Best 3503 quotes in «magic quotes» category

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    I am not a fan of the magical quick fix in any fiction, including fantasy, scifi and comic books. Unless Dr. Who is involved, and then only because we get to use the phrase 'Timey-wimey wibbliness' which, I'm sure you'll agree, there are not enough occasions to drop into ordinary adult conversation.

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    I am not interested in wishing hard and having the Universe provide all I need without any work on my part.

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    I am only a dead Sciomancer, but I must warn you of fire and kisses.

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    I am the essence of magic, its mysteriousness, its beauty and its ability to make things happen when people couldn't see how!

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    I am the Lilum. Time. Truth. Destiny. The Endless River. The Wheel of Fate. You do not command me.

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    I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sence enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us - like electricity and horses and steam.

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    i am the girl with the arsonist heart

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    I am the rightful ruler of this world And now that I, too, have awakened, like my dragons, I have come to take back what is mine.

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    I am thinking rationally! What’s not rational about saying you’re crazy and magic isn’t real?

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    And one will come from the north, burning, burning, Judgment and Wisdom borne by the flow of spirit to spirit, Do not speak to us of the times that follow, For they shall be as a dream of death as a nightmare walking, The dusk shall vanquish all but the covenant until the dawn of the tide.

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    I am your servant. I am your slave. I am here to make sure every one of the suitors does not think of either of your sisters before they think of you. - Pietyr

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    I am your stone of necessity calling up spirits from rain puddles—your Magus of words

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    I asked the universe for serendipity and you walked through my door.

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    I believe in miracles. Therefore, I am magical.

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    I believe in magic. In evil sorceresses who deep down are really beautiful princesses. I believe in immortals who live in a different world than this one, accessible by magical stone wheels.

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    I believe it is possible to make magic every day.

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    I believe in magic. I believe our destiny is not carved in stone and that one thought is the seed to a new life or a different path. I believe in the power of the cards to illuminate what you already know and to awaken the wisdom inside of you. I believe how we think and experience life matters and I believe in the power of the cards to shift our thoughts and therefore create more positive experiences. I believe in the magic of the cards to inspire us to let go of old ideas and restrictions.

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    I believe in magick because I am proof. A soul can be crushed into powder, yet dares to rise in love. Hope is a magick of it's own- And I it's most natural object of passion and power.

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    I believe that there is luminosity hiding in the shadow of the mundane. And things that hover at the periphery of our vision. If that’s magic, then I believe in it.

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    I believe that love, like magic, casts its own spell of enchantment.

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    I belong with the trees, the wind, the earth beneath my feet. I belong in the land of enchanting things. But mostly, I belong entwined in your kiss, lost, yet wild and free, pure bliss, like poetry.

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    Born high on the mountain, Blazing bright under the sun’s demise, Twice blind but still seeing, The only bulwark against the dark Watch as the arches declare Dominion of Light.

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    I can make you feel, and I can scare you for real. -Misty Lee

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    I cannot explain the force which pulled me to him. His sudden entrance into my empty life had awakened something very simple and very human in me. I was wondering and wishing and hoping like a fool with the rest of them. I had come undone by the magic. I wanted to believe. I wanted to chase after something vain and stupid. I wanted to forget everything.

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    I cannot hope to make you understand how the world is truly made,' he told her. 'Metaphor, then: the world is a weave, like threads woven into cloth.' His hand came out of his sleeve with a strip of his red ribbon. 'If you say so.' 'Everything, stone, trees, beasts, the sky, the waters, all are a weave of fabric,' he said patiently. 'But when you think, it is different. Your thinking snarls the fabric, knots it. If you were a magician, you could use the knot of your mind to pull on other threads. That is magic, and now you see how every simple it is. I wonder everyone does not become an enchanter.

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    I can’t believe it.’ I whispered. ‘You can’t let him lure you back in, Felicia. He’s wrong. He’s wrong!’ Vanian pleaded, I could feel the quiver of his magic, the wisps that were fighting against the iron burning into his wrists, I could feel the crackle as it fought in the air, against his emotions, against his pain. I shook my head, was about to speak but Adam grabbed him by the front of his shirt; as if a few more tears and shreds couldn’t go amiss. The tightness of his grip paled the Faerie’s cheeks, caused the blood to trickle down faster, dropping to the floor. ‘My wife.’ He yelled, ‘She’s my wife, silverblood.’ With each growl of a syllable he accented it with a punch to Vanian’s face. I couldn’t take much more. I jumped over and pulled at Adam’s shoulders, fingertips driving into the nook of his collarbone, pressing down with as much as I had in me, anything to break his hold. He recoiled and rose his hand to me, at first I flinched but I stopped. He wouldn’t hurt me. He wouldn’t.

