Best 2961 quotes in «pride quotes» category

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    Never in the history of mankind has pride succeeded in putting food on a hungry man's table.

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    Never settle for anything less than what you deserve, its not pride, its self respect.

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    Nisipopiga simu hupigi. Usipopiga sipigi. Hicho ni kiburi.

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    Nobody wants to give up a weekend-long excuse to dress up and attempt to outshine one another.

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    No egoism is so insufferable as the Christian with regard to his soul.

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    No good ever comes of pride, for it is the meanest of mean things, and no one but he who is full of it thinks it grand.

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    No, I'm serious," Frankie insisted, fed up with being silenced. "Why didn't you just make me a normie?" Viktor sighed. "Because that's not who we are. We're special. And I'm very proud that. You should be, too." "Proud?" Frankie spat out the word as if it had been soaked in nail polish remover. "How can I be proud when everyone is telling me to hide?" "I'm telling you to hide so you'll be safe. But you can still feel proud of who you are," he explained, like it really was that simple. "Pride has to come from within you and stay with you, no matter what people say." Huh? Frankie crossed her arms and looked away.

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    No man is taller than his head, and there is no big brain that is bigger than the head!

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    No man voluntarily expresses his opinion without some intent to make a difference, and even if he does, he shouldn't.

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    No matter how old I get, I keep running into people who are smarter, nobler, and kinder. I really ought to start listening to them and telling my pride to shut up. I had gods tell me not to go to Asgard. I had witches tell me not to go to Flagstaff. You told me this plan wouldn't work. But I barreled ahead anyway for my own reasons. I still have plenty of growing to do.

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    Nothing amuses people more than a cocky guy who starts losing.

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    Nothing frustrates people more than a cocky guy who's still winning.

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    Nothing is more scandalous than a man that is proud of his humility.

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    Nothing is over our heads if we hold them high enough.

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    Nurtured by negative circumstances, braiding raging tornadoes in her hair, she held her head high, wearing her weathered poetry with pride.

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    Oh, I have always been proud, I always wanted all or nothing! You see it was just because I am not one who will accept half a happiness, but always wanted all

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    Olivia picks invisible dirt from her nails. “A lack of judgment on my part, Moore. I assure you.” Just then, an evil glint arises in her green eyes as she looks up. “You still in the closet with your parents? I can fix that. Just one phone call and the gay door’s wide open.” His dark face goes red. “You’re – you’re – you’re a crusty slug!

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    Nixon was by nature a excluder. Halderman like to exclude people. When Nixon's need met Halderman's abilities, you had the most perfect formula for disaster. – Jim Shepley

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    No one is so modest as not to believe himself a competent amateur sleuth...

    • pride quotes
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    Nothing shows the wit so poor, as wonder, nor birth so mean, as pride.

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    Not one thought entered my head that did not seem disloyal. I was ashamed, seeing their pride close up, as if for the first time, at how little I had accomplished, how much I had failed to do at St. Paul's. Somewhere in the last two years I had forgotten my mission. What had I done, I kept thinking, that was worthy of their faith? How had I helped my race? How had I prepared myself for a meaningful future? ... They were right: only a handful of us got this break. I wanted to shout at them that I had squandered it. Now that it's all over, hey, I'm not your girl! I couldn't do it.

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    Observing people taking in the work I had watched Robert create was an emotional experience. It had left our private world. It was what I had always wanted for him, but I felt a slight pang of possessiveness sharing it with others. Overriding that feeling was the joy of seeing Robert's face, suffused with confirmation, as he glimpsed the future he had so resolutely sought and had worked so hard to achieve.

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    O, how easy it is to do religious things if other people are watching! Preaching, praying, attending church, reading the bible, acts of kindness and charity-they all take on a certain pleasantness of the ego if we know that others will find out about them and think well of us. It is a deadly addiction for esteem that we have.

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    On Alex Rodriguez's difficulty performing in clutch situations, Joe Torre writes, "In key situations, he can't get himself to concern himself with getting the job done instead of how it looks. There's a certain freefall you go through when you commit yourself without a guarantee that it's always going to be good. There's a trust and commitment thing that has to allow yourself fail, allow yourself to be embarrassed, allow yourself to be vulnerable

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    One cannot be greedy as long as he has pride. Greed will put Pride aside.

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    One day I’ve chosen my pride to be my sword And since then I have been always there for myself I’ve been my own soldier, And my whole army that don’t grieve over losing worthless battles anymore...

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    Once upon a time; there was a little girl who believed in herself and in the woman she wanted to be. She is standing now looking at her broken mirror Observing its blurry pieces And yet feeling so proud of what she is looking at ….

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    One’ is not a doer in this world. Where he believes that he is the doer, there is ‘charging’ (of karma). When one tastes egoistic pride of, “I did this samayik, I did these activities”, he will ‘charge’ (karma). The taste of egoistic pride is very sweet.

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    One More Time: Be proud of yourself for however far you get each time you try

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    One of the mitigating benefits of children is that they make a Lego habit more respectable.

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    one primary enemy of the Gospel—legalism—comes in two forms. Some people avoid the gospel and try to save themselves by keeping the rules, doing what they’re told, maintaining the standards, and so on (you could call this “front-door legalism”). Other people avoid the gospel and try to save themselves by breaking the rules, doing whatever they want, developing their own autonomous standards, and so on (you could call this “back-door legalism”).

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    One of the thousand objections to the sin of pride lies precisely in this, that self-consciousness of necessity destroys sel-revelation. A man who thinks a great deal about himself will try to be many-sided, attempt a theatrical excellence at all points, will try to be an encyclopedia of culture, and his own real personality will be lost in that false universalism.

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    One question in my mind, which I hardly dare mention in public, is whether patriotism has, overall, been a force for good or evil in the world. Patriotism is rampant in war and there are some good things about it. Just as self-respect and pride bring out the best in an individual, pride in family, pride in teammates, pride in hometown bring out the best in groups of people. War brings out the kind of pride in country that encourages its citizens in the direction of excellence and it encourages them to be ready to die for it. At no time do people work so well together to achieve the same goal as they do in wartime. Maybe that's enough to make patriotism eligible to be considered a virtue. If only I could get out of my mind the most patriotic people who ever lived, the Nazi Germans.

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    Only a foolish child would go swimming in the river that swallowed his father.

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    Only a fool would speak of their impatience or intolerance with pride.

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    Only later did he remember his pride-and the shattering cost of an illusive sense of freedom.

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    O, sir,' murmured Sheila, still on her knees, 'please forgive me.' 'Forgive you! 0, la, la, la!' cunningly cried the droll, and strutting like an actor. 'Forgiveness is easy, is it not? O, yes, it is nothing. You are a young woman full of pride. O. yes! - but that is nothing. And full of penitence, and that is nothing, too. Pride is nothing, penitence nothing, forgiveness nothing, but even a bargain in farthings must be paid to be made, and I am a plain business man. What costs nothing brings no balm, and you would not like that, you would not like that, now would you?' (“The Bogey Man”)

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    Oui, continuait la lettre de Jacques Perle, les gens de l'administration ne nous rendent pas la vie facile en ce moment, mais je fais confiance à mon vieux pays.

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    O, über die weilden, unbiegsamen Männer, die nur immer ihr stieres Auge auf das Gespenst der Ehre heften!

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    One is not necessarily made self-centered because he is foolish, but one is very often made foolish because he is self-centered.

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    One may even have ‘greed’ for self-respect. Greed gives rise to circumstances. When circumstance arises, worldly life arises.

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    One of the ladies asked about that awful Bobby Kennedy, and Goldwater responded by speaking about the attorney general with touching affection. (Mary) McGrory recalled how Jack Kennedy behaved at a similar stage in his campaign: spouting statistics, attacking carefully chosen enemies and puffing all the right friends, quoting dead Greeks, never cracking a joke lest he remind the voters how young he was.

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    One of the most devastating symptoms of pride is the unwillingness to forgive.

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    One of the most difficult defilements of the spirit to deal with is the critical spirit. A critical spirit has its root in pride. Because of the 'plank' of pride in our own eye we are not capable of dealing with the 'speck' of need in someone else. We are often like the Pharisee who, completely unconscious of his own need prayed "God, I thank you that I am not like other men" (Luke 18:11). We are quick to see - and to speak of - the faults of others, but slow to see our own needs. How sweetly we relish the opportunity to speak critically of someone else - even when we are unsure of the facts. We forge that "a man who stirs up dissension among brothers" by criticizing one to another is one of the "six thing which the Lord hates" (Proverbs 6:16-19)

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    One subtle arena of attack is in the area of pride. Praying people can become prideful about their praying. Non-participants can become prideful in their resistance. The enemy seeks to divide and conquer every initiative of prayer.

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    One's vanity makes one vain.

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    Only wise men can differentiate between what is a matter of pride and what is a principle of dignity.

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    Our pride keeps us from breaking our pride. Our pride tells us we don't have pride issues.

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    On the Path of the Wise there is probably no danger more deadly, no poison more pernicious, no seduction more subtle than Spiritual Pride; it strikes, being solar, at the very heart of the Aspirant; more, it is an inflation and exacerbation of the Ego, so that its victim runs the peril of straying into a Black Lodge, and finding himself at home there.

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    Overcome the prideful need to measure your worth by how much more successful you are than others, by operating from a core belief grounded in abundance.