Best 3976 quotes in «today quotes» category

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    Smile and let everyone know that today, you're a lot stronger than you were yesterday.

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    Society doesn't need newspapers. What we need is journalism... When we shift our attention from ‘save newspapers’ to ‘save society’, the imperative changes from ‘preserve the current institutions’ to ‘do whatever works.’ And what works today isn’t the same as what used to work.

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    So have a day of pleasure Do things that make you smile For .............. you are treasured Today and all the while.

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    So if we're going to build new applications that require a large time investment, like say movie editing - today that doesn't matter for the enterprise desktop, but eventually it will when we get closer to consumers - you really need to have a cross-platform story.

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    So many of today's programs are about trophies and jackets, and we think that's a big mistake.

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    Sobriety itself is today's high, for it is ultimately in the most centered consciousness that we find our power to transcend the world.

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    Society really seems to have developed an unquestioning obedience towards spooky types… Did we get to where we are today via a slippery slope that was entirely within our control to stop? Or was it a relatively instantaneous sea change that sneaked in undetected because of pervasive government secrecy?

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    So if it resonates with fans - and that's always the bottom line, fans have the final say - then I'm sure we'll see more of it. I'd be honored to do it. I saw the first one today, and I cracked up. I literally laughed out loud. I saw how the sausage was made, and I still laughed.

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    So listen everybody to what I got to say, there's hope for tomorrow, if we wake up today.

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    Some movies I see today have the most dramatic plot points but the actors are not playing them dramatically.

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    Some broad themes brought me where I am today. At a very young age, my hobby became thinking and finding connections.

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    Some music is supposed to be disposable; that's OK. A lot of music is fun for today, but it isn't supposed to be timeless; it's supposed to be trendy.

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    Some of the best lessons come from a bad day and there's a few we can learn from today.

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    Some of the people on death row today might not be there if the courts had not been so lenient on them when they were first offenders.

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    Some of my colleagues who are criticized today for lack of forthright principles-or who are looked upon with scorn as compromising "politicians"-are simply engaged in the fine art of conciliating, balancing and interpreting the forces and factions of public opinion, an art essential to keeping our nation united and enabling our Government to function.

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    Some of the best times I've spent in Colorado have been in the backcountry with my mom and siblings, and more recently, with my own kids. That is why I'm concerned to see today's kids spending more time browsing the Internet than exploring nature.

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    Some of the young photographers today enter photography where I leave off. My "grandchildren" astound me. What I worked for they seem to be born with. So I wonder where Their affirmations of Spirit will lead. My wish for them is that their unfolding proceeds to fullness of Spirit, however astonishing or anguished their lives.

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    Sometime in 1964 I realized that I was a victim of a printmaking obsession, a condition that persists today.

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    Someday was the thing he had, because it was a lot harder to ruin than today.

    • today quotes
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    Sometimes it seems as if there are more solutions than problems. On closer scrutiny, it turns out that many of today's problems are a result of yesterday's solutions.

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    Sometimes good comes through adversity. I would not be who I am today had it not been for the internment, and I like who I am.

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    Someone said to me today, ‘Everybody loved PUSING DAISIES,’ I said, ‘No, they didn’t— that’s why I’m here today talking about a new show.’

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    Sometimes it's not bad to hurt. Sometimes you don't want things until you get hurt. We got hurt today, let's see what we do.

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    Sometimes man needs great failures today to accomplish great successes tomorrow!

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    So often we rob tomorrow's memories by today's economies.

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    So much of liberalism in its classical sense is taken for granted in the west today and even disrespected. We take freedom for granted, and because of this we don't understand how incredibly vulnerable it is.

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    Some will always be above others. Destroy the inequality today, and it will appear again tomorrow.

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    So one of the most unique things on screen in American movies today is everyday behavior.

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    So that's the dissenter's hope: that they are writing not for today but for tomorrow.

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    So the political choice today is much like the 1930s, when the global economy also broke down. The choice is between nationalism and populism on the right, or socialism reviving what used to be left-wing politics.

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    So something had begun, and now she could not stop it. Twin threads ran through her: fear and excitement. She could leave this place today. She could start a new life somewhere else.

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    So to answer your question, Im not entirely sure how I ended up where I am today, in the sense that nobody in my family is an actor. It just happened by mistake.

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    So much in TV today, you don't get to feel empathetic for the villain. The villains are the villains and the heroes are the heroes. It's very black and white.

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    So much is filtered by pop music today, because the music industry is driven by single, single, single, single, the next single, not the nurturing of artists and that kind of thing.

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    So yesterday you fell off the wagon? Or maybe you blew your diet? Or lost your temper and shot off your mouth? Well, that was yesterday. Today is a brand-new day with a clean slate, so forget yesterday!

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    Sovereignty is a word that is used often but it has really no specific meaning. Sovereignty today is nominal. Any number of countries that are sovereign are sovereign only nominally and relatively.

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    So we've moved from an era when women's biology was women's destiny to today, which is an era in which men's biology is men's destiny.

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    So today I say, the outlook in Georgia has never been brighter.

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    Speak Thou in my words today, think in my thoughts, and work in all my deeds.

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    Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today.

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    Speed, the fundamental condition of the activities of our day is the power of photography, indeed the modern art of today, the art of the split second.

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    Spirituality tells the seeker not to live in the hoary past, not to live in the remote future, but to live in the immediacy of today, in the eternal Now.

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    Spirituality is man's conscious longing for God. Spirituality tells us that God, who is unknowable today, will tomorrow become knowable and, the day after, will become totally known.

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    Stable energy prices and enhanced national security will only come when we increase domestic energy resources, which was accomplished today with the opening of ANWR.

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    Start right now to put into practice some of the things that have been taught to us today.

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    Stars today are just masturbation images.

    • today quotes
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    Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.

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    Start now to create a plan if you don't already have one, or update your present plan. Watch for best buys that will fit into your year's supply. We are not in a situation that requires panic buying, but we do need to be careful in purchasing and rotating the storage that we're putting away. The instability in the world today makes it imperative that we take heed of the counsel and prepare for the future.

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    Stay hungry, remain humble and get better today.

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    Stop talking about tomorrow. You owe it to yourself to do whatever you can to live you can to live a better life today.