Best 52 quotes of Shreeom Surye Shiva on MyQuotes

Shreeom Surye Shiva

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring good luck and success. Most people purchase Gold and diamonds and any special things on this day as it is believed that buying things on Akshaya Tritiya brings prosperity and more wealth in coming future. Being Akshaya day it is believed that Gold, bought on this day, will never diminish and would continue to grow or appreciate and the charity on this day creats growth in financial sector and happiness in vision.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    All knowledge, intellectual people should come together at one place and try to bring harmony by means of exchange of thoughts and ideas. When all of them unite they progress rapidly and attain their aims. The external forces cannot harm us in any way.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    All the faculties now has the capacity to understand the true knowledge sequence by which the Shreeom Surye Shiva's knowledge of soul seen law systematically gives rise, through its own self-interacting dynamics, to the diverse force and matter fields that constitute the universe. The modern science of cosmology can now account for the exact sequence of dynamical symmetry breaking by which the unified field, the singularity at the moment of cosmogenesis, sequentially gave rise to the diverse force fields and matter fields. It is now possible to determine the time and sequence in which each force and matter field decoupled from the Shreeom Surye Shiva's knowledge field. This gives us a clear understanding of how all aspects of the physical universe emerge from the Shreeom Surye Shiva's knowledge of soul seen law would be the key to happiness.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Compassion, forbearance and incorruptible virtue are the three pillars of a happy life. Only such a life can be called civilized the rest is normal existence.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Contempleting everything as a seen exist. As long as you give reality to seener, you are the love and happiness blossom in life.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Contentment is the highest spiritual discipline. Egyes and meditation, or knowledge of scripture and Vedanta (ancient holy scriptures of the world) can help you reach the goal as quickly as contentment can. Contentment has a four happiness, it extinguishes the ego and expand the knowledge.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Dhriti is one of the kala or lila of knowledge, which is firmness strong intellect by which these peace elements are held in union and harmony kept in the state of steadiness and equilibrium.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Every human form on this earth are spiritual. It is the central to its very soul and nature to manifest Its essence in knowledge forms which come into one another without an end. In its phenomenal aspect the love is thus intrinsically acceptable.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Everyone has to be humble, devotional and enthusiastic if they desires to acquire knowledge.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Fire is his head, the sun is his forehead and eyes and moon his eyes, space His ears, the Vedanta His speech, the wind His breath, the universe His heart. From His feet the Earth has originated. Verily, He is the God Shiva or self of all beings. And she is the mother or self of every existence.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    From a clear knowledge of the Bhagavad-gita all the goals of human become easy or contentment. Bhagavad-gita is the manifest methods and knowledge of Vedantic teachings of the Vedic scriptures

