Best 3503 quotes in «magic quotes» category

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    Because you are human, you do have magic. Get in touch with it. When you feel the insanity rising, don't push it down. Let it come out. Just once-and then let me know what happens!

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    Before one can become a magician he must learn to control his own mind; for mind is the substance with which the magician acts, and the power to control it is the beginning of magic.

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    Beige is atmosphere. It's bisque, it's ivory, it's cream, it's stone, it's toast, it's cappuccino. It;s well, it's magic.

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    Be, in this immensity of night, the magic force at your sense's crossroad.

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    Before there can be wonders, there must be wonder.

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    Believe in yourself and believe in magic.

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    Be magic choose and believe that you can do anything you set your mind to believe. We are who we choose to be.

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    Being on stage is magic. There's nothing like it. You feel the energy of everybody who's out there. You feel it all over your body. When the lights hit you, it's all over, I swear it is.

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    Besides, I could hardly complain to the administration that I was being forced to learn magic.

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    Besides prostitution, magic is one of the oldest art forms that exist.

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    Be natural and use your head.

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    Beware of her fair hair, for she excels All women in the magic of her locks; And when she winds them round a young man's neck, She will not ever set him free again.

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    Boldness has power, magic and genius in it.

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    Books break the shackles of time, proof that humans can work magic.

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    Between your brain and your mouth (or your fingers) is magic: your power to choose what you say next. Use that magic.

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    Brad "not great" Henderson.

    • magic quotes
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    Both magic and religion are based strictly on mythological tradition, and they also both exist in the atmosphere of the miraculous, in a constant revelation of their wonder-working power. They both are surrounded by taboos and observances which mark off their acts from those of the profane world.

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    Bridging the virtual world with the physical word is really when social media channels come to life and the magic happens. Because whoever coined the term 'social media' didn't do us any favors. It's not really media. It's more like the telephone, less like the TV.

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    Bink knew the dolphin only from old pictures; it was a kind of magic fish that breathed air instead of water.

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    But magic is really only the utilization of the entire spectrum of the senses.

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    But magic is neither good nor evil. It is a tool, like a knife. Is a knife evil? Only if the wielder is evil.

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    But if used for retribution, magic is vengeance incarnate.

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    But magic, like everything else, follows certain natural laws. Magic needs energy wherever it can find it. If no other source of energy is available, it will take the life force of the magician who created it. That is why every use of magic weakens the magician.

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    But the artist persists because he has the will to create, and this is the magic power which can transform and transfigure and transpose and which will ultimately be transmitted to others.

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    Building a portfolio around index funds isn’t really settling for the average. It’s just refusing to believe in magic.

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    But when reflexion begins to play upon these objects... like some trick of magic each object is loosed into a group of impressions - colour, odour, texture... And if we continue to dwell in thought on this world... the whole scope of observation is dwarfed into the narrow chamber of the individual mind.

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    But suicides have a special language. Like carpenters they want to know which tools. They never ask why build. Twice I have so simply declared myself, have possessed the enemy, eaten the enemy, have taken on his craft, his magic.

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    By some strange operation of magic I seem to have become the power of the land.

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    Cassandra always hid when she read, though she never quite knew why. It was as if she couldn't shake the guilty suspicion that she was being lazy, that surrendering herself so completely to something so enjoyable must surely be wrong. But surrender she did. Let herself drop through the rabbit hole and into a tale of magic and mystery.

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    But Shakespeare's magic could not copied be; Within that circle none durst walk but he.

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    ‎By 2100, our destiny is to become like the gods we once worshipped and feared. But our tools will not be magic wands and potions but the science of computers, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and most of all, the quantum theory.

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    Call upon the Goddess and God to protect you and teach you the secrets of magic. Ask stones and plants to reveal their powers - and listen.

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    Can a magician kill a man by magic?” Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. “I suppose a magician might,” he admitted, “but a gentleman never would.

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    Can the magic of flight ever be carried by words? I think not.

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    Cats are great with clicker training. There's a great video you can get called "Clicker Magic". There's a scene in that video where a cat is trained to go through a mini dog agility course - it's all done with food motivation and clicker training. You can train them to do all sorts of thing.

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    Cheap liquor is a magic potion that can turn you into a puppet cowboy before it kills you.

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    Certain individual words do possess more pitch, more radiance, more shazam! than others, but it's the way words are juxtaposed with other words in a phrase or sentence that can create magic. Perhaps literally. The word "grammar," like its sister word "glamour," is actually derived from an old Scottish word that meant "sorcery." When we were made to diagram sentences in high school, we were unwittingly being instructed in syntax sorcery, in wizardry. We were all enrolled at Hogwarts. Who knew?

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    Cinema is magic in the service of dreams.

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    Cinema Paradiso, because it reminds me of why I make movies, the magic of movies, the romance of movies.

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    Certain individual words do possess more pitch, more radiance, more shazam! than others, but it's the way words are juxtaposed with other words in a phrase or sentence that can create magic. Perhaps literally.

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    Charlotte's Web Life is magic, the way nature works seems to be quite magical.

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    Collaboration is when magic is made with more than one person. It's when more than one person finds common ground on the same page. That's collaboration.

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    Comedy born of bewilderment is the only comedy that should be in magic.

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    Computers aren’t magic; teachers are.

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    Chemistry, unlike other sciences, sprang originally from delusions and superstitions, and was at its commencement exactly on a par with magic and astrology.

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    Clear focus is the mind’s magic wand. It points your creativity in a particular direction and channels your experience behind it. Wherever you clearly focus, you create.

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    Conjuring is the only absolutely honest profession - the conjuror promises to deceive, and does.

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    Conjuring is a profession in which no one errs through excess of modesty.

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    Concentration is the magic key that opens the door to accomplishment.

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    Consensus doesn't happen by magic... You have to drive to it.

    • magic quotes