Best 1436 quotes in «sun quotes» category

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    As in the presence of the Master, the Servants are equall, and without any honour at all; So are the Subjects, in the presence of the Soveraign. And though they shine some more, some lesse, when they are out of his sight; yet in his presence, they shine no more than the Starres in presence of the Sun.

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    As the sun sets, we've all had those nights where you question your choices and where your life is going.

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    As we drifted to earth I sat up on the glass roof of the capsule, watching the beauty of the golden dawn as it broke over the desert. This was a day I never thought I'd see and the rising sun and growing warmth of the day seemed very precious. It made me aware that hard-won things are more valuable than those that come too easily. It reminded me to always enjoy the moment.

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    A sky full of silent suns.

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    A thousand suns rise from my chest.

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    As I walked briskly out the road the wind knifed at my face, but this sun caressed the back of my neck.

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    Attempting to understand consciousness with your mind, is like trying to illuminate the sun with a candle.

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    At end of Love, at end of Life, At end of Hope, at end of Strife' At end of all we cling to so- The sun is setting-we must go. At dawn of Love, at dawn of Life, At dawn of Peace that follows Strife, At dawn of all we long for so- The sun is rising-let us go.

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    Attention shifted to him like sunflowers turning to the sun.

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    At length corruption, like a general flood (So long by watchful ministers withstood), Shall deluge all; and avarice, creeping on, Spread like a low-born mist, and blot the sun.

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    Awake before the sun is risen, I call for my pen and papers and desk.

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    Back of the clouds, the sun is always shining.

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    Awake my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run.

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    Awake thee, my Lady-Love! Wake thee, and rise! The sun through the bower peeps Into thine eyes.

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    Aw, how could he Jorge Orta lose the ball in the sun, he's from Mexico.

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    Because everyone is the same distance from the sun. Does it really lessen the distance if you live on top of a skyscraper?

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    Backward we traveled to reclaim the day Before we fell, like Icarus, undone; All we find are altars in decay And profane words scrawled black across the sun.

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    Before Me you are a slug in the sun. You are privy to a great Becoming and you recognize nothing. You are an ant in the after-birth.It is in your nature to do one thing correctly: before Me you rightly tremble. Fear is not what you owe Me, Lounds, you and the other pismires. You owe Me awe.

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    Be like the sun and meadow, which are not in the least concerned about the coming winter.

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    Be like the flower, turn your faces to the sun.

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    Between the sun and poverty there was us for a little while.

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    Break in the sun till the sun breaks down, And death shall have no dominion.

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    Bullialdus wrote that all force respecting ye Sun as its center & depending on matter must be reciprocally in a duplicate ratio of ye distance from ye center.

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    Billy Loes was the only player in the majors who could lose a ground ball in the sun

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    but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever.

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    Beautiful thoughts flit across the brain, like butterflies in the sun's rays, and are as difficult to capture.

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    But I guess you don't see the planets when you're staring at the sun. You just get blinded.

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    But love, like the sun that it is, sets afire and melts everything. what greed and privilege to build up over whole centuries the indignation of a pious spirit, with its natural following of oppressed souls, will cast down with a single shove.

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    But somewhere on the great world the sun is always shining, and, just so sure as you live, it will sometime shine on you.

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    Be as radiant as the sun, as healing as the rain, as generous as a tree.

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    But, as I understand it, your God is a universal God; He is God on all suns and all planets. Surely, then, He must have universal form? Would it not be a staggering vanity to imagine that He can manifest Himself only in the form that is appropriate to this particular, not very important planet?

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    But they never last, the golden days. And it can be sad, the sun in the afternoon, can't it? Yes, it can be sad, the afternoon sun, sad and frightening.

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    But such a tiny and trivial thing as an umbrella can deprive you of the sight of such a stupendous fact as the sun.

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    By now I was utterly deprogrammed. I walked along naked usually, clothes being not only putrid but unnecessary. My skin had been baked a deep terra-cotta brown and was the constituency of harness leather. The sun no longer penetrated it. I retained my hat.

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    By the golden chain Homer meant nothing else than the sun.

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    By the time I finish with the two of you, you will be begging me to let you die. (Desiderius) Desi dearest, I have never begged a day in my life, and the sun will surely splinter before I ever plead for anything from the likes of you. (Kyrian)

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    Charlotte, Will’s being vexing.' 'And the sun has come up in the east,' said Jem, to no one in particular.

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    Call for the grandest of all earthly spectacles, what is that? It is the sun going to his rest.

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    Christ is the sun, and all the watches of our lives should be set by the dial of his motion.

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    Cleveland's a great place when you're a kid. You hardly ever get sunburned, without the sun shining.

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    Count that day lost whose descending sun finds you with no good deeds done.

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    Creation rather than painting, or if painting, yet such, and with such co-presence of the whole picture flash'd at once upon the eye, as the sun paints in a camera obscura. (Describing his poetic ideal, 1817)

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    Cricket to us was more than play, it was a worship in the summer sun.

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    Cross Creek belongs to the wind and the rain, to the sun and the seasons, to the cosmic secrecy of seed, and beyond all, to time.

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    Dada is the sun, Dada is the egg. Dada is the Police of the Police.

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    Dawn came on us like a betrayer; it seemed as though the new sun rose as an ally of our enemies to assist in our destruction.

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    Dazzling and tremendous how quick the sun-rise would kill me, if I could not now and always send sun-rise out of me.

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    Derek picked the spot? Had he been hoping I'd be blinded by the morning sun and stumble off the edge?

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    Despair snuffs the sun from the firmament.

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    But you who walk facing the sun, what images drawn on the earth can hold you?