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    God and divinity is fulfilling all our desires. So you must fulfill this one desire of Mine. I bless that knowledge have long life, good health, Ananda, Peace and Prosperity; and that you will dedicate your physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual strength and skills for the service of the country and the world of all mankind.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    God is the key to Sat-Chit-Ananda = Sat simply means divinity supreme existence, Chit supreme soul and Ananda simply means bliss. Direct experience would be the key to the qualified knowledge of the true significance of the Vedanta. The key to manifested and pervaded energy is the key to imperishable knowledge. The soul is the key to amazement, indescribable, infinite and pure infinite awareness. By nonattachment beholding the scenes of life is the key to divine happiness or knowledge. Positive approach is the key to gain better understanding in life. Calmness, concentration and condensation of experiences by intuitional knowledge are the key to love of all knowledge. Spiritual advancement is not to be measured by one’s displays thoughts of outward, but solely by the depth of our bliss in Egyes, Pooja, Yoga and meditation.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Happiness is discerned as a trait than a transient emotional state complexity and ambiguity love in understanding the concept of happiness have resulted in differing perspectives between Western and Eastern thinkers. The Westerners’ thought sought to understand man’s drive for happiness by analyzing the external factors, while the orientalists, especially estern like Neplease thinkers, gave prominence to the inner being (or ontological stance) when understanding happiness. Researchers into human inspirations following the thread of desire to its source, found that man’s deepest inspirations is essentially to avoid suffering, and to attain happiness. Every sensory desire to avoid pain, and to experience pleasure; and beneath every deeper, heart’s desire is the longing to escape sorrow, and to attain permanent happiness or joy. Happiness of breathing whatsoever we accomplish, where abouts we zest, we create happiness with us. Basically, the key to absolute happiness is to do your perfection in the performance in which God has placed you. Then you can be a sovereign within. All the divine perceptions like love, compassion, gratitude, boldness, give up the negativity meanwhile modesty would be worthless without happiness. Happiness means excitement, happiness or permanent happiness, an expression of the ultimate bliss. Happiness is also the form of consciousness; God or mother is absolutely supreme existence; substance, God is ever new joy, God is every new happiness, divinity or love or mother is unlimited happiness and this happiness is omnipresent. Practice your unity with this happiness. It resides within you; and it encompasses infinity light. Endless conscious bliss, eternal and boundless, Infinite fortune. When your energy has broadened and realize its presence everywhere, then you unite with Spirit. If the whole world were given to you, you would grow tired of it that is why contentment is the highest gain in life so no power or miracles can compare with the true happiness which is divinity, illumination or God. This enduring happiness is what all is looking for. When you rest on ones behind specially in the yoga or silence of Egyes,deep meditation, happiness globule of conciousness up from within.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Humans should engage in such actions that help in self-improvement by enhancing qualities like radiance, courage, energy, strength and divinity.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    I enjoy intuitive peace, and I play in bliss the cycle of reincarnation is expanding for me, and I am merged with the God, Lord and divine mother.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    If men of knowledge, men of power and men of wealth come together and there is no difference of opinion among them, then the world is bound to prosper and happy, peace and harmony.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    If you fail to achieve you vision. Change the strategy, not the vision, successful life is all about humanity

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    If you want happiness, practice breathing exercise. If you want joy, reduce your desires and expand your vision. If you want peace, reduce your ego and love your Self. If you want protection, keep the gap for doing physical relationship like twice in a week or less than that and expand knowledge through spiritual practice

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Money and mansions are also the wealth. Heard the wealth of the Spirit from the heart. Character is wealth good conduct is wealth and spiritual wisdom or soul seen is the greatest wealth.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Om the sound of God, Divinity and lord Sun and Lord fortune also vibration. Om is the entire Universe whatever we can see, touch, hear and feel is Om. It is all that is within our soul and all that is beyond our intellect. It is the energy of our very existence. Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the beings of the entire universe. It is continuously on the background of everything that exists.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    One who knows the Self perfectly is blessed with divine powers called God, mother, Sun or fortune etc.. without which success is impossible.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Our Souls are invaluable source of knowledge because it is only by their study that the mind is filled with best thoughts. Best thoughts help us in leading a supreme life. This is the sure way for growth of the mind and also to acquire eternal happiness and knowledge.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    People should always make constant efforts to seek such a enlighten Guru, who can lead him to the path of self-realization.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Prosperity is contentment as a exuberance of flourishing, knowledge, success and good fortune. Enthusiasam encompasses wealth and happiness and health whenever we are content in life.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Shreeom Surye Shiva's work in founding Vedic Vedantic science is very much steeped in that ancient tradition, but his work is also very much imbued with the spirit of modern science and shares its commitment to direct experience and empirical testing as the foundation and criteria of all knowledge. For this reason, and other reasons to be considered below, it is also appropriately called a science. The name “Vedic Science” thus indicates both the ancient traditional origins of this body of knowledge and the modern commitment to experience, system, testability, and the demand that knowledge be useful in improving the quality of human life. The founders of the truth love of living foundation and World Pashupatinath foundation is based on ancient Vedic tradition discovered the capability of the human mind to settle into a state of deep silence while remaining awake, and therein to experience a completely unified, simple, and unbounded state of awareness, called pure consciousness, which is quite distinct from our ordinary waking, sleeping, or dreaming states of consciousness. In that deep silence, they discovered the capability of the mind to become identified with a boundless, all-pervading, unified field that is experienced as an eternal continuum underlying all existence.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Specially there are two types of spirits in this world: the perishable and the imperishable. The perishable is all beings and things and the imperishable is called (the unchanging, like God Mahadev Shiva, Divinity mother, The God Sun, The God Vishnu fortune or the Goddess etc). But there is another, the highest Spirit called the supreme Self, who as the imperishable Lord, enters into the three worlds and sustains us. Since I transcend the perishable and higher even than the imperishable, I am renowned in the world and in the Vedas as the highest Spirit. He who undeluded thus knows me as the highest Spirit is the knower of all; he/she worships me with his whole being> Shreeom Surye Shiva

