Best 1830 quotes in «criticism quotes» category

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    Essays, entitled critical, are epistles addressed to the public, through which the mind of the recluse relieves itself of its impressions.

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    Even the purest of teachers will face bitter criticism from those who feel threatened by him.

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    Even before 9/11 I was gripped by a sense of dread: our lack of criticism about what we were doing in the Middle East - the slagging off of a whole religious tradition.

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    Even when I was an actor in training, one criticism my teachers had was that I should think about directing instead of acting because the best actors see the material they’re working on through blinders. They can’t see anything but their role. I could never really do that.

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    Even after the Rosenthal column, nobody responsible in the Republican Party said, 'Yes, Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite.' They didn't join in. Very few journalists joined in. What happened was, when he entered the presidential politics, then he entered a new level of criticism and attack on him.

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    Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need.

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    Every criticism or slight against you, warranted or not, received or endured humbly, is written in heaven for your reward.

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    Every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration. Constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought.

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    Even if the criticism is not always perfectly informed and in some cases I would deem unfair, just the noise, attention, fuss probably keeps powerful officials or agencies on their toes. And they should be on their toes when it comes to the use of deadly force.

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    Every dictatorship has ultimately strangled in the web of repression it wove for its people, making mistakes that could not be corrected because criticism was prohibited.

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    Everything is entertainment; criticism is now entertainment and it seems that the French directors have woken up one day and suddenly realised that they were not backed up any more.

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    Every man who strikes blows for power, for influence, for institutions, for the right, must be just as good an anvil as he is a hammer.

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    Every writer is necessarily a critic - that is, each sentence is a skeleton accompanied by enormous activity of rejection; and each selection is governed by general principles concerning truth, force, beauty, and so on. The critic that is in every fabulist is like the iceberg - nine-tenths of him is under water.

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    Except under rare circumstances, I don't write responses to criticism.

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    Every time I get criticism from people, I learn from it and what to do the next time so there are fewer misconceptions. I'm continuing to be socialized as a woman, but also as a filmmaker.

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    Exposition, criticism, appreciation, is work for second-rate minds.

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    Experiments with the "as if" of fiction are often more lively in poetry and criticism and other modes of writing than in weak short stories or novels.

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    False ideals cannot be shattered by criticism. Right ideals must take up the battle against them.

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    Every place swarms with commentaries; of authors there is great scarcity.

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    Expressing criticism of society is not being a grouch.

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    Faith lived in the incognito is one which is located outside the criticism coming from society , from politics , from history , for the very reason that it has itself the vocation to be a source of criticism. It is faith (lived in the incognito) which triggers the issues for the others, which causes everything seemingly established to be placed in doubt , which drives a wedge into the world of false assurances.

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    Film criticism became the means whereby a stream of young intellectuals could go straight from the campus film society into the professionals' screening room without managing to get a glimpse of the real world in between.

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    Few are there that will leave the secure seclusion of the scholar's life, the peaceful walks of literature and learning, to stand out a target for the criticism of unkind and hostile minds.

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    Fiction writers have their own world, and poets have their own world, and literary criticism has sort of passed over into cultural studies in the university, and so on. They seem more disconnected from each other than they did when I first began to write.

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    Finding the right form of debate regarding Israeli policies will remain a challenge in Germany. Even with every conceivable and warranted criticism, the danger always arises that it will be exploited by those who consciously or unconsciously present anti-Semitism in a new guise.

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    Find out who you are & embrace it. It's so much easier to face criticism when you are comfortable in your own skin.

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    First, if you love the Kindle and it works for you, it isn't problematic, and you should ignore all my criticisms and read the way you want to read.

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    Find the grain of truth in criticism-chew it and swallow it.

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    Flattery is praise insincerely given for an interested purpose.

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    Flattery is telling the other person precisely what he thinks about himself.

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    Fools take criticism and dish it back. The wise take it and turn it to their advantage.

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    Foolishness and criticism are so apt, do so naturally go together!

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    First one gets works of art, then criticism of them, then criticism of the criticism, and, finally, a book on The Literary Situation , a book which tells you all about writers, critics, publishing, paperbacked books, the tendencies of the (literary) time, what sells and how much, what writers wear and drink and want, what their wives wear and drink and want, and so on.

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    Fools admire, but men of sense approve.

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    For every action there’s a reaction. And also, for every action there’s an equal and opposite criticism.

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    For every achievement, there is a critic to devalue its worth.

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    For months, Republican Party leaders have been talking about the need to unify the GOP, in part because of Donald Trump and his criticism of the establishment, which created such big divides.

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    For many years I have devoted articles and essays to newspapers, from the inside. So criticism of the newspapers was a topic that I practiced for a long time.

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    Forbid that I should judge others, lest I condemn myself.

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    For most of us even the imagined threat of criticism functions to control our behavior. We are haunted to some degree by questions about our self-worth. As a consequence, we continually attempt to prove to ourselves and others that we are okay people, credible, trustworthy, and competent.

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    For those suggesting criticisms of drone kills should wait until the election: that'd be reasonable if he stops killing until the election.

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    For me, there is only one means of ensuring that I do not lose respect for myself: constant criticism.

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    Fortunately for me, I know well enough what I want, and am basically utterly indifferent to the criticism that I work to hurriedly. In answer to that, I have done some things even more hurriedly theses last few days.

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    Fox News is nothing if not impressive. No matter how harsh the criticism it endures, the network somehow always manages to prove itself even worse than we had previously imagined.

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    Four D's of Disconnection: 1. Diagnosis (judgment, analysis, criticism, comparison); 2. Denial of Responsibility; 3. Demand; 4. 'Deserve' oriented language.

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    George W. Bush will not offer one word of criticism for any president. Not Clinton. Not Obama.

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    Frankly, it's good enough to lock up in a drawer.

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    For the critic, criticism is a form of natural self-expression, as poetry is to the poet. So, for a critic, criticism is a true thing. Criticism isn’t written for poets, it’s written for other readers. One hopes it is true for other readers if it’s true for oneself.

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    Go ahead and voice your criticisms, but don't expect to be invited back.

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    Graham Greene, as I understand it, was quite outspoken in his criticism of American foreign policy.