Best 1035 quotes in «wonderful quotes» category

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    All my life I have been restless-- I have felt there is something more wonderful than gloss-- than wholeness-- than staying at home.

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    Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace.

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    All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.

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    All of my work is based on nature. I grew up in a rural environment and living in the Bay Area allows for immediate access to wonderful natural environs. Basically nature is my Genus Loci, or the place where my spirit resides.

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    All you have to do in life is be passionate and enthusiastic and you will have a wonderful life.

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    Also the wonderful thing about film, you can see light at the end of the tunnel. You did realize that it is going to come to an end at some stage.

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    A lot of my poems are about how ill I am and how I probably won't live beyond next week. I publish a poem and everyone says 'cluck cluck, how wonderful, how brave', but then embarrassingly I'm still here! You see the problem?

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    Although it wasn't that easy to do, it was wonderful working with John Wayne.

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    A lot of my life happened in great, wonderful bursts of good fortune, and then I would race to be worthy of it.

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    A lot of it is "how do you work with people". How do you get people to work with you and do wonderful things.

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    A mind is a wonderful thing to change.

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    Amazing strength, amazing power - he (Ron Swoboda) can grind the dust out of the bat. He will be great, super even wonderful. Now, if he can only learn to catch a fly ball.

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    And now I understand something so frightening &wonderful- how the mind clings to the road it knows, rushing through crossroads, sticking like lint to the familiar.

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    Americans are a wonderful people: They will always do the right thing--after exhausting every other possible alternative.

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    Anakana Schofield is part of a new wave of wonderful Irish fiction-international in scope and electrically alive.

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    And then it was working with Bob Hoskins, who I had never worked with before - except radio. It was like being given a wonderful meal - full of the things you love most.

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    And as far as the Disney Concert hall is concerned, it is a wonderful modern structure and I am extremely honored that I had this opportunity to have a concert here.

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    Anger is wonderful. It keeps you going. I'm angry about bankers. About the government.

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    An 'unintended pregnancy' could be a wonderful surprise, not planned but welcome. Why should the government be in the business of 'preventing' a surprising but welcome pregnancy

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    Anybody who writes knows the horrible, wonderful, beautiful foulness that comes every week. A lot of moaning, screaming agony - "Oh my god, the deadline's coming.

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    Anytime someone can beat the acting out of someone else, I think its a wonderful thing.

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    And then, not expecting it, you become middle-aged and anonymous. No one notices you. You achieve a wonderful freedom. It is a positive thing. You can move about unnoticed and invisible.

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    A person who has never owned a dog has missed a wonderful part of life.

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    Aren't rumors great. Anyone can start them. They're a wonderful way to put out feelers. It's like getting the benefits of a publicist without paying one.

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    Are you sure?" A brow arched up. "Because I'm here at your service and taking your jeans off is something I feel I'd be exceptionally wonderful at.

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    As a boy, I used to look upon the hieroglyphics as so many wonderful pictures.

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    Art is not great. Music is not great. It's just that they tickle us. When one steadfastly refuses greatness - then and then only can the wonderful thing we call art be created.

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    As far as sitcoms go, I thought Jenna Elfman in 'Dharma and Greg' was a wonderful physical comedienne who had great timing.

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    As a single mum I have to work, so I'm grateful to have the help of a wonderful and trusted nanny like I had when I was young.

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    Any work looks wonderful to me except the one which I can do.

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    As for myself, the wonderful sea charmed me from the first.

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    As in an explosion, I would erupt with all the wonderful things I saw and understood in this world.

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    At Christmas, 'It's a Wonderful Life' makes me cry in exactly the same places every time, even though I know it's coming.

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    A ssure you, the more I travel through time, the more I witness, the more I realize that there are things that are both strange and wonderful, far beyond human comprehension.

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    As my meditative experiences grew, I had wonderful relationships. I met the most wonderful women, who meditated and shared certain understandings that I had.

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    Athletics: it's a wonderful thing, it's a spell-binding thing, nothing in life has quite as much pageantry, as much emotion within a finite time frame, it's incredibly exciting.

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    Awards are wonderful. I've been nominated many times and I've won many awards. But my journey is not towards that. If it happens it will be a blast. If it doesn't, it's still been a blast.

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    Avoidance is a wonderful therapy

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    Audiences aren't going to get rid of me. One thing I can say, with absolute certainty, is that my shows will still be performed when I'm dead, buried and forgotten. They're going to absolutely outlive me, which is a wonderful thing to think about.

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    Ayame: This concludes my wonderful story. Kyo Sohma: You mean stupid!

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    Be brave enough to live creatively . . . what you'll discover will be wonderful: yourself.

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    Being a father is just wonderful.

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    Being a grandmother is a wonderful thing, so my advice is skip the children. Go straight to the grandchildren.

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    Being a parent is not easy, but speaking for myself, it's a wonderful blessing and the most rewarding job I've ever had.

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    Bad music disturbs me, but wonderful music disturbs me even more.

    • wonderful quotes
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    Being around the energy of new people is wonderful. It only lifts my performance and makes it better.

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    Ballroom dancing: it's a wonderful thing at so many levels because you've got to follow the rules. They used to call those rules etiquette once upon a time, but you don't really have that any more.

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    BlackBerrys are a wonderful tool. I'm very tenacious about keeping up with my kids, as they are with me.

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    Being confined to a wheelchair doesn't bother me as my mind is free to roam the universe, but it felt wonderful to be weightless.

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    Being virtuous is wonderful thing, but feeling virtuous is a shortcut to vice.