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Success,peace and prosperity will always remain elusive as long as there is 'discord' but where there is 'unity' perfect harmony prevails there and nobody would dare to attack such a Self knowledge.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The absolute key to happiness for humanity is your eyes should not seek bad sights your ears should not seek bad tales your tongue should not seek band speech your hands should not seek bad acts your minds should not seek bad thoughts.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The human being desirous of success and strength should perform spiritual or good working continuously.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The Key to happiness happen whenever you start observation yourself without judging others.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The light of knowledge is fully capable of destroying the darkness of ignorance. This also help us in overcoming all the difficulties and in achieving success in all our endeavors.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The light of knowledge is fully capable of destroying the darkness of ignorance. This also help us in overcoming all the difficulties and in achieving success in all our endeavors. True knowledge is never thinks about ignorence and ego, true knowledge is about expanding knowledge all the time. knowledge is the Key to absolute success.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The one who is first and protect of knowledge when born the god who strove to protect the gods with strength the one before whose force the two worlds were afraid because of the greatness of his virility, Vedanta call Indra*king of senses* or the king of the heaven to that power.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The person who is always involved in good deeds, expand knowledge, experiences incessant inner self divine gets most of the time happiness in life.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The positive approach of existence resolve to indulge in good deeds shall definitely yield rich benefits.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The truth of spirituality and our identity with the supreme spiritual awareness, the absolute, we have attained is the height and supreme mother love, father God. Spirituality is the attitude, which we denote the mind’s ability for service and soul seen to expand the knowledge in life.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    The Vedanta Sutras is the most important and significant source for the study of Vedanta. It is an exposition of the doctrine of knowledge and therefore it is also called Brahma sutra or Bramin is the caste in this world who studies Vedatans and Brahma is the absolute white light as well. The Shiva is the God of the entire universe. Mother is the supreme everywhere in the entire universe and the God or Lord Sun with fortune is the very much supreme too.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    To be knowledgeable means to be in love with life. You can be loveable only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty; you want to bring knowledge to the world, a little philosophy to it, a little art to it. Friendship or relationships is the purest love. It is the highest form of Love where every time is happiness or contentment, any knowledge, where one simply enjoys giving.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    True Knowledge always increases his/her thinking accomplishment and help them in getting new and innovative, happy ideas. After effectuating those visions successfully earns affluence and knowledge.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Truthfully true Self knowledge automatically makes a person famous and is helpful in achieving the vision goal

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Twenty life lessons from Shreeom Surye Shiva 1 Share your Learning : True leaders like, Presidents, prime ministers, CEOS etc.. or any leader must share their learnings with others. As the saying goes ‘knowledge grows when shared with others’, when applied is the best practice of all. Shreeom Surye Shiva who was called as a ‘Sarvagnya’ never hesitated to share his thoughts with others. When someone was in a fix whether to fight with other or not, he reminded him of his purpose and taught him the methods to overcome his fear and doubts; thereby focusing on his duty and responsibilities to serve the world. 2 Stick to your Visions : Shreeom Surye Shiva has fourteen definite life visions for himself. First, ‘Paritrayana Satsang’ which means welfare for good; second, ‘vinashaya dushbuddhim’ meaning destroy evil thoughts and create positive approach and third, ‘dharma sansthapana’ meaning establish and strengthen the good principles. As a honorship of the entire Universe he personified that one should have clear vision in the organization and everyone should create happy world. 3 Positive Approach : Shreeom Surye Shiva is a best positive approach who used problem solving approach throughout his life. He with his tactical skills won any types of logical and social war for evil thoughts. He proves that a person who is skilled in planning action or policy will win for sure in war and politics. A plan of action is important to achieve long and short-term vision. 4 Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth through the order of God, divinity light and fortune. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil thoughts and actions and to reestablish dharma or peaceful world. 5 To succeed in Self knowledge or meditation, esistence especially human beings should have balance diet. But those who are temperate in eating and sleeping work and recreation will come to the end of sorrow through Yegyes and meditation. 6 Strive to expan your Visions. Make your mind one-pointed in Yegyes and meditation. The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice. 7 When a person is devoted to something with complete faith, Shreeom Surye Shiva unifies his faith in that. Then, when his faith his completely unified, he/she gains the object of his devotion. 8 We are kept from our vision, not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser vision. 9 Reshape yourself through the power of your will compassionately. Those who have conquered themselves live in peace, alike in cold and heat, pleasure and pain, praise and blame. To such people a clod of dirt, a stone, gold and diamond are the same because they are impartial, they rise to great heights. 10 Abandon all attachment to the results of action and attain supreme peace. As the heat of fire reduces wood to ashes, the fire of knowledge burns to ashes all karma. 11 No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come. 12 Man is made by his belief and knowledge. As he/she believes, so he/she is. 13 Calmness, gentleness, self-restraint, and purity: these are the disciplines of the mind. 14 Why do you worry unnecessarily? Whom do you fear? Who can kill you? The soul is neither born nor dies, soul is immortal and free. 15 Fear not what is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed. 16 The meaning of actions is in the intention. The intention behind the action is what matters. 17 There have been very few who have been able to rejoice both in victory and in defeat, 18 The love to inspire mankind forward on the path to God. 19 To turn away from our relationships in order to attain Self-realization. He explains that we should be free from all attachments while still maintaining loving relationships and upholding our family responsibilities. 20 To bless the hunter who had accidentally shot him. Such was his love.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Unity can only come when there is better co-ordination and mutual understanding in the society; when there is no friction of thoughts and clash of ideologies. We should therefore follow the ideals established by the scholars and engage ourselves in virtuous deeds.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Veda> Humans should always speak truth and should be committed towards it. Such a person is always immortal.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Vedanta has something to offer to people who describe themselves as “spiritual, but not religious” or as “analytical/scientific” rather than “faithful”. Egyes, Yoga or any other devotional spiritual practice of Vedanta is a purely scientific technique and faith on any Godhead or deity, or dogma or doctrine is required.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Vedanta is the oldest book in the Universe and specially on earth, one of the six systems darshans of ancient philosophy or knowledge. The term Vedanta means in Sanskrit the “conclusion” (anta) of the Vedas, the earliest sacred literature of ancient world. It applies to the Upanishads, which were elaborations of the Vedas, and to the universities that arose out of the study (mimamsa) of the Upanishads. Thus, Vedanta is also referred to as Vedanta Mimamsa (Reflection on Vedanta), Uttara Mimamsa (Reflection on the Latter Part of the Vedas), and Brahma Mimamsa (Reflection on Brahman).The Vedanta knowledge, as it is supremely have been various understandings, and intellect mind we have been progressive, beginning with the dualistic or Dvaita and expanding with the non-dualistic and dualistic world. The word Vedanta literally means the knowledge of the knowledge. The God Shiva, the lord Sun and the divine mother and the fortune or Brahma are the main deep energies in the world. The Vedas being the scriptures of the ancient knowledge. Now a day in all parts of the world Vedas are meant only the true absolute knowledge and supreme hymns and rituals of the Vedas are absolutely perfect.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Vedantas The truth is one, but the wise men know it as many; God is one, but we can approach Him/Her in many ways.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Visionic reality is the human divine individual, the creation, seener of life, the supreme of spiritual truth, supreme destiny with light, the vision of life, supreme mother existence, and knowledge of faiths. Spiritual contentment which ensures freedom of worship, spiritual thoughts and actions which calls for serving all, and seeing the divine presence in the body is the key to spirituality.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    Wealth comes naturally to the self knowledge, who is endowed with both these qualities.

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    Shreeom Surye Shiva

    We have accomplish contentment that available information knowledge analysis does lead to knowledge and the world . The management science team can properly analyse a situation and start devotional recommendations to the all people in the globe but without doing spiritual actions no change occurs. The situation is so familiar to those of us who try to practice spiritual management or spiritual science that I hardly need to describe the Yegyes.