Best 947 quotes in «strange quotes» category

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    Life is beautiful, and terrible, and strange.

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    Life is strange, but F1 is simply crazy.

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    Life is full of strange absurdities, which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true.

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    Life itself is a strange mixture. We have to take it as it is, try to understand it, and then to better it.

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    Live people ignore the strange and unusual. I myself, am strange and unusual.

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    Looking into it a bit, Jamie found that the model used by Wall Street to price LEAPs, the Black-Scholes option pricing model, made some strange assumptions.

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    'Lost in Translation' movie says something interesting about the alienation of being a stranger in a strange land, but also of being a celebrity. That kind of feeling of not being in the same strata as everyone else.

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    Life was such a strange thing, so permanent when one had it, so fleeting when it was lost- and those who lost it could never tell you what it was like, could they?

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    Love makes a person do strange things.

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    Luke associates John with Peter in Acts, when, after the Resurrection, that strange boldness had come upon the disciples.

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    Love is the strange attractor, the allurement that holds the Uni-verse together.

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    Love is a strange master, and human nature is still stranger.

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    Marius and Cosette did not ask where this would lead them. They looked at themselves as arrived. It is a strange pretension for men to ask that love should lead them somewhere.

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    Man's sensitivity to the little things and insensitivity to the greatest are the signs of a strange disorder.

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    Maybe we don’t recognize satisfaction because it is disguised as radical generosity, a strange misnomer in a consumer culture.

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    Maybe times are never strange to women: it is just one continuous monotonous thing full of the repeated follies of their menfolks.

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    Memory is a strange Bell—Jubilee, and Knell.

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    Midnight,--strange mystic hour,--when the veil between the frail present and the eternal future grows thin.

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    Many strange things happen in this world

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    Most of the beauties of travel are due to the strange hours we keep to see them

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    Microsoft was not a mysterious, strange entity. You put your PC on and there's an ad for them.

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    Money is a strange business. People who haven't got it aim it strongly. People who have are full of troubles.

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    Murder most foul, as in the best it it; But this most foul, strange, and unnatural.

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    Most of my influences from outside the commerical strange fiction genre came in with university, discovering James Joyce and Wallace Stevens, Blake and Yeats, Pinter and Borges. And meanwhile within those genres I was discovering Gibson and Shepard, Jeter and Powers, Lovecraft and Peake.

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    Music is a strange thing. I would almost say it is a miracle.

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    My favorite phrase, that a friend of mine who worked on the Potter films and was a lot older than me would use in front of me, and I picked up from him many great phrases - the English have a lot of great idioms for sweating. I don't know why that is. But that's what we do. I feel like it's particularly our country; probably everywhere has a lot of idioms for sweating. He always said, "I'm sweating like a glassblower's asshole," which I always found an incredibly strange and yet vivid image.

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    My hope is that the music creates a strange, beautiful, overwhelming - sometimes even frightening - landscape, and invites you to get lost in it.

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    My masters are strange folk with very little care for music in them.

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    My mum died when I was 14. That is a kind of strange age to lose a mother. John lost his mum when he was 17.

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    My sense of divine brings with it a strange sound of music with its glories, a marvellous melody sounding like a multitude of flutes.

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    Naturally, in this period, there are also some ups and downs, and this is nothing strange.

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    Much like the French (or like ourselves, their apes),Who with strange habit do disguise their shapes;Who loving novels, full of affectation,Receive the manners of each other nation.

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    Music making features real-time creation, real-time decisions and actions. It's basically improvisation, which is the stuff of everyday life. In the realm of discourse about music, improvisation is marginal, but in the realm of doing it, it's omnipresent. Strange distinction here: we're improvising all the time, but when we tend to talk about music, we tend to talk about objects that are fixed, like recordings, scores, pieces.

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    My love is of a birth as rare As 'tis, for object, strange and high; It was begotten by Despair Upon Impossibility.

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    My name, as you may have guessed, is Theodore. I come from a strange stock. The members of my family were mostly epileptics, vegetarians, stutterers, triplets, nailbiters. But we've always been happy.

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    My skin burns where it meets his. It feels better than good, but it sets off a strange aching in my chest.

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    Near my apartment in London, a lot of the pubs kind of look identical, which is very strange.

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    Nothing, perhaps, is strange, once you have accepted life itself, the great strange business which includes all lesser strangeness.

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    Normally, the same strange impulse which brings a crowd to an accident is present in the reaction to a concert in which something goes wrong.

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    Not many composers have ideas. Far more of them know how to use strange instruments which do not require ideas.

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    O love, what strange and wonderful fits: one sole thing, one beauty alone, can give me life and deprive me of wits.

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    Nor is it strange That after changes upon changes, we are more or less the same

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    Nothing strange should befall us, but only that which has long belonged to us. We will gradually learn to realize that that which we call destiny goes forth from within people, not from without into them.

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    O Death, O Beyond, Thou art sweet, thou art strange!

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    Once that Gauntlet is on, as the poster of Doctor Strange says, "the impossibilities are endless.

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    One must feel sorry for those who have strange tastes, but never insult them. Their wrong is Nature's too; they are no more responsible for having come into the world with tendencies unlike ours than are we for being born bandy-legged or well-proportioned.

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    Once upon a time, I awoke in a strange place.

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    One of the strange things about living in the world is that it is only now and then one is quite sure one is going to live forever and ever and ever.

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    One philosophically fascinating aspect of Catholicism is the very strange conception of reality it presents (the incarnation, the eucharist, judgement day etc.).

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    One of the strange things about friendship is that time together isn't cancelled out by time apart. One doesn't erase the other or balance it on some invisible scale. You can spend a few hours with someone and they will change your life, or you can spend a lifetime with a person and remain unchanged.