Best 1193 quotes in «study quotes» category

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    When I first came USA, I didn't feel this was my home. This was where I was studying, and then my home was now rejecting me.

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    When I started I had no knowledge of films whatsoever. I was an engineering major at Stanford. And I found out as a senior that they had two film critics on the Stanford Daily, and they got free passes to all the theaters in Palo Alto. So I thought, I'll do that, and I became a film critic. And then I became interested in films. But I had no time to study anything in that area because I was a senior, just finishing up as engineering.

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    When I was 17, I came to the U.S. to study Middle Eastern history and politics at Columbia University.

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    When I was 23, basically I stopped modelling and started going to school, and was able to study with wonderful teachers.

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    When I'm out in the ocean and I watch a seabird, I think, "Oh, I probably I know what that seabird is doing" - and I don't study seabirds. And the same for the turtles and on and on. But with the whales, a lot of the time, I have no idea what they're doing, and they're the ones I study.

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    when I wrestled, I would set aside the time to wrestle, so that in my mind it didn't interfere with my study time. That helped me psychologically. When I'm wrestling, I'm not studying the universe. And when I'm studying the universe, I'm not wrestling.

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    When I wrestled, I would set aside the time to wrestle, so that in my mind it didn't interfere with my study time. If I'd say, "I'm going to study this many hours, then I'm going to go work out and wrestle," then when that time comes, you don't feel like you should be doing something else. That helped me psychologically. But otherwise? When I'm wrestling, I'm not studying the universe. And when I'm studying the universe, I'm not wrestling.

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    When Michelangelo was introduced to Titian, he said... that Titian's colouring and his style much pleased him, but that it was a pity that in Venice men did not learn to draw well from the beginning, and that those painters did not pursue a better method in their studies.

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    When I was younger I was completely without money - when I was studying in Budapest, when I was a refugee

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    When I was a schoolkid, I went to Castleton quite a few times. We'd be there studying rocks, going down these big hills. It was a great place!

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    When women cease to be handsome, they study to be good.

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    When the study of the arts leads to the adoration of the formula (heaven forbid), we shall be lost.

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    When we stop learning in our relationship, whether we are studying, playing or whatever we are doing, and merely act from the knowledge we have accumulated, then disorder comes.

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    Wherever in any society there are too many laws, it is a sure sign that that society will soon die. If you study the characteristics of India, you will find that no nation possesses so many laws as the Hindus, and national death is the result.

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    When you study history, you're really studying yourself. Every bit of history I've uncovered about my own family has some remnant in myself.

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    When you can write music that endures, bravo. Until then, keep quiet and study the work of those who can.

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    While neurological studies have tried to identify components responsible for fear and greed, the impact on finance is less clear.

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    Wherever we go, whatever we do, self is the sole subject we study and learn.

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    While one should always study the method of a great artist, one should never imitate his manner. The manner of an artist is essentially individual, the method of an artist is absolutely universal. The first personality, which no one should copy.

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    Wilderness, then, assumes unexpected importance as a laboratory for the study of land - health.

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    Winter is the time for study, you know, and the colder it is the more studious we are.

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    While there I began to study the Asian religions as theories of mind.

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    Within psychology and neuroscience, some new and rigorous experimental paradigms for studying consciousness have helped it begin to overcome the stigma that has been attached to the topic for most of this century.

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    Without the study of Samskrit one cannot become a true Indian and a true learned man.

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    Without Greek studies there is no education.

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    Without implementation, all of our Bible studies are worthless.

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    Women were forbidden to study the most ancient sacred text, the Veda.

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    Women aren't very bright," Rip says. "Studies have been done.

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    Women's studies needed a syllabus and so invented a canon overnight. It puffed up clunky, mundane contemporary women authors into Oz-like, skywriting dirigibles. Our best women students are being force-fed an appalling diet of cant, drivel and malarkey.

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    Yes, I know liberals are more empirical because Jonathan Chait says they are, but my empirical studies of liberal empiricism keep spitting out contradictory findings.

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    Words play an enormous part in our lives and are therefore deserving of the closest study.

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    You are not educated if all you have achieved is the study of ten books.

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    You acquire a language most readily in the country where it is spoken; you study mineralogy best among miners; and so with everything else.

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    Yes, there are lots of individual exceptions. But no one has ever done a study about voting intention without ascertaining that the biggest determining factor is your income and your wealth.

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    You can study orchestration, you can study harmony and theory and everything else, but melodies come straight from God.

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    You can get so caught up in learning all about reincarnation, you can get so caught up in learning about structures, fascinating though they may be, that you're not free; you're just studying a different textbook.

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    You can study gravity forever without learning how to fly.

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    You can't study to be an entrepreneur. Sometimes, you just have to jump.

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    You have to plan it [your devotion to God] every day. And, the best time to plan it is before your day begins. If you don't plan it, your day will plan you. And so, I make a disciplined life of the study of the scriptures, reading the word every day.

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    You cannot learn very much about excellence from studying failure.

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    You know, there was a time, just before I started to study physical science, when astronomers thought that systems such as we have here in the solar system required a rare triple collision of stars

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    You cannot get an influence from the cuisine of a country if you don't understand it. You've got to study it.

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    You don't study photography, you just do it.

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    Young people don't really study the facts; they watch the skewed MSNBC and get a primarily liberal education.

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    You lack the requisite spine and testicular fortitude to study under me.

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    You're an idiot. Study harder.

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    You prepare. You study. You've got to be ready for anything.

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    You're never going to truly wrap your head around things that take a lifetime to study while making a movie.

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    You're a mouse studying to be a rat.

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    You should study Pokemon to get stronger.