behavior are still those of kind and quantity, the security sought is still the security of numbers, and the chief motive is still the consumer's anxiety that he is missing out on what is "in." In this state of total consumerism - which is to say a state of helpless dependence on things and services and ideas and motives that we have forgotten how to provide ourselves - all meaningful contact between ourselves and the earth is broken. We do not understand the earth in terms either of what it offers us or of what it requires of us, and I think it is the rule that people inevitably destroy what they do not understand.

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    But failing to acknowledge women’s part in sustaining white supremacy is not just sexist; it’s a dangerous mistake. For every media report about a white male terrorist who is portrayed as a “lone wolf” or a “madman,” there are untold stories about the women who provide support for, nurture, and connect these groups and individuals.

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    But here's the most incredible thing about it: the philosopher isn't proposing that as a concept; he's simply articulating what humans believe about themselves. That first they thing and therefore then they exist. What follows on from that is even worse: that since humans live that way, thinking that first they thing and then they exist, they also think that anything that doesn't think, also doesn't fully exist. Trees, the sea, the fish in the sea, the sun, the moon, a hill or a whole mountain range. None of that exists all the way; it exists on a second plane of existence, a lesser existence. Therefore, it deserves to be merchandise or food or background for humans and nothing more.

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    But how could a mafioso be forced to commit suicide?" I continued. It only goes to show," she said, " that there are forces in this society more terrifying than the mafia. Ding Caichen was no match for them." As to what those " terrifying forces" might be, I couldn't begin to imagine.

    • society quotes
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    But if the individual is to sacrifice a measure of personal liberty within the social contract, then individual rights must be guaranteed by law. Thus, it has been said that, in law, rights are the fence an individual erects around himself for protection against his neighbors. How absurd such a posture must seem from a worldview in which the individual emerges out of the society, rather than the other way around.

    • society quotes
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    But if you were matched," I say softly, "What do you think she'd be like?" "You," he says, almost before I've finished, "You.

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    books are education and education is power. The more education the people acquire the more equal society will become. Universal learning is the foundation of a fairer future for mankind.

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    Books make it possible for every person born into the world to begin where the previous generation left off.

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    But it is only a mature society which can possess intellectual and religious tolerance, and which can provide basic liberties to its citizens.