Best 3811 quotes in «football quotes» category

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    I crawled back to bed, knowing I was done for. Hours later, the phone in our room started ringing. It was George. He was not happy. "Room 312. Now!" he shouted. Bouldy got up. I tried to pull myself together, splashing my face with water and hauling on my shorts and flip flops. It was a lovely day outside, the sun was scorching hot and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, but it might as well have been a pissing wet morning in St Albans for all I cared. I felt sick to the pit of my stomach as we made the Walk of Death to Room 312, which I knew was Paul and Gus's room. When we walked in, I thought I'd arrived in downtown Baghdad. Water dripped from the ceiling. The board games were in pieces and all the plastic parts were scattered over the floor. The balcony window was wide open and I could see a bed upended by the pool outside.

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    If he could do one thing, he could run. He had spent his life running, secrets spitting at his back.

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    If I’m not mistaken, he’s bragging about his accuracy and prowess—” A bark of male laughter came through the phone’s earpiece and Piper finished on a squeak, “In his sport.” “Nice clarification, sweetheart, but it ain’t bragging when it’s the truth.

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    If we had played Poly a hundred more times that year we wouldn't have beaten them again. On that night we found a way. It was an unbelievable thing. It was a marvelous, miraculous win." -Coach Frank Allocco

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    If you're ashamed to stand by your colours, you better seek for another flag.

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    If you want to strike, strike now. No matter how skillfully a footballer strikes beyond the 90 minutes' regulated time, he makes no influence. Strike now before it becomes too late!

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    If I'd been born ugly, you'd never have heard of Pelé.

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    If one part of a country is watching football match while the other part of the same country is under heavy attacks by the rockets, then we can say that there is no nation in that country, but there is only crowd of people!

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    If Shankly was the Anfield foreman, Paisley was the brickie, ready to build an empire with his own hands.

    • football quotes
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    If teams keep playing us this way, it's going to be like this

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    If you are not a part of the solution then you must be part of the problem. I am done with problems here!

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    If you see adversity arriving at your game field, time to put on your pads and let see how well you can tackle adversity.

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    *I love climbing mountains in all fields (Whatever was this fields). *I love tranquility and it is more for me precious than money. *Honesty is a few valuable nowadays. after willing of God and Step by step with Concentration i will achieve What I want to.

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    I love football. I love the aesthetics of football. I love the athleticism of football. I love the movement of the players, the antics of the coaches. I love the dynamism of the fans. I love their passion for their badge and the colour of their team and their country. I love the noise and the buzz and the electricity in the stadium. I love the songs. I love the way the ball moves and then it flows and the way a teams fortune rises and falls through a game and through a season. But what I love about football is that it brings people together across religious divides, geographic divides, political divides. I love the fact that for ninety minutes in a rectangular piece of grass, people can forget hopefully, whatever might be going on in their life, and rejoice in this communal celebration of humanity. The biggest diverse, invasive or pervasive culture that human kinds knows is football and I love the fact that at the altar of football human kind can come worship and celebrate.

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    I love you more than Christiano Ronaldo's fans...!!!

    • football quotes
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    I’m going to kiss you.” Another whimper, but she didn’t jerk from his hold. “I know, and that’s an extremely bad idea.

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    In any game, the game itself is the prize, no matter who wins, ultimately both lose the game.

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    • I have experienced the youth of Generation X, Y and currently Z. Teenage boys have changed in many ways over the years. Yet still they are quite similar to the boys I first coached in 1980 at a high school in Ohio.

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    I'm very curious why people in school all the time from 2-3 class up to the last 6-7 they talk about football. What can be said?? Sharing about a team few sentences, who has won, and rought said that's all. But why people stretch it like a Turkish delight with the same end???

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    In cricket- be fit, be alert and be Sachin.

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    Inflate yourself with a genuine passion always. This makes it possible for you to bounce back when you fall. The football is loaded with air and no sooner does it hit the floor than it bounces back again!

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    In football, a good coach will game plan against the opposing team based upon strengths and weaknesses, how they match up, and paying attention to details. A great coach will game plan against the opposing coach’s game plan.

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    In his mind progress was always to be measured in inches, especially when you didn’t have yards or even feet of success to show off.

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    In Missoula, Grizzly football exists in a realm apart, where there is a pervasive sense of entitlement. University of Montana fans, coaches, players, and their lawyers expect, and often receive, special dispensation.

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    I respectfully kneel to the flag with the National Football League (NFL) players to highlight injustice and corruption in the world.

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    I never have heard somebody talking about games which are educationable or with logic like chess for example. Nobody watch it from the people which watch football and are good at math. Why they don't do it??

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    In football, side netting can sometimes look like a real goal and it can make spectators jubilate for a moment, and then ponder! So is life!

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    In keeping with the Laws of the Prophet Bubba and the Code of the UIL, as set forth in the Book of First Downs, as the sun sets on Friday nights the rites of the Texas state religion are celebrated: high school, smash-mouth football. ‘And lo, the children of Jim Bob do take to the roads in caravans and they do go up unto the stadium by tribes, the Indians of Groveton, the Panthers of Lufkin, the Mustangs of Overton, and the very Wildcats of Palestine, and who shall withstand the traffic jams thereof?’ Thus is it written, and so it is and shall be.

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    I observed that when a footballer is about to make a threatening strike to score a goal, there comes a big shout from spectators at the field. He could either get detracted to miss the opportunity or motivated to make it happen. Such is life!

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    I still remember what my father said "There are on the stadium 22 idiots, which are running after ball.". From where did he knew that?? He knew it from guarding the stadium, so my question is why we don't watch how a dog catch a ball? But we watch 22 idiots running after the ball?? What are the differences?? That the dog can't kick the ball, but the humanity can?? - Wow, wow that's a great discovery for a dumb person!

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    I teach our young men that respect is earned each day on the practice field, in the classroom, and how each young man lives his life.

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    I think we had to hit rock-bottom in all facets of the program before we could ever start moving in a positive direction.

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    Is it or is it not a matter of importance that a young man starts out in life with an ability to shut his jaw hard and say "I will," or "I will not," and mean it?

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    I think you're a shit,’ said Keith sharply. ‘I think much of what you’ve done this season is shit and I think what you've put everyone involved with this club through is shit. How’s that?

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    • “…it is easy to read that this game is more than just a game, it is a culmination of a group of coaches and boys on a mission to not just experience, but rather to achieve something that only they believe is truly possible.

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    It is more likely that coaches have players go down in games they are losing than games they are winning.

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    It is important for coaches to mentor young people toward those things that are most important in life and aid them in creating their own order of priorities to live by.

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    I still ask myself why did you watched the film Paranormal Activity the all parts or the film "The VIsit" 2015. Both were home made and not big deal even stupid, you even watch football + you play one game over and over and over, you play stupid games + you watch stupid stuff and after all you still ask yourself why you are stupid. The answer is somewhere here, search it!

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    It’s an enemy that I can’t allow to wound me a second time. It’s already done enough damage: most of it hidden far from the surface.

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    I truly believe that success is determined not on Friday nights during games but rather in practice away from the lights and glimmer where coaches and players only have each other, their sweat, their discipline and their loyalty to each other. It is at practice where the boys of America become men through hard work, dedication and perseverance.

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    It's like football. Two sides may each want to beat the other, they may even hate each other as sides, but if someone came and told them football is stupid and not worth playing or caring about, then they'd feel together. It's feeling that matters.

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    I've never been part of a tie. You didn't lose, but you didn't win.

    • football quotes
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    It is so easy to judge those around us and decide their value without knowing who they really are or what they truly represent.

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    It's hard to unlock a door with a condom," Emma shot back. His brilliant smile stole her heart. "Honey, you'd be surprised how many doors those babies have unlocked.

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    I've often told people that the greatness of this football program will emerge when The Streak ends. I hope you will all live up to that. It's all numbers. It's nothing. It's not what we're about. It's not what this school represents." -Coach Frank Allocco

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    I've seen it before. Been here before. Played or managed here, six or seven times in six or seven years. Always a visitor, always away.

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    I've said many times that in a way I think it might have been Bo who saved me. I was trying to save him, but I came out the other side a better person for knowing him.

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    I've never bonded with anyone before. I didn't know that day on the field that standing up to him the way I did could earn his respect. He might have been an asshole homophobe but he was my asshole homophobe and probably the first real friend I ever had. I love him. Don't tell him. He wouldn't want to hear it.

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    Linked together as a team with one goal, we soon realized we were only as strong as our weakest link. But did we condemn the weaker member? That wouldn’t serve any purpose. Instead, the stronger guys responded by carrying more weight than the weaker teammate. Encouragement was key in reaching the top of the stadium, standing as one. Sometimes one person on your team may not be as strong as another. Strengths usually differ. Likewise, in an encounter with another, someone may have a different set of beliefs or ideas.To accomplish any goal, embracing the strengths and weaknesses of each member and compensating where necessary are the best ways to make it to the top.

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    I’ve tackled many challenges in my lifetime. The most satisfying ones were food related. Like the 2-pound burger at Fuddruckers that I had to devour in 15 minutes. Shattered it in 5 minutes and 46 seconds! Or the Blazing Challenge at Buffalo Wild Wings: eat 12 blazing wings in 5 minutes. Killed it in 57 seconds! Quaker Steak and Lube’s all-you-can- eat wings in one sitting? I may still hold the record in Madison, Wisconsin, for scarfing down 78. I’ll never forget when 6 linemen and I went to a sushi restaurant during the time of the 2011 Rose Bowl in Pasadena. We didn’t exactly take on an eating challenge, but we did get kicked out of the place when the owner ordered, “Go home now. You’ve eaten eight hundred dollars’ worth of sushi.