Best 2283 quotes in «judging quotes» category

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    Life is a predicament which precedes death.

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    Life takes us on different paths... It's not up to us to evaluate or judge them, merely respect and embrace them. (Lara Lington - to Sadie Lancaster)

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    Like all of my friends, she's a lousy judge of character.

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    Listen, I would never judge someone who screwed their babysitter for years or knocked up their secretary, so don't ask me to.

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    Literary people are forever judging the quality of the mind by the turn of expression.

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    Live and let live, do not judge, take life as it comes and deal with it, everything will be okay.

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    Like anybody, I like clothes, and I enjoy what I like to wear. We might have a difference in personal outfit choices. Some might not like it. But to judge someone because of their appearance is pretty foolish. If you have time to do that, I suggest you look at yourself in the mirror and spend more time developing yourself. Come on, it's 2013.

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    Lord, give us righteous judges who will not try to legislate and dominate this society. Take control, Lord! We ask for additional vacancies on the court.

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    Listening to both sides does not necessarily bring about a correct judgment.

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    Listen to people and treat people as you find them. There's an inherent goodness in most people. Don't pre-judge people - that was me Mam's advice anyway.

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    Look, don't judge Christianity by the imperfect examples that we have seen in history. Judge it by Jesus Christ.

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    [Louis] Brandeis is often painted as an acolyte of judicial restraint, or the view that judges should uphold laws whether or not they like them.

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    Love and faith go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. And as we all know, taking the leap ain't always safe. Sometimes you judge poorly, and you land right on your face. But unless you make the jump, you'll never know what's on the other side. You just gotta find the guts to do it.

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    Love does not judge. Love promotes personal growth.

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    Lucius Cassius ille quem populus Romanus verissimum et sapientissimum iudicem putabat identidem in causis quaerere solebat 'cui bono' fuisset. The famous Lucius Cassius, whom the Roman people used to regard as a very honest and wise judge, was in the habit of asking, time and again, 'To whose benefit?

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    Make not thyself the judge of any man.

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    Magnus was sure that the llama stampede he witnessed was a coincidence. The llamas could not be judging him.

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    Maintain your relationships - for all kinds of reasons, friends are vital. Good friends, supportive friends, friends who won't judge you or try to take advantage of you.

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    Mandatory minimum sentences give no discretion to judges about the amount of time that the person should receive once a guilty verdict is rendered. Harsh mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses were passed by Congress in the 1980s as part of the war on drugs and the "get tough" movement, sentences that have helped to fuel our nation's prison boom and have also greatly aggravated racial disparities, particularly in the application of mandatory minimum sentences for crack cocaine.

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    Making matters worse is people's natural inclination to be easy on themselves, judging themselves according to their good intentions-while holding others to a higher standard and judging them by their worst actions.

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    Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality. One can judge objectively to what extent a person has succeeded in his task, to what degree he has realized his potentialities. If he has failed in his task, one can recognize this failure and judge it for what it is - a moral failure.

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    Many of my friends are gay, male and female. I don't judge people. I don't care what people do in their bedrooms and people shouldn't care what I do in mine.

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    Many times I have learned that, you never judge a book by its cover. Like people, it is the inside that counts.

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    Maybe sometimes we don't do the right thing because the wrong thing looks more dangerous, and we don't want to look scared, so we go and do the wrong thing just because it's dangerous. We're more concerned with not looking scared than with judging right.

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    Make small commitments and keep them. Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic. Be a part of the solution, not the problem.

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    Man, no doubt, owes many other moral duties to his fellow men; such as to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, care for the sick, protect the defenseless, assist the weak, and enlighten the ignorant. But these are simply moral duties, of which each man must be his own judge, in each particular case, as to whether, and how, and how far, he can, or will perform them.

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    [Many artists], even the greatest ones, are not sure of their own existence. So they search for proof, they judge, they condemn. It strengthens them, it is the beginnings of existence. They are alone!

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    Many people excuse their own faults but judge other persons harshly. We should reverse this attitude by excusing others' shortcomings and by harshly examining our own.

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    Many readers judge of the power of a book by the shock it gives their feelings.

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    Many priests and employees at temples work for pay. No one should judge religion on the basis of the shortcomings of such workers. We should frame suitable rules and regulations for preventing them from falling prey to material temptations. The true guiding spirits of religion are those who engage in selfless service while dedicating their entire lives to attaining the vision of God.

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    Marriage has been defined by every legislature that has ever sat in the United States from every State, now 50 States, the same way, but now we have unelected judges altering and changing that fundamental institution.

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    marriage is an extraordinary thing - and I doubt if any outsider - even a child of the marriage - has the right to judge.

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    Marry for love, stay married, and raise happy children who are quick to laugh and slow to judge.

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    Marx set out to resolve the contradictions and to correct the errors in classical political economy. In this he thought he had succeeded very well. Judging by the sound and the fury of the controversy surrounding his interpretations, he either succeeded too well or deluded himself to the success of his enterprise.

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    Mathematics is the supreme judge; from its decisions there is no appeal.

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    Maybe right and wrong did not move, but understanding of them did. The wrenching pain of walking the same path, even for a short space, tore away the willingness to judge.

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    Men, generally going with the stream, seldom judge for themselves, and purity of taste is almost as rare as talent.

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    Men over forty are no judges of a book written in a new spirit.

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    Men of genius are not quick judges of character.

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    Men judge by the complexion of the sky The state and inclination of the day.

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    [Michelle Malkin] has been supporting a party which includes most of the idiots in this country who would judge her entirely and exclusively on her [Filipino] appearance.

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    Men will judge your past deeds by your last.

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    Meditation may require a lifetime to master, but it will have been a lifetime well spent. ... If you want to judge your progress, ask yourself these questions: Am I more loving? Is my judgment sounder? Do I have more energy? Can my mind remain calm under provocation? Am I free from the conditioning of anger, fear, and greed? Spiritual awareness reveals itself as eloquently in character development and selfless action as in mystical states.

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    Modeling is an industry that judges you purely by looks. Today you are on the top of your game and tomorrow a new face arrives and all eyes are on her. It happens every season.

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    Mindfulness is the ability to be aware, to note, to notice. When we apply that to our thoughts and mental habits, we bring a clarity of awareness in seeing what's just an ordinary thought and what's a judging thought that's pejorative or putting us down in some way. So, we first bring that lens of awareness, and then we can do all kinds of different strategies. We can inquire.

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    Mike Judge, who I've become friends with over the years never took himself seriously as an artist.

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    Morality is a human creation. The Universe does not judge.

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    Modern neuroimaging is like asking an astronaut in the space shuttle to look out the window and judge how America is doing.

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    More than anything else, judgment will take you out of the present moment. It will take you out of Oneness into separation. Whenever judgment arises within you, just notice it. Acknowledge it. Confess it. It is just an energy arising within you. Do not judge it or try to get rid of it. Just bring it to consciousness with love, acceptance and compassion. In this way, judgment will be transformed into love.

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    Most Americans want judges who will stick to interpreting the law rather than making it.