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    I can't help but feel, across oceans and vast fields we will connect again. What we share is too rare to let go of for good but sometimes we have to accept, the timing isn't right.

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    I can't help frowning. "But Madison designed that cocktail dress herself...

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    I can’t help but ask, “Do you know where you are?” She turns to me with a foreboding glare. “Do you?

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    I can weave words together and create magic,it's like knitting and crocheting words with pen and paper, some call it Poetry.

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    I can't learn everything in a few months, Charles. Magic came first. Stupid hierarchy of egotistical penises had to take a backseat." "Penises don't have egos. And what about the women in command? They can be pretty damn bitchy." "The women have bigger balls than you do, Charles. Let's get focused." Kind of a dick thing to say.

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    I caught his hand. “What do you want me to do?” Leaning down, he kissed the pulse beating on my neck just above the damaged skin. “Tomorrow, I need you to die.

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    I confess I do not believe in time. I like to fold my magic carpet, after use, in such a way as to superimpose one part of the pattern upon another. Let visitors trip.

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    I choose to write for children and young adults because I love their imaginations, which bring life to everything; you feel like kids truly believe in magic and fantastic things.

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    I couldn’t tolerate magicians who did things that someone who actually had magical powers would never do.

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    I couldn’t deny the intense draw I felt in that dimly lit museum collection. The air around me hummed with an energy that was foreign and nostalgic all at once.

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    I could stand in the middle of Front Street shrieking like a banshee and nobody would notice me. You don't need magic to be invisible in a town like this. Being poor works just the same. So stand behind me and think quiet thoughts.

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    I’d been born on Mardi Gras; I hoped I didn’t die on it as well.

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    I decide that we could always indulge ourselves later. First, I had a soul-eating stone of power to poke with a stick.

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    I did exactly as Sampson said and I conjured up a creature with rabbit ears, a wolf face, a snake body, frog feet, a pig tail, and spikes running from the top of its head to the end of its tail. “Now,” Sampson said. “This is the kind of magic that you shouldn’t do.

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    I did feel a 'something', like a catch in the silence at the moment of creation.

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    I didn't dare put down the staff with Etienne popping in and out like a half-burned, bloodsucking whack-a-mole.

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    I didn’t know I was looking for you, but I was,” he whispered.

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    I did not know I was to be outdone by a little magic boy and his tricks,” he said. “I salute you, magician.” He swept her a bow from horseback. Vasya did not return the bow. “To small minds,” she told him, spine very straight, “any skill must look like sorcery.

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    I didn't think Naganori's Shadow magic would produce flowers and butterflies, unless they were black butterflies that ate your soul, which didn't seem healthy at all.

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    I discovered in nature the non utilitarian delights that I sought in art. Both were a form of magic, both were a game of intricate enchantment and deception.

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    I didn't say another word to Mama that night, but I could feel something good even then: the YES in my heart, the swirling-around in my belly, the prickly tingling all the way from the freckle on my finger to the tip of my pinky toe. That much wonderful could only mean one thing: There was still magic in Midnight Gulch.

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    I do not want the lying kindness and the gifts of men, nor of other than men. I am armed now.

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    I don’t believe in prayer, but I do believe in magic, and I want to believe in miracles.

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    I do know that the gardens of the first lands are still lying there, right under the skin of the world- pulsing the way our heartbeat drums under our own skin. And I believe that there's a connectedness between everything that gives some people a deep and abiding affinity to a certain kind of place or creature." "Like totems?" "Maybe. Or maybe something even more personal- something that's impossible to articulate with the vocabulary we have at the moment." "This is too weird." Annie shrugged. "What can I say? It's getting late, the stars are out. Once the sun sets, I tend to embrace whatever wild spirits are running around in the darkness, talking away to each other. I leave the logic of streets and pavement and cars and tall buildings behind and buy into the old magics that they're whispering about. Sometimes those little mysteries and bits of wisdom stick to the bones of my head and I carry them right out into the sunlight again. They're like Jack's stories, true and not true, all at the same time. They don't exactly shape my life, but they certainly colour it." She glanced at him, "I wouldn't like to live in a world where everything's as cut-and-dried as most people think it is