Best 874 quotes in «corruption quotes» category

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    So you're not crazy, huh? The Institution really IS up to no good. " "You thought I was crazy?" " No, no, crazy in a GOOD way! Evil mad scientist kind of thing! " "Just stop.

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    Start with putting three of your friends to jail. You definitely know what for, and people will believe you

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    State first, subject second, statesman last.

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    Suddenly I was tired of Lotterman; he was a phony and he didn't even know it. He was forever yapping about freedom of the press and keeping the paper going, but if he'd had a million dollars and all the freedom in the world he'd still put out a worthless newspaper because he wasn't smart enough to put out a good one. He was just another noisy little punk in the great legion of punks who marched between the banners of bigger and better men. Freedom, Truth, Honour — you could rattle off a hundred such words and behind every one of them would gather a thousand punks, pompous little farts, waving the banner with one hand and reaching under the table with the other. I stood up. "Ed," I said using his name for the first time, "I believe I'll quit.

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    Speak truth and you will be attacked by the untruthful. Speak about absolutely nothing, and nothing will speak back, but then nothing will ever change.

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    Stop cheating to be rich. Stop stealing to be wealthy. Stop siphoning the valuables of other people to keep for yourself.

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    Success corrupts character when a person loses the spirit of thankfulness.

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    That is how war corrupts us. It plays on our pride in our own free will.

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    Take a king or a president or anybody. Put a heavy sack of gold in one hand and a feather-light declaration about freedom in the other. And then an outlaw sticks a pistol in his face and says give me one or the other. Every time—every ten out of ten —he'll hug the sack and throw away the ideals. Because the sack’s what’s behind the ideals, like the foundation under a building.

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    That’s the beauty of corrupt men, you can always rely on them to be corrupt

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    The accumulation of gold in the treasury of private individuals is the ruin of timocracy; they invent illegal modes of expenditure; for what do they or their wives care about the law? Yes, indeed. And then one, seeing another grow rich, seeks to rival him, and thus the great mass of the citizens become lovers of money. Likely enough. And so they grow richer and richer, and the more they think of making a fortune the less they think of virtue; for when riches and virtue are placed together in the scales of the balance, the one always rises as the other falls. True. And in proportion as riches and rich men are honoured in the State, virtue and the virtuous are dishonoured. Clearly. And what is honoured is cultivated, and that which has no honour is neglected.

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    The bankers and financiers are badly overplaying their hands, again, and people are starting to catch on to the scam. Real wealth is tangible things produced with tangible effort. Loans made out of thin-air 'money' require no effort and are entirely ephemeral. But if those loans are used to acquire real ownership of real assets, then something has been exchanged for nothing and one party is getting screwed.

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    The battle of good versus evil is the oldest and most re-occurring story tale in the book of life. It never ends because no matter how you cut off the tail of evil, it will always grow back again and again. This old story will always continue into infinity until we closely examine our past errors to prevent giving the snake a new head in the future. You can destroy a demon, but a new one will always come back later in time. You can bring down a corrupt leader, but another one will rise up again with time. As long as the ego overcomes the heart of a man, evil will always exist, and the enemies of God will continue to multiply and thrive. If a tree is bearing bad fruit, you do not destroy the tree by cutting off its branches or eliminating its fruit, but by destroying its roots. I want you to look at the world as this poisoned tree. Even if we eliminate our enemies today, we will create new ones tomorrow. The forumla to cut off the head of the snake once and fall is very simple, and this basic solution is written in all your holy books — 'LOVE IS THE ANSWER'. The strongest counterspell to destroy all forces of black magic is love. Pure unconditional love. However, to be able to emit the right frequency of love, one must first succeed in their own personal battle of good versus evil: heart (conscience) vs. mind (ego). Once you learn how to use your heart to embrace all living things as you do your own reflection, and use your heart to detect truths and dictate your actions, your heart will not be fully activated to love all of mankind the right way. Where there is love, there will be truth and light. Take away the love or truth, and we will forever remain in the dark. Truth, light and love must all co-exist in perfect harmony to overcome evil on earth. And they cannot just be secluded to one part of the world, but reign as divine royalty across the entire globe.

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    The bedrock of corruption is the attitude of selfishness. Nations are ruined when politicians think for themselves first before thinking about anyone else!

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    The bigger the corporation, the bigger the corruption. The more invisible the corporation, the more malicious it is.

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    Telling the truth may cause a few seconds of pain, but there's no medicine that can manage the pain of keeping lies.

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    The best way to detect the destructive element in someone is to watch closely their behavioural pattern when given authority over poverty.

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    The bourgeoisie are today evading taxation by bribery and through their connections; we must close all loopholes.

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    The Church has an excellent appetite. She has swallowed whole countries and the question Has never risen of indigestion. Only the Church . . . can take Ill-gotten goods without stomach-ache!

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    The 'CHURCH' today has fallen to the charms of Lucifer.

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    ...the conduct of another class, equally criminal, and, if possible, more mischievous has hitherto passed with that impunity.... I mean that tribe who...have carried the spirit of monopoly and extortion to an excess which scarcely admits of a parallel. When avarice takes the lead in a state, it is commonly the forerunner of its fall. How shocking is it to discover among ourselves, even at this early period, the strongest symptoms of this fatal disease?

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    The corporate controlled government is in the business of misinformation of the masses in order to boost the profits of toxic corporations.

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    The capital of the United States is the home to the best of the worst humanity has to offer. The most corrupt, the most deceitful, the most tyrannical, the most greedy, and the most evil rise through the ranks of the political machines and eventually find themselves safely in bed participating in the incestuous orgy of corruption occurring daily in Washington, DC.

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    The corporate controlled government is the biggest risk to national security.

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    The corporate government disability system is blatantly corrupted and you may be in serious trouble if you ever need to use it.

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    The corporate government’s intent is to make their mass population sick, because that is where the profits are.

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    The corporate controlled government is the real enemy.

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    The corporate government is a blatantly corrupt group of people who make their living by willfully damaging the health and well being of your family.

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    The corporate government is heavily influenced by the utility company cartel.

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    The corrupt begat corruption.

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    The cruelty of men had infected the land, and sea only swept in sharp waves to the shores.

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    The darkness does not flow from my being to them, but out of their hearts and into my skin. I don't inspire your evil. I never did. You offer it to me, from the gravest crime to the smallest indifference.

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    The cure for autism is unlikely to come from corrupt corporate governments, it will probably come from the people.

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    The delay often holds two terms, within it. One technical error and another one moral corruption

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    The Democratic Party would like to be re-elected so that they can continue to uphold almost no Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) whistle-blower complaints, enforce hardly any police internal affairs allegations, and corrupt corporations with lobbyists can continue operating outside of the law.

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    The existence of the state and the manipulation of the structures and institutions of the state by the ruling elite for the (mis)allocation and (mal)distribution of public goods and services inevitably leads to corrupt practices.

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    The expression Gone To The Dogs needs to be changed to Gone To Humans Without a Conscience

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    The failure of India's public institutions to keep pace with the dramatic political, economic and social transformations under way has led to severe gaps in governance. The end result of this disjuncture has been a proliferation of grand corruption - a malaise made up of a diverse array of regulatory, extractive, and political rent-seeking activities.

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    The financial elite already have the politicians in their pockets, as a result of their lobbying.

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    The fifth stage is one of waste and squandering. In this stage, the ruler wastes on pleasures and amusements the treasures accumulated by his ancestors, through excessive generosity to his inner circle. Also, he acquires bad low-class followers to whom he entrusts the most important matters of state, which they are not qualified to handle by themselves, not knowing which of them they should tackle and which they should leave alone. The ruler seeks to destroy the great clients of his people and followers of his predecessors. (...)Thus, he ruins the foundations his ancestors had laid and tears down what they had built up. In this stage, the dynasty is seized by senility and the chronic disease from which it can hardly ever rid itself, for which it can find no cure, and eventually it is destroyed.

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    The first Amendment, in the US, says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion... However, since some recent presidents don't read too much, and most of Congress apparently is very Jew-sponsored, they tend to interpret that as... let's try to do whatever the hell the Zionist fascists tell us...... a little sad... it's all a little sad around here. Tell it like it is. Tell it like it is, goddamn it.

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    The corrupt corporate government is the problem and a change in political party is not the solution.

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    The day to day corruption that is carried out everywhere in the country, from the streets to the offices are as detrimental to the nation as any other form of corruption.

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    The depths cleared again. Something moved in them that was not a board. It rose slowly, with an infinitely careless languor, a long dark twisted something that rolled lazily in the water as it rose. It broke surface casually, lightly, without haste. I saw wool, sodden and black, a leather jerkin blacker than ink, a pair of slacks. I saw shoes and something that bulged nastily between the shoes and the cuffs of the slacks. I saw a wave of dark blond hair straighten out in the water and hold still for a brief instant as if with a calculated effect, and then swirl into a tangle again.

    • corruption quotes
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    The devil would be powerless if he couldn't entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers.

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    The forward momentum of British educations cannot be resisted: a relentless fascist machine that will spit them out the other side as soldiers or sexless governors-general and the like. All he can do is plant some small seed of independent thought in their minds. He is sorry for them and what is coming: every rottenness and corruption.

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    The doors closed behind him, and Kelvin was swallowed into the elevator shaft that took him back down to the belly of his self-made monster.

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    The games are always been played, and no one plays the games like me. You just have to be the best. And I usually am.

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    The Foreign Crown is no match to the Crown of Thorns. Which side will you choose? It's all subliminal but deep with a purpose as if I do it intentional

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    The fraudulent electrical utility company in conjunction with the corrupt sheriff taught me that an Englishman's home is not his castle