Best 172 quotes in «complacency quotes» category

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    Complacency by the watchdogs hurts both taxpayers and beneficiaries.

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    Complacency is a continuous struggle that we all have to fight.

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    Complacency is a state of mind that exists only in retrospective: it has to be shattered before being ascertained.

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    Complacency is the enemy of study. We cannot really learn anything until we rid ourselves of complacency.

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    Complacency is the last hurdle standing between any team and its potential greatness.

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    Complacency will be the architecture of your downfall.

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    Complaisance renders a superior amiable, an equal agreeable, and an inferior acceptable.

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    Complacency is easy...and it is a deadly foe of spiritual growth.

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    Complacency is the enemy of study.

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    Complacency doesn't make sense for a guy trying to redefine normal.

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    Complacency makes one as guilty as those who destroy the Earth.

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    Complacency in the presence of miracles is like opening the door to your own tomb.

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    Don't let your success of today lay you into complacency for tomorrow. For that is the worst form of failure.

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    Disability strips away complacency. Affliction is brutal, but it can also push vital questions to the fore. The afflicted body becomes a site of otherness, confusion, isolation, watchfulness, longing. One becomes keenly aware of the impersonality of brute matter, but at the same time there is often a raw, mistrustful desire for gentleness, connection.

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    Fear & complacency allow power to accumulate & liberty & privacy to suffer

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    Familiarity breeds complacency.

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    Do not be afraid to make decisions, do not be afraid to make mistakes.

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    Hate and force cannot be in just a part of the world without having an effect on the rest of it.

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    For years I felt that being respectable meant maintaining a sinister complacency, and the disreputable freedom I sought helped make me a writer.

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    If I can leave a single message with the younger generation, it is to lash yourself to the mast, like Ulysses if you must, to escape the siren calls of complacency and indifference.

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    If happiness in self-content is placed, The wise are wretched, and fools only blessed.

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    Hate is only conquered by love.

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    If it ain't broke, don't fix it' is the slogan of the complacent, the arrogant or the scared. It's an excuse for inaction, a call to non-arms.

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    I hate facts. I always say the chief end of man is to form general propositions - adding that no general proposition is worth a damn.

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    I hate complacency. I play every gig as if it could be my last, then I enjoy it more than ever.

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    I really try to put myself in uncomfortable situations. Complacency is my enemy.

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    If you associate yourself with peer pressure or complacency, you're destined for failure.

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    In the midst of our applauding the feats of civilization, the Bible flings itself like a knife slashing our complacency; remind us that God, too, has a voice in history.

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    I hate to see complacency prevail in our lives when it's so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ.

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    it is so difficult not to become vain about one's own good luck.

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    It's not a very big step from contentment to complacency.

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    Just try to be yourself and resist complacency and ignorance. All you can do is work, work; work and be disciplined.

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    Longing for the ideal while criticizing the real is evidence of immaturity. On the other hand, settling for the real without striving for the ideal is complacency. Maturity is living with the tension.

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    It's always good to be underestimated.

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    Men set themselves a goal, and having attained it, are satisfied and grow paunches. In their complacency they forget that their only future is now death.

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    Ministry of Disturbance, a regulated source of annoyance; a destroyer of routine; an underminer of complacency.

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    Mutual complacency is the atmosphere of conjugal love.

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    Moral stimulation is good but moral complacency is the most dangerous habit of mind we can develop, and that danger is serious and ever-present.

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    My dear friend, clear your mind of can't.

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    Not all problems have a technological answer, but when they do, that is the more lasting solution.

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    Many people love in themselves what they hate in others

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    Often we hate in others the thing which we fear in ourselves; or we hate because the other person raises to our consciousness some fault or inadequacy which we would prefer to have remain unconscious, and therefore without power to disturb our self-complacency.

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    Once you have tasted conviction, you can’t bear to keep swallowing complacency.

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    My fear now is of cliche, of complacency, of not being able to feel authenticity in myself and those around me.

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    Plato calls complacency the companion of loneliness.

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    People are either driven to action or complacency, mission or rust. You're either participating in the Game of Life or you're watching it from the grandstands.

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    Privilege and complacency paralyze me with fear sometimes. But the less vulnerable we are because of privilege, the country we're born in, or the security we enjoy, the more vulnerable our souls are to apathy.

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    Sometimes success needs interruption to regain focus and shake off complacency.

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    So soon as the possession of property becomes the basis of popular esteem, therefore, it becomes also a requisite to that complacency which we call self-respect.

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    Success is one of the worst enemies of success, because success tends to breed complacency and lack of